
"Hey... This abyss magic grass, we also learned to cultivate in the void, but it seems that the effect is not very good."

"Of course."

With a chuckle, the abyss archmage seemed to have already seen, and added:

"If the abyss magic grass is really so easy to cultivate, it will not let us rule the abyss for countless epochs."

The moment the words fell, the abyss archmage also looked at the battlefield of Nuoda.

"Your current method in the void is to pull the major worlds into the void from the void, and then assimilate. Although the method is good, it is extremely clumsy and laborious."

"However, there is no other way."

With a wry smile, Concubine Void Heaven was helpless.

After all, it can't compare to the abyss.

If it is an abyss, invade these big worlds.

Just planting the abyss magic grass secretly, supplemented by endless vitality, can make the abyss magic grass spread all over the world overnight.

At that time, with the inexhaustible abyss magic grass, the massive abyss magic energy was swallowed up, and the combat power of the abyss army could also be maximized.

But now,

The Void Army looks terrifying.

In fact, it's just bullying the middle world.

The real combat power has long since been rejected by the world.


With a sigh, Void Talent also knows that there is no way out.

Compared with the abyss, their void is lacking in background after all.


As if thinking of something, Concubine Void's gaze towards the abyss magic grass suddenly narrowed.The abyss magic grass is terrible.

It's really scary.

This is the most important part of the abyss war system.

But the problem is, they can't reproduce the similar Abyss Demon Grass,

It doesn't mean that guy can't copy it.

He is the ancestor of ten thousand trees and the ancestor of all worlds of vegetation.

If he takes action, it is possible to cultivate a void magic grass similar to the abyss magic grass.

If it is possible, then the rhythm of the invasion of the entire void will be accelerated by more than ten times.

With this in mind, Void Heavenly Concubine also conveyed the news to Void Zilong.

. . .

And shortly after this,

Yu Ziyu, who was still in the depths of the world of vitality, was also stunned.

"Abyss magic grass..."

In a little stunned, Yu Ziyu's mind also turned.

And at the next moment, he finally understood the meaning of the abyss magic grass.

A very terrifying herb.

Yes, god grass.

It is rude to say that if there are the top ten sacred grasses, then the abyss magic grass must be ranked among them.And the reason for this is also because the abyss magic grass is too terrifying.

It is the most important part of the abyss war system.

Ability to continuously assimilate other worlds.

In Blue Star, it can swallow the spiritual energy, and then swallow the abyss magic energy.

In the Buddha world, it can devour Buddha power, and then swallow the abyss demonic energy.

All spiritual energy and even energy can be transformed into abyss magic energy.

If time permits, it can even proliferate endlessly, directly turning all worlds into territory of the abyss.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying these magic grasses are.

And this has also become a major support for the abyss civilization.

"If all the abyss magic grasses are fused into one, this magic grass might be the legendary eighth-order spirit grass." In some sighs, Yu Ziyu knew that it was impossible.

Even if the abyss magic grass is willing, the abyss will not agree. .



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Chapter [*] Blooming Void Flower

After all, the abyss magic grass is the most terrifying weapon of war in the abyss.

"Let me cultivate a void spirit similar to the abyss magic grass..."

For a while, Yu Ziyu was also silent.

This cannot be done overnight.

Moreover, the abyss magic grass seems simple,

But in the eyes of existences like Yu Ziyu, it has an extremely terrifying place.

That is energy conversion.

It almost takes energy conversion to the extreme.

And what does this mean?

"Any power, exerted to the extreme, is terrifying, and the abyss magic grass is the best among them." With a sigh, Yu Ziyu planned to use the evolution point to start the deduction.

He can't cultivate in a short time.

But he can use the evolution point to deduce in the shortest time.

After the method is deduced, he will teach it to the void.

In this way, with the power of the Void Realm, it is estimated that this spiritual creature comparable to the abyss magic grass can be cultivated in a short time.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu simply bid farewell to everyone and chose to retreat.

. . .

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten years had passed.

In the past ten years, Wanjie seems to be calm, but in fact, the waves are turbulent.

The repeated changes in the Demon Court made countless forces uneasy.

Dragon, Phoenix,

even the Buddhas.

The current demon court can be said to be the attention of all worlds.

However, when many forces were paying attention to Yaoting, they did not realize that some worlds had disappeared without a sound.Such as Night Demon World... Such as Caiyu World...

These worlds that are not well-known, but have a certain combat power, are silently welcoming the hunters of the void.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, it was the powerhouses of the Night Demon World who were bravely resisting.

"Isn't the news out yet? How many years, how many years."

While roaring in the sky, a sixth-order giant in the Night Demon World was also unwilling.

Over ten years,

The entire Night Demon world is caught in an endless battle.

If it weren't for the suspicion of raising soldiers in the void, it would have been ten years ago that the entire Night Demon world would have been destroyed.

There is no way,

The void is too powerful.

This is a terrifying world where even the abyss is afraid.

In such a world, invading a small night devil world is naturally not something they can resist.

So asking for help is a must.

But to this day, there is no news from the entire Night Demon world.

So, how can one not despair.

At this time, if you look at the Night Demon World, you will definitely be able to see that [*]% of the world has fallen, and countless void creatures are active on the continent, sky, and ocean.As for the remaining [*]% of the world, don't worry.

There, the powerhouses of countless Yemo clans were already in a group.

If you want to be destroyed, you can do it once.

But such training opportunities are rare.

Therefore, with the tacit approval of the commander-in-chief, this place has also become a training ground.

Not only the Night Demon World, but the other invaded worlds as well.

There is a very, very important point in fighting to support warfare, that is, training troops.

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