If even she can't see through fate, what does that mean?

Nature is self-evident.

What is even more terrifying is that there are many people in the starry sky today.

For example, there are many strong people in Yao Court, and she can't see through fate.

"Yao Ting is one of the net collectors..."

In a daze, the third princess had already guessed.

Such a huge net cannot be woven by a single force.

It is very possible that many forces are weaving.

Moreover, such a force will never be weak.

Therefore, the third princess set her sights on the dragon family, the abyss, the sea of ​​blood, and even the demon court.

It wasn't until the moment when the abyss was defeated that she realized that... Yaoting, this colossal force that actively resisted the abyss, something was wrong.

"Alas... it's too late."

With a sigh in her heart, the third princess also stepped up.She wants to go to Yaoting to see.

At this time, the territory of the human race is the deepest.

"The queen is moving..."

In the sudden opening, the figure sitting cross-legged in a thatched hut also opened his eyes.


The dazzling golden light flashed away, and the terrifying aura was actually oppressing the radius of [*] meters.This is still the ultimate convergence of black gold.

Otherwise, the moment he opened his eyes, it was conceivable that thousands of miles around would turn into chaos.

And now,

"0 brushes..."

He didn't do anything, but Hei Jin's figure silently disappeared in place... This is a teleportation.

Ignore the path, ignore the distance.

As long as the black gold has a left mark, you can arrive in an instant.

However, there are distance limitations.

And now, quietly came to a planet, and the black and gold two fingers were placed between the eyebrows.


In the sudden roar, he disappeared on this planet.

When he first appeared, he actually came to a planet on the edge of the Demon Court's territory.

However, at this time, it seemed to have been expected, and there was a shadow, waiting for him here quietly.

"Are you from the Demon Court?"

In the sudden opening, the third princess turned her back to the black gold, with a complex expression on her face.

The origin of black gold may be able to hide from her father.

Can't hide it from her.

The fate of black gold is intertwined with the demon court.

This was even clearer when he returned to the Demon Court.

Vaguely, it can be seen that his destiny is connected with the demon court, regardless of each other.Ordinary people may not understand this.

But she couldn't be more clear.

This means that black gold is the core of the demon court.

Also, it's not a normal core.

"Back to the third princess, she is one of the generals of the demon court, Hei Jin." In the soft response, Hei Jin did not hide his origins.

And then,

The third princess raised her eyebrows.

Just because at this moment, 540 ripples appeared in the far space.There was one figure after another silently coming.

He has a burly figure with long white hair and a shawl between his eyebrows.This is the white tiger killing god of Yaoting.

There was a woman in a robe with a dagger in her hand.This is the apprentice of the first generation of the demon emperor in the demon court - Shi, Huang Ji.

Also a generation of killers.

Those eyes that flickered, like rainbow gems, showed an indefinite brilliance.And... far away, a phantom appeared.

This is the Golden Monkey of the Demon Court.

The legendary god ant.

I didn't expect that he, who guarded the ancient demon king of the abyss, was also a projection.

One strong after another, keeps coming.

But it became a situation of siege, surrounding the third princess.

"Princess, you can't come here."

When he suddenly opened his mouth, the white tiger, who has always been very evasive, was rarely solemn.

"Looks like you all know the rules I'm carrying."

With a sigh, the third princess was enlightened.These guys are very wary of her.

This is not a stance that a supreme power should have.

Unless, what do they already know?


Lift your eyes slowly,

I don't know when, above the starry sky, the vast clouds gathered, and in the faint, there was a dragon's eye.

Chapter [*] Gatekeeper - Destiny (Second)

"You came…"

In the sudden opening, a great majesty descended from the sky.



Like a thunderstorm on the ground, the entire planet was shaken.

Vaguely, you can see a green beam of light falling through the sky.

And in that beam of light, a figure wearing a cyan robe appeared.

However, when this figure appeared, the third princess had the same iceberg expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years, but it changed.His face changed greatly,

There was a hint of disbelief in the depths of his eyes.

"how is this possible? "

In the unimaginable horror, the third princess was also stunned.


Why is this figure eight or nine similar to Yu Ziyu?

How can this be?

Eyes widened, the third princess is also a rare gaffe.

The mouth even said:

"Why are you so similar to him?"

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

In the soft voice, the Dragon of Heaven's Path also waved his sleeves.


5? Zhang. 1

With a roar, two figures appeared next to him one after another.

The blood-colored figure, the face is strange, and the vulture.

Purple figure, majestic and domineering.

But one thing is the same.

That is, their faces are very similar.

Like triplets.

"I'll see you, Master..."

"I'll see you, Master..."

In the chorus of greetings, as strong as the golden ants, Baihu and others all knelt down on one knee.


The abyss is over.

Some things can also be put on the bright side.

And Tiandao Qinglong, in order to better grasp the demon court, has already revealed his identity.

Three in one.

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