And now,

She, Lianbu lightly lifts her, graceful figure...

The mouth even murmured:

"My concubine is a hibiscus fairy, and I meet the first tree ancestor in the world..."

In the very sincere voice, Immortal Fusang was actually crawling in front of Yu Ziyu.Of.

Chapter two thousand five hundred and sixty-eight (second more)

tree ancestor,

Not a title.

Rather, it is a mark engraved in the depths of the bloodline.

Only those who have great merit for the tree clan and are worthy of everyone's memory can be called 'tree ancestors'.The dragon family has the dragon ancestor of the sky,

He recreated the dragon clan, and his work will last for thousands of generations.

The Feng clan, with the ancestors of the phoenix,

Volunteering to complete the Heavenly Dao, the descendants of Fuze are also enough to be called 'Fengzu'

And the tree family, to be precise, in countless epochs, there is no tree to become a saint and an ancestor.

It's not because of anything else.

But because there are countless spiritual trees and divine trees, it is difficult to call them a 'family'.

until this one shows up...

He is Yu Ziyu,

The first tree ancestor of the current tree family.

He single-handedly integrated the tree clan, the Fuze tree clan,

Because of him, now countless spiritual trees and divine trees are rising.

Because of him, the luck of the tree clan finally converged and turned into a whole,

because of him…

? . .

"May [*]" exists in this way, and it is called 'tree ancestor', which is not too much.

And Fusang Xian, the moment she saw Yu Ziyu transforming into her body, finally felt the will in the dark.

"I, the Dragon Blood God Tree, swear allegiance to the first tree ancestor."

"I, Tan Tianlingmu, swear my allegiance to the first tree ancestor."

"I am Wushenmu, forever grateful to the first tree ancestor for everything he did for us."

"I, Momoki..."

The voices of countless spiritual trees and divine trees converged, and finally turned into the most vast voice.

It was countless spiritual trees, and the divine tree recognized Yu Ziyu.

It is also the recognition of the luck of the entire tree people.

His existence means that the tree people are supreme. .

He is the most dazzling king of the tree people, the first tree ancestor.

Therefore, Fusang Immortal is also crawling.

This one, doing everything for the Tree Clan is worth her crawl.

"My concubine is a hibiscus immortal, and I meet the first tree ancestor."

In the kowtow again, Fusang Xian felt an inexplicable warmth enveloped him.

Slowly raising her head, there were countless divine trees all over her body, and the phantoms of spiritual trees appeared.

"Fusang is a fire tree, and it should be the tree that controls the fire in the world."

"It can be turned into the ninth tree ancestor of the tree people..."

The vast voice sounded from the heaven and the earth, as if divine might had descended, but it shocked Fusang Xian's body.

It seems that there is some great existence that recognizes her.

And at this moment, there are countless spiritual trees and sacred trees in Xianxiang.

In particular, the fire-type spirit wood, the divine wood, was even more shocked.

In a trance, a phantom appeared in their minds.

That is a tree.

The whole body is full of golden flames,

And this is the fusang fairy who is familiar with countless spiritual trees and sacred trees in Xianxiang.

Just this time,

Compared with Fusangxian, it is more familiar with four characters, which is 'the ninth tree ancestor'.

The ancestor of fire wood, the ninth tree ancestor.

In the heart of silent thoughts, countless spirit trees and god trees also engraved these four words in the depths of their blood.

It's just that the first tree ancestor is more critical than this.

Silently raising his head, one after another, the sacred wood spirit trees couldn't help but focus on the most dazzling sacred wood between heaven and earth.He, surrounded by nine stars,

It's like entrenched in the ancient starry sky.

There is a river, from bottom to top, coiling up, surrounding her.

And between its eyebrows, it has a blood-colored eye, and when it blooms slightly, the world turns blood red.Only, it's not scary.

What is truly terrifying is that his branches are like chains of gods, running through nothingness and reality, and his roots are like real dragons.

This is the first tree ancestor.

the greatest existence.

"When did our fairyland come into existence like this?"

"It is said that the first tree ancestor came from outside the sky."

"Is this the first tree ancestor? This person can be the ancestor of our tree ancestor."

One after another, the countless divine trees in Xianxiang vibrated in unison.

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this.

His eyes stayed on one after another of the gods of heaven and earth.

"I don't know when, our tree people have already had nine great tree ancestors."

In the soft remarks, Yu Ziyu also had some feelings.

This is the race he cultivated.

Today, luck is like a rainbow, unstoppable.

It is enough to call it a first-class clan between heaven and earth.

In particular, tree ancestors have a long lifespan.

Unusual life is comparable.

Can't see it yet.

But after [*] years, the nine great tree ancestors were born, and all of them are afraid that they will be able to occupy the starry sky.Dominate the world between heaven and earth.

What if the talent is not as good?

What if the combat power is not as good?

Relying on longevity, you can endure the ruler to death.

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying the lifespan of the tree family is.

Besides, there are quite a few divine trees among the tree clan who are good at it.

For example, the current Fusang fairy.

That gilded flame, even the master would be frightened.

"The Nirvana tree of the Phoenix family in the starry sky can be the tenth tree ancestor..."

"and also…"

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu was also thinking about gathering the most splendid divine tree in the world...

Unfortunately, however,

Today's World Tree is still in the void.

And the Divine Tree of Nirvana is also in the deepest part of the Feng Clan...

It's hard to get together in a short time...

At this time, not to mention the birth of the ninth tree ancestor, Fusangxian looked at the divine trees gathered next to the first tree ancestor, and slowly got up and walked towards Yu Ziyu.


In the sudden roar, she turned into a golden divine tree, blooming between heaven and earth.

The golden flames continued to pour out.

Enough to distort the high temperature between heaven and earth, rising continuously.

This is the gilded fire of the ninth tree ancestor.

Now that the divine fire is lit, she is also baptizing Yu Ziyu's body and burning off all impurities.

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