The Bull Demon is different.

He is too clumsy.

If Yu Ziyu hadn't forcibly seized the good fortune, captured the law of devouring for him, and even consumed his own cultivation and empowered it, he would not be able to set foot on the master.Therefore, the current bull demons are especially grateful when they look at Yu Ziyu.

It is rude to say that even if Yu Ziyu lets the bull devil die, the bull devil will not frown.

This is the Bull Demon.

Although his talent is average, his loyalty to Yu Ziyu is guaranteed.

And the golden ants, the emperor crocodile, the thorns, the iron-eating beasts Lao Jiu, Xiao Shi and others all have their own fortunes to set foot on the master.

Although Yu Ziyu also helped, but not much.

But other things are different.

For Kui Zhou and Glacier alone, Yu Ziyu baptized their bodies no less than twice.

It even passed down the devil's way, making them abandon the way and enter the devil's way.

Therefore, Yaoting's current top ten divine beasts can live up to their name, largely because of Yu Ziyu's work alone.

As the saying goes, when one person preaches the Dao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

And now, he has set foot on the half-step eternity, and has successfully created the most splendid demon court.

"Looking at you, it's like yesterday... At that time, you were all still little guys." Yu Ziyu's voice was also a little sighed in the soft sigh.



In the repeated shouts, all the powerhouses were excited.

Even not far away, Yu Ziyu's eldest disciple, the Zerg princess, showed excitement in the three disciples. "I won't say anything extra. This time I have the right to reminisce." In the simple statement, Yu Ziyu raised his glass.

- Drink up.

But just as he drank his glass of wine, a deep insight emerged in his heart.


As if some shackles were opened, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth could not help twisting slightly.

Mood broke.

Really breakthrough.

The consummation of the ten divine beasts, the demonstration of the guardian serpent and the ice dragon.

In the end, all his regrets were made up.

It also made him let go of all his worries.

Next, he won't interfere with everything about these guys.

Life and death are destiny and wealth is in heaven.

In the future, even if they die in battle, it has nothing to do with Yu Ziyu.

"I did it, what I should do, and then I just need to feel at ease to hit eternity." In the soft remark, Yu Ziyu also had a determination in his heart. .



Chapter [*] Linger's breakthrough

Shock forever.

This is critical.

Everything Yu Ziyu does now is to impact eternity.

Only when the state of mind is great can one be qualified to impact eternity

And the growth of the ten divine beasts has always been a worry in his heart.

In the past, he put down his rhetoric... Anyone who followed others would definitely enjoy the wealth and honor in the world.

And the ten great beasts were the beginning.

It is also the subordinate he cares about the most.

Therefore, all the ten divine beasts must set foot on the ruler, so that Yu Ziyu can let go of his worries.

And now, Yu Ziyu has done it.

He finally let all the ten great beasts set foot on the domination.

Although it is difficult to dominate, but Yu Ziyu's methods are unstoppable.

If the talent is not enough, change the fate against the sky, and rob the fortune.

Lack of luck, deceive the sky and cross the sea, graft luck.

And in the end, it is the bull demons, etc., that allow them to grow into masters with suitable laws.Of course, in exchange, when the Bull Demon stepped into the Lord, he also lost most of his potential.

If there is no great fortune and great luck in the future, the bull demon is afraid that he will be trapped in the first and second layers of heaven.

Just, it doesn't matter.

The future creation of the Bull Demon is his own to think about.

And Yu Ziyu can be regarded as paving all the way for him.

Everything that happens next has nothing to do with him.

"I did everything I could..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel relieved.

Even the smile on his face was intense.

And not long after that... in the deepest part of the world of vitality, Yu Ziyu also summoned two people alone.One is the golden monkey.

One is naturally a serpent.

As the existence of the golden monkey following Yu Ziyu, it can be said to be extremely mysterious.

The reincarnation of a hundred generations is ultimately to reshape the glory of the demon court,

In order to lead the demon clan to rise.

And now...

"Have you made a wish?"

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also raised her eyes and looked at the monkey in golden armor.

"Subordinate, I haven't seen the master yet, the day when I pushed the starry sky horizontally."

Having said that, the golden monkey's eyes were also particularly fiery.

In the faint, there is a generation of anticipation flashed by.

"That day will come."

In response, Yu Ziyu also made a promise.

There will be that day.

Not even far.

And he just had to wait.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also reminded:

"Next, assist the demon court and achieve the void..."

In the soft response, Jin Monkey also understood what Yu Ziyu meant.

However, at this time, Jin Monkey raised his brows as if he had noticed something.

"Master, this is the plan..."

"Shock Eternity."

While speaking softly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth twitched slightly.



Completely silent.

Master, have you come this far?

Although, I don't know what realm the master has reached.

But since he dared to say that it will impact eternity, it must be because he has certainty.

And now, shock eternity...

The youngest Eternal Venerable?

Moreover, it is not an ordinary Eternal Venerable.

"As expected of the first arrogance in ancient and modern times."

In the real admiration, the golden monkey's gaze towards Yu Ziyu became more and more fiery.

And compared to the golden monkey, the other side...

Orochi looked at Yu Ziyu, but it was unexpectedly calm.

However, when he heard that Yu Ziyu was about to attack eternity, he couldn't help but his face changed slightly, and his pupils shrank to the tip of a needle.

"The realm of eternity is no trivial matter. Master, please be fully prepared."

"It's natural."

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