Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 954: Special treatment

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The silver thunderbolt became a tiger, and it was chased by Mu Qian.

The speed of Mu Qianxi is fast, the speed of the other party, and the speed of the electric tiger are even faster.

"Hurry up, catch up!"

"Once the woman is caught up, she is absolutely dead!"


"Ice Spirit Shield!"

"Ice Spirit Shield!"


In the face of the lightning that came from the attack, Mu Qianxi resisted with the ice shield.

But the ice layer can't stop the lightning for a long time, "Hey! Hey!"

The ice layer was smashed into various **** by lightning, and it fell on the platform and melted into water.

Mu Qianxi was still chased by the electric tiger, and could not turn things around.

Lei Di said: "Do you still have to die dying?"

Mu Qianzhen did not pay attention to her at all, but concentrated on the strength of Leihu.

"Hey!" The electric tiger screamed and rushed to Mu Qian.

"Boom!" An attack of terror, was stunned by the envy of the thousand, and the lightning directly hit the ground.

The dark tower's contest is firm enough that it will not become a fragment at a glance, and the electric tiger once again rushes to Mu Qian.

Lei Di said: "This time, we must make this woman black."


His words have not been finished, and suddenly he felt the whole body came, "Oh...".

At this time, at his feet, a grid was formed to trap him.

If he was not a Ray Elemental, he would be fainted by the thunderstorms gathered on the ground.

Everyone can't believe their eyes. "This... What is going on here? Isn't the Emperor a Thunder Elemental Master."

"Is it water? Water?"

Everyone looked at the ground and found that there was water around the Lei Di. They surrounded the line and surrounded Lei Di.

"If the ice melts into water and hits electricity, it forms a power grid on the ground, and Lei Di is in it, so..."

"Do you think that this power can trap me? Dream!"

Lei Di wants to break free, and Mu Qian has already appeared behind him.

"But you have no chance!"

"Tian Xuan Yin!"

A blow to destruction slammed down from his back.

"Hey!" Thunder the whole man flew out, and the electric tiger that chased Mu Qian also disappeared into the air.

"The Emperor won!"

"Even if I win, it’s just that she won the game with a trick. In addition to being a little faster, the strength is really not good?"

"In the next game, she will definitely die on the stage."

Among the thousands of scorpions, there is a cold light. This is a simple strategy to win, but her cards are not used.


The two figures were intertwined, and Mu Qiang found the other's loopholes and the film fell.

"Ring Luo Yin!"

The other side’s pupil suddenly slammed, “a strong spiritual skill!”

He completely wondered that Mu Qian will have such a powerful spiritual skill, and regret it is too late!

"Boom!" Another opponent was solved. This time, the battle time is shorter than the first game.


"Red Lotus!"

"Ring Luo Yin!"

The strength of Mu Qianxi has been upgraded by one step, and the power of Honglian and Yuluo has also improved a lot.

Ten battles on this first floor could not stop her.

In the end, the moderator announced: "Yu Di adults completed ten challenges and qualified for the second floor."

When Mu Qianxi wanted to leave the dark tower, there was a black maid who came to the road: "The emperor, we respect the Lord, please go up."

Everyone stunned, and the Lord took the initiative to meet a person for the first time.

Mu Qianxi faintly said: "I am tired today, no see! What is he anxious? When I achieve my honor, can I not see it?"

The people who heard this said that they had taken a breath of air, she... she dared to refuse the invitation of the Lord.

There are also achievements in respect, even if she is highly talented, want to achieve respect, it takes more than ten or twenty years to be lucky, she will not want to respect the Lord for so long!

How can the Lord be able to have such good patience and so on!

When Mu Qianxi finished speaking, he left.

Now, she doesn't want to see a man who is gloomy and dangerous. Let's talk about it in the Dark Tower.

Gu Baiyi was as before, waiting for him at the door and shouting: "Missy!"

Mu Qianxi waved: "Go!"

The remaining eight layers, because of the strength of the breakthrough, the first three layers of the Millennium is still smooth.

But the more you reach the back, the more you can't look down.

Every battle is a **** battle, and every battle is like a tightrope on a cliff.

The lavender dress was dyed dark purple at this time.

Gu Baiyi left with a serious injury, and she has completed the challenge of the first eight layers.

It's hard to believe that the completion of this will be a fourth-order emperor.

At the beginning, he completed all of this, and his strength has reached the peak of the 9th order of the Emperor.

Everyone has some expectations, and the new Lord is coming soon.

This time the injury was very heavy, almost half of the life was gone.

The injury of Mu Qianxi is not completely good. Gu Baiyi will not let him go to the ninth floor of the challenge.

Gu Baiyi said: "Fortunately, Missy is a refining pharmacist!"

If it is someone else, seriously injured, there is only one way to go, it is to die.

Mu Qian said: "You think about this now! Before you decide to take risks, you don't think too much about a refining pharmacist. Your life may be saved."

Gu Baiyi replied: "Missy, some dangerous moments make people fly away and don't give people time to treat."

"Where is that place?" Mu Qian is somewhat curious.

"I don't know. When the action is over, the dragon eclipse will definitely say. If the young lady achieves the status of honor, he will definitely let you go." Gu Baiyi said.

After a month of injury, Bai Yi was willing to release people. Mu Qiang learned from Gu Baiyi that the test of the ninth floor, dark purgatory.

This is a place to test the spirit, many people can not stand, directly become a fool or a madman.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched slightly. “The ninth floor of the three towers is supposed to be the hardest to pass, but how do I feel like giving me a special pass.”

Gu Baiyi said: "Missy is a refining pharmacist and a refiner. The mental strength is nothing wrong, but the mental attack in the dark purgatory is very strong. You must be careful."

Mu Qiang nodded: "Do not worry!"

When she entered the Dark Tower, she had a presence in front of her.

"You are going to challenge the ninth floor today?"

Mu Qianxi nodded and said: "Of course."

"please follow me!"

Mu Qiang walked into the ninth floor, and the whole space was black when the door was opened.

Mu Qianxi wants to move around, but he can only walk one step before and after, and can no longer move forward.

The eyes were dark, except for the sound of her breathing, there was no sound around, and the silence was terrible.

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