It's really strong.

And this is also the reason why Yaoting dared to put forward this condition.

"If even the golden ants are no match for the purple sickle, then there is no need to fight."

This is the saying of the golden monkey.

Although he hoped to see that Yaoting became the orthodox of the starry sky.

But he knew some couldn't be forced.

The Bull Demon and the White Tiger agreed with the Golden Monkey's proposal.

No reason to disagree.

They don't like power.

Moreover, Zi Jian is still his own.


U "Xijp 1/

. . .

In the sudden roar, the momentum of the golden ants was already going straight to the galaxy.

Visible to the naked eye, a golden air column runs straight through the star field.

Countless golden lightnings continued to spread.

Vaguely, you can see the appearance of the golden ants, which are constantly changing.


more severe.

It looks like a golden god of war from ancient times.

It exudes a fighting spirit.

Even Yu Xue, King Peacock Ming and others all changed their faces.

Looking at this figure in disbelief.

"What kind of realm has this guy reached?"

In the deep astonishment, King Peacock Ming also held his breath.

Such a terrifying gas machine is truly appalling.

However, in the face of the sudden burst of air from the golden ants, the corners of the purple sickle's mouth lifted slightly, setting off a subtle arc.He doesn't mind fighting against the golden ants.

Moreover, as one of Yu Ziyu's two most powerful generals.

He also wanted to see who was stronger or weaker than Golden Ant.



Taking a deep breath, Zi Jian also stepped out.


With the extremely terrifying roar, the purple halo continued to spread, like a glass bowl upside down in the starry sky.

Moreover, this purple glazed bowl is still expanding at an extremely terrifying speed.

This is the substantiation of the imposing manner of the purple sickle.

No cover up.

Not covered.

His purple sickle is the king of the sky.

One of the kings who reigns over the void.

What is there to fear.

Moreover, the void and the demon court are the enemies on the bright side.

They can also hit the jackpot.

It doesn't matter if other people know.

and so…

"I will fight with the idea of ​​killing you."

She whispered softly, as if reminding, but Zi Jian's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"it is good."

In a response, two extremely terrifying Qi machines were already rushing towards the galaxy.

And in the next moment,


In the sudden roar, in Yu Xue, Peacock Ming Wang and others were all stunned, a golden streamer, a purple streamer, swept the world, and shot towards the depths of the starry sky.Accompanied by it, the aura of these two people became more and more terrifying.

Even the stars began to tremble.

Countless laws are emerging between heaven and earth, constantly breaking.

This is Starry Sky's top 0.3 fight.

It is an extreme collision that is enough to go down in history.

The King of the Void, the hunter of the Void, the most mysterious assassin... and one of the top ten mythical beasts in the demon court, the golden ant that shakes the heavens and the earth.

A mystery to the extreme, and until now, it is a law that is unknown to it.

A force is so terrifying that it shakes the world, and one punch is enough to blast the world.

The collision between these two people... not to mention the others, even Yu Xue and others are looking forward to it.

And this time,

"This is?"

In the sudden vibration, far away, the Lord of Reincarnation, who was in the deepest part of the underworld, also felt two terrifying qi that went straight to the galaxy.

But the next moment, as if he realized something, his expression changed slightly. .

Chapter [-] Myth Daluo

"How could these two guys fight? Could it be that the Void and the Demon Court are at war?" In a bit of amazement, the Lord of Reincarnation also stood up and looked at the end of the starry sky.

not only him,

One after another, the powerhouses of the great forces all raised their eyes invariably.

These people, there are, the very mysterious elf king of the elf family.

There is the Buddha's Great Sun Tathagata.

There are also demonic giants who devoured the Venerable...

One, then one... But it was all hard to hide the stunned and astonished expressions on their faces.

It's just that at this time, what they didn't know was that it wasn't just them... even the sleeping taboos slowly woke up. "sing"

The sky-shaking dragon roar rang from the deepest part of the void.

It is accompanied by the turbulence of the entire void,

Vaguely, it can be seen that a purple dragon encircling the entire void is slowly extending its body.

And on the other side,


With a sigh, the Dragon of the Heavenly Dao, who was in retreat in the deepest part of the Demon Court, also awakened quietly.

As Yu Ziyu's avatars 27, the Dragon of Heaven and the Void Zilong each carry part of Yu Ziyu's will.

Therefore, they are also a little concerned about the battle between the golden ants and the purple sickle.

It's not just a battle between the two of them.

There is also a battle between the void and the demon court.

There is even a battle between the Void Purple Dragon and the Dragon of the Heavenly Dao itself.

Being expensive as a clone also has a distinction between superiors and inferiors.

However, the two of them are inconvenient,

This one is better left to the subordinates.

The purple sickle and golden ants are good choices.

"How do you think the two of them will win?"

With a chuckle, the voice of the Void Zilong also echoed in the heart of the Dragon of Heaven.

"Five or five."

In the soft response, the Dragon of Heaven's Path also has a judgment.

Unlike other people, he is the dragon of the heavens, capable of reaching the heavens.

So, he knows a lot.

And the power of the purple sickle, he knows better than anyone else.


A very mysterious law of evolution.

Doubt is supreme.

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