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Mu Qianxi did not think that he was completely immune to the influence of the murderous soul, and let himself break through the third-order barrier of the Emperor, but it caused such a change in the black.

The dragon eclipse never minds the dark tower and the tower of blood, but now the spiritual power of the black capital has made him care.

He waved: "Check it out, what happened to the Blood Court?"

Gu Baiyi has been paying attention to the ninth floor of the Blood Tower. The blood tower has such a thing, how he does not care!

He said: "All the spiritual powers have gathered on the ninth floor. Someone wants to break through. The little girl has broken through the fourth order of the Emperor on the ninth floor."

Gu Baiyi was directly shocked by his thoughts. Is this possible?

It's hard to break in black! In the blood cabinet, you can't break through, and break through the fourth order of the emperor, how can it cause such a movement.

What did Gu Baiyi suddenly think of? The face is a bit bad.

If she is breaking, it means she is very good, and it is very good.

But now it has caused such a movement, the dragon eclipse will probably pay attention to her.

He still underestimated her perversion, and she knew that when she made the emperor's position, she should force her to leave.

When he comes out, be sure to let her leave soon.

Under the eclipse of the dragon, he quickly sent a message to him.

"The swearing Lord, a newcomer has entered the Blood Court. This kind of spiritual fluctuations, I am afraid that the person broke through in the Blood Court."

The dragon eclipse smiled and said: "Newcomers, the deity is a bit curious, which newcomer is so powerful."

"This newcomer is a woman named Mu Qianxi, who entered the black capital a year ago. She spent a year to make the emperor's position, and then spent ninety days and went to the eighth. The layer, now on the ninth floor. And her strength is only the third-order emperor, even if it breaks, it will not cause this movement."

The dragon eclipse asked: "Is a very beautiful 16-year-old purple little girl? Is that right?"

He still remembers the glimpse of the figure before he was crushed by the black mirror.

That woman who cares about Bai Baiyi.

His men replied: "Yes!"

The dragon eclipse smiled: "Hehehe! Such a terrible talent is just a woman who is so sensational in the third-order promotion of the Emperor. I am very interested!"

"Gu Baiyi! Gu Baiyi! You are so careful to hide such a good baby here, don't tell me, it is really very dissatisfied with the deity!"

The dawn of the dragon eclipse is dangerous and dangerous.

Mu Qianzhen was promoted, and in this very weak black that suppressed the spiritual power, she successfully advanced to the fourth-order emperor.

No, it’s the fourth-order Emperor’s peak, and even she feels incredible.

In front of her is a door, as long as she pushes open, she will complete the **** examination.

Thanks to the sword, she had come to her as a general test of hell. She was also fortunate enough to meet a man who had no fear of fighting for her and blocked all her blood and rain for her to be fearless. Came here.

"Hey!" Mu Qianqi pushed the door and went out.

At the moment when Mu Qianqi opened the door and went out, suddenly there was a blood red scepter on the top of the Blood Tower. This is a symbol of someone who made the emperor.

There are new owners of the emperor, but if they remember correctly, the one who entered the ninth floor went in for seven days!

Seven days! It’s possible to break through the test of the Blood Court in seven days. Is this possible?

When Mu Qianyi went out, he saw that the ninth floor stood a lot of people at this time. Almost all the people of the Blood Tower came, and there were thousands of emperors.

They looked at Mu Qian’s eyes, none of them without fear and horror.

Monster! Seven days went out from the Blood Court.

This is definitely not known as the bloodthirsty demon from which place, or there will never be such a speed.

These people look at the eyes of the monsters and make them feel uncomfortable.

A white figure walked out, and Gu Baiyi looked at Mu Qian’s words: “It’s good to pass the safety.”

He did not ask why he spent seven years, she came out in seven days.

As other people think, only the natural bloodthirsty demon can do this, but he is very clear that she is not such a person.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Let you wait!"

Gu Baiyi said: "Let's leave here first!"

The sensation caused by her is too great, and the dragon eclipse will probably...

Gu Baiyi had to leave with Mu Qianxi, and the waiter stopped them: "Cold Master, the Emperor of the Emperor has not yet sealed the emperor, and can't leave now."

Gu Baiyi said: "My identity is enough to give her a seal."

"The identity of the cold man is enough, but..."

The words of this waiter have not been finished yet, and a hoarse voice came. "But in the face of such an eternal genius, it is natural for the deity to personally give her the title of the emperor, isn't it?"

Hearing this voice, all the people present at the time, except Mu Qian and Gu Baiyi, all fell down.

"See Lord!"

"Respect the Lord!"


Gu Baiyi stayed at the side of Mu Qianxi and saw the humanity: "Dragon Eclipse, how come you? You are not always a matter of blood tower?"

Mu Qianxi also looked at the man in front of his black robe. His face had some dark patterns, which made him unable to see his facial features.

But the dangerous dark and long braids radiated dangerous light.

Let so many people kneel down, called the Lord, this person is the Lord of the Black.

Dragon eclipsed: "There was such a wizard who was so alarmed that I naturally came out to see it."

The look of the dragon eclipse fell on the body of Mu Qian.

He stepped in and smiled and said: "In the near future, you are more perfect and impeccable. No wonder I look at it more, white clothes will be angry!"

"Dragon eclipse!" The cold chill of the white light of Gu Baiyi.

The dragon eclipse smiled: "You see, white clothes are angry again."

In the face of Gu Baiyi's horrible killing of the dragon eclipse, everyone else is frightened!

Dare to treat the Lord like this, it is estimated that only Han Zun adults have this courage.

Dragon eclipse: "When you are the emperor, you are named the emperor, now you are the emperor who sealed the emperor, how?"

Mu Qianhui replied: "No problem!"

This person is very dangerous, fascinating, but not as good as nine nights, it is not worth her fear.

Seeing that he can still be so calm, this person is not ordinary!

The dragon's mouth is slightly raised, he is really more and more interested in this baby!

"Then, the deity declares that you are the emperor!"

The sound of the dragon eclipse just fell, and there was a dark scepter in front of Mu Qian’s body, and then there was a purple.

Above the blood tower, there was such a scene, and everyone was stunned.

"Someone has made the emperor, the emperor!"

"The emperor, will not be the previous emperor! Not half a year, she... she actually achieved the emperor, is there anything wrong?"

"Scaring, it is too scary."

After the title was confirmed, the dragon eclipse looked at Mu Qianxi: "Yu Di, congratulations on your achievement of the emperor, whether you want to go to the deity to drink tea. The craft of white clothes is very good!"

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