While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also raised her eyes and looked at Chaos Zhong Zhenling not far away.


She smiled.

The smile is pure.

"Looks like you understand, this is exactly the way I opened up to prove the Tao with the magic weapon. I can be regarded as the first person to prove the Tao with the magic weapon..."

"Even if the Four Swords of Zhuxian and Tai Chi Tu, which were once as famous as me, can't compare to me now..."

"It is precisely because I have cultivated a human body and opened up the path of magic weapons to prove the Tao, which has led to the rise of countless imperial soldiers..."

"It can be said that now, every imperial soldier in the starry sky will call me 'the ancestor of the magic weapon is like your tree ancestor..."

"Now, do countless gods call you 'tree ancestor'... And all of this is only because you have opened up a way to preach the gods and become the first person to preach the gods." Saying one after another , Chaos Zhong Zhenling is also smiling.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu agreed.

However, he did not think that the Chaos Clock was the ancestor of thousands of magical treasures.

However, it is understandable to think about it.

The existence of Chaos Clock transcends the world.

Such an ancient existence, if it hadn’t already been proven, how could it have lived with the heavens and the earth, with the sun and the moon, and survived to this day?

At this time...with a smile, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also continued:

"Before, I also said that our Starry Sky and the Great Wilderness will start the battle of heaven and earth, there will be winners and losers, and victory is easy to say..."


In a daze, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also looked in the direction of the starry sky...

"If you lose, the will of heaven and earth will be eroded by the will of the prehistoric world... That is to say, the sky above the starry sky is no longer the original sky."



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Chapter [*]: Ten Thousand Races Shake

"Sure enough, it's the same as I guess..."

In a daze, Yu Ziyu looked at the starry sky, and couldn't help but be silent.

Unexpectedly, it was three or four points similar to his initial guess.

The sky above my head is no longer the original sky.

This should be the biggest reason why Xingkong Zhongqiang has repeatedly cut down on the sky.

"Is that guy the Taoist ancestor of Honghuang?"

During the soft inquiry, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

"Do not..."

In the sudden response, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also said bluntly:

"If the ancestors of Honghuang Dao came here, do you think our starry sky would still exist?"

"Xi Wei is a spoon to him, and he still talks about the integration of the prehistoric world and the land, and the descendants occupy the prehistoric heaven and earth, and become "three, three, three" and the supreme avenue, but there is no time to pay attention to the heaven and earth."

"And the sky above our heads is just a puppet created by him who enlightened this world."

"So we can barely survive in the sky and the sky."

Speaking of which, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also said bluntly:

"The ancestors of the Great Desolation Dao are the best in the past and present. That guy has long been a terrifying existence that is half-step detached. Its power is absolutely beyond what you and I can imagine."

"Even the most amazing Tianjiao Xuehai Daoist in the past is still hard to beat his ten tricks."

"So, don't think about challenging him. At least, now he is an unimaginable enemy."

? . .

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be silent.

Even the Daoist Blood Sea can't beat his ten tricks?

Are you kidding me?

Others don't know.

Doesn't he know yet?

Daoist Blood Sea, but the eternal powerhouse.

In terms of strength alone, looking at the starry sky, countless epochs, it can be regarded as the strongest.

But such an existence is actually the ten tricks of the ancestors of the Honghuang Dao.


"Half-step detachment...Isn't it real detachment?"

In a bit of awe, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but stare.

"He's weird."

Suddenly speaking, the true spirit of Chaos Bell also said bluntly:

"Honghuang Daozu and Honghuang Tiandao have merged, and they are trying to occupy the Dao, and what is the Dao? There are thousands of heaven and earth, but the Dao is the only one... And that guy, trying to get on the Dao, is really terrible... Although , Now he is not completely detached, but I feel that his existence is beyond our understanding."

"Is that so..."

A little dumbfounded, Yu Ziyu also looked at Chaos Zhong Zhenling.

Before, this one said that he had completed the Tao, and even more so had cultivated a human body.

So what has this person achieved?

At this time, it seemed that he was aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, but Chaos Zhong Zhenling smiled and responded:

"You, let's practice hard, now you can already sacrifice my body..."

"Let's start now, I'll try my best to cooperate with you..."

Speaking one after another, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also raised his right hand.

"Car n

XX . . .

Accompanied by a terrifying roar, countless messages rushed towards Yu Ziyu like a tide.

And that is all kinds of ritual refining methods for refining the body of the Chaos Clock.


After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu did not refuse.

For some reason, he believed in Chaos Clock.

Maybe it's because the two of them are the only existences between heaven and earth that carry 'time and space'.

In the past, let alone the starry sky, even the prehistoric world did not exist such as Yu Ziyu.

In the prehistoric world, the most famous Time One Powerhouse is the Wu Jiu Yin, with the head of a man and the body of a dragon.

The most famous space [*] powerhouse is one of the three thousand demon gods, the ancestor raising eyebrows.

And they are all ruled by a rule, and they are the roost in the world.

But even if it is a law, they can be regarded as 'invincible in the world'

However, Yu Ziyu, who bears time and space alone, is transformed into the supreme law of time and space.

It is rude to say that the current Yu Ziyu is no weaker than the two in the legend.

"In the world of Yunyun, I am the only one who can truly refine the Chaos Bell."

"Only I can help Chaos Bell take revenge."

"So" she naturally favored me.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also lowered her mind and started her first sacrifice.

different from other imperial soldiers.

Also different from other treasures, the sacrifice of the Chaos Bell is beyond imagination.

And this is Chaos Clock, actively cooperating with him.

If she is unwilling to cooperate, even if Yu Ziyu knows the method and refines for thousands of years, it will be of no use at all.

And all of this is because the body of Chaos Clock is Xianxiang.

Refining it is no less than refining a world.

And this is an extremely huge project for the Eternal Venerable.

Not to mention Yu Ziyu.

"Normally, you need eternity to try to refine my body."

"However, now that you are full of talent, it is very imaginable, but you can try it first."

Speaking softly, like a whisper in her ear, resounded in Yu Ziyu's heart.

But it caused Yu Ziyu's mouth to raise a little.

The affirmation from Chaos Clock still made him extremely useful.


Practice, practice again, before Yu Ziyu sets foot in eternity, he should be as familiar as possible with the most powerful magic weapon in this world-the Chaos Clock.

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