At this time, not only the Lord of Reincarnation, but even the arrogant Peacock Ming Wang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, setting off a subtle arc.

"I haven't been so excited for a long time..."

While speaking softly, King Peacock Ming showed his determination.

"Do you want to embark on the final trial too?"

Suddenly speaking, but (agdi) asked in a soft voice.

"Of course, this is not what every cultivator dreams of..."


. . . .

In the silence, pure white eyes also fell on this excited figure.

She doesn't understand.

But she won't stop.

This is Ming Wang's own choice.

But well...

"You'd better go when you can't get in. Now you are on the final trial, and you will die without life."

Saying so, Pure White didn't say the word in his heart.

And it is amazing that even if you have no way to enter, you have set foot on the end of your practice, and you have set foot on the final trial, and you will still die.Although I don't want to admit it.

But this one is invincible.

is undefeated.

And this is the master she cares about most.

"My master is an invincible person, an invincible person."

While speaking softly, Pure White was extremely convinced.

9 9 9

At this time, the blood rain was flying, and the thunderclouds in the starry sky slowly dissipated.

Even that hazy phantom slowly dissipated.

As if nothing exists.

What can be left to the starry sky is endless shock and great terror.

"The Lord of Devouring loses, and his body and soul perish."

"This is the final trial... It's terrifying to the extreme."

"It's unimaginable, and it's unimaginable."

"Oh my God…"

In Qi Qi's exclamation, countless strong people are shocked.

In response, Yu Ziyu just smiled lightly,

Now, standing in a corner of the starry sky, he slowly raised his palm.

A slap-sized being like a black hole appeared in his palm.

This is the law of devouring...

The laws of materialization, like black holes,

But it carries everything that is 'devoured'.

And now,

An extremely terrifying suction force erupted from his right hand, and Yu Ziyu also unceremoniously absorbed the Law of Reincarnation.It can be seen with the naked eye that the law of reincarnation is constantly integrated into his body.

Accompanied by it, his entire body is like a black hole,

Exudes a hazy suction.

It seems to absorb all the light.

All that is left to the world is the endless darkness,

and emptiness.

"It's really a terrifying law, worthy of being called the 'most vicious' law."

In the soft approval, behind Yu Ziyu, a very huge black hole gradually condensed.

This is the embodiment of the Law of Devouring.

not only that.

In the perspective that ordinary people cannot see, behind an illusory throne, there is also a black hole condensing.

This is the law of devouring.

He became part of the Throne of Laws.

Endowed the throne of law with the power to devour everything.

This devours everything, including most energy attacks.

Even physical attacks are able to absorb parts.

Ordinary people will devour the law and use it to attack.

But Yu Ziyu only cares about his 'defense'

After all, he didn't need to attack.

All kinds of means, all kinds of magical powers, are all within his thought.

How could he lack attack?

and so…

"After I finally try and defeat thousands of strong men, my law path will be complete, and my law throne will surpass everything." Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also restrained his vision.

He raised his eyes slowly.

Next, it is time for him to walk in the starry sky.

Of course more than that...

The next two, he will witness the moment when the void reaches the top of the world and ignites the fire of civilization,

"End the chaos in the starry sky, and open a new chapter that belongs to you."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's voice spread throughout the void...

spread all over the demon court,

Spread throughout the endless sea of ​​blood.

It rang in the ears of every confidant of Liu Zimo.

"say + person n


"Yes, Lord of the Void,"

"Yes, Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood..."

Among the unanimous responses, countless powerhouses could not help but crawl.It's just that their prostrate posture didn't make them lose their momentum.

On the contrary, it made them even more energetic.

more and more inflated.

Has it finally come to this point?

Is this day finally here?

The starry sky and the world will eventually become a family.

And the void will set foot on the highest altar.

Become the most powerful family above the heads of all living beings. .

Chapter [*] The abyss of despair

It is doomed to set foot in the Void family and set foot on the Xeon family.

When the Void family, ignite the fire of civilization.

Under the baptism of the fire of civilization, their bloodlines will continue to change.

Until, incarnated as a complete Xeon clan.

This is why countless racial forces do everything they can to ignite the fire of civilization.

fire of civilization,

Civilization symbol.

It is the target of all forces.

Of course, it's more than just a logo.

Above all, baptism from race.

When the fire of civilization is ignited, the entire race and even the forces will benefit.

The arrogance keeps pouring out,

The bloodline is further excavated and strengthened.

Although the current dragon clan and human clan can be regarded as the strongest clan.

But it's more accurate to call it 'the Xeon races of yesteryear'

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