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His hoarse voice remained in his ear, but nine nights had disappeared.

The body is exhausted, and the hoarseness of the murmur: "Crystal Ying, what happened in nine nights?"

Crystal Yingdao: "The curse of the destruction level only exists on the Wan Man Daquan, I don't know, but his situation is not good for nine nights. After the child, it is best to see him rarely!"

Mu Qianyi is a little glimpse, "rare?"

When it comes to the safety of the owner, Crystal Ying is very savvy: "It is best not to see you forever!"

"We will find the three major races as soon as possible, find a way? I have to promise to cure him, how can I not see?"

It seems to have been accustomed to his presence, if you never see, it seems that something is missing in your heart?

"Everything, listen to you!"

Even if she is worried about the safety of her nephew, she will not violate the orders of her nephew.

At least at this stage, she can still protect her sister.

"I have to rest!" Mu Qianzhen is a little tired.

Originally wanted to tell her a good news, but did not expect that with the news of this good news, she also knows a worse news.

Ye Chen spent the whole day in the ancestral hall of Ye Family.

At this time, an old man came in and said: "The three ancient ancient medicine families only recognize the eternal life of the soul, and they can't betrayed. But now the Ye family has disappeared, what do you mainly do? Just do it!"

Ye Chen came back and said: "Grandpa!"

"The old slaves only thought that the young master was in this rock city. Even if he was doing nothing, as long as he had spent his life safely, he did not expect..."

There are exceptions to all things. This one, the child he grew up in, fell into love, and liked a woman like that, after all, it was impossible to be ordinary.

Ye Chendao: "I am Ye Chen, I have to be willful once, and I am loyal to my ancestors!"

The next day, Ye Chen went to find Mu Qian, but was stopped by Gu Baiyi.

"No one can go in without her order."

Ye Chen looked at the man in front of him. Before she left, this person did not exist. When she came back, she brought people.

This person feels that there is no strength, but the momentum is extraordinary, not a leisurely generation!

"Then I am waiting outside!"

The result waited until dark, and there seemed to be no movement inside. Ye Chen said: "Is there a problem with the girl?"

"Maybe in cultivation, I don't feel that someone is going in, it should be fine!" Although the cultivation is nothing, the soul is still there.

When it was late at night, Mu Qiang woke up, and she naturally felt someone outside.

She said: "Ye Chen, come in!"

Ye Chen came in, but only squatted on the ground: "Ye Chen has seen the master."

"Are you determined?"


Gu Baiyi, who came in from the door, found that Mu Qian’s face was not right.

She has always been overbearing and energetic, and now her face has become transparent.

He strode forward and asked: "Miss, what happened to you?"

Mu Qian said: "Ye Chen, go out! After I recover, I will talk to you in detail."

"Yes!" Ye Chen left.

Gu Baiyi is still looking at Mu Qianxi in a cold, "Your spiritual fluctuations are not a bit confusing, and it is not a problem of cultivation."

There is no experience in strength, but here, Mu Qian can fool Ye Chen, but can't escape Ye Chen's eyes.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "Since you have exposed my lies, guess what happened to me? If you guessed it, I will not let you be my little sister! Serve you as a grandfather and wait for you to recover. So far, if you can't guess..."

"Go out and go to sleep! I have to rest!" Mu Qianyi extended his finger to the door.

I can't think of Gu Baiyi's thoughts. "I am not a refining pharmacist. I can't see it. You as a refining pharmacist, take care of yourself!"

He did not bother, went straight out and closed the door of Mu Qianxi.

Mu Qiang, who stayed alone in the room, was very helpless. "I am a refining pharmacist. Have you seen a patient who has been ill become a pharmacist?"

"Hey!" Nine nights were sent back to the blood prison, a black robe man appeared behind him.

"Lord, are you going to see the family again?"

Nine nights did not answer, and the darkness said: "The endless adults have said that it is best for the Lord to never see the family. Every time I see it, the curse will deepen. The former ancestors can still cover up, now more and more serious, the Lord Can't hide it."

"My business, is it your turn?" The ice-blue scorpion, there is no temperature in the cold.

"Even if you want to admire your family, the curse on the master has not been lifted..."

"Enough!" Nine nights a cold drink!

"To send people to find the position of the three ancient beasts of the ancient times, even if the king breaks through the three great beasts, he will find the curse as soon as possible and find a way to lift the curse?"

The curse that the man gave him was more cruel than he had imagined.

But I want him to appoint for nine nights, dreaming!

Stepping on the three great beast races, so crazy, only they can be said on the Lord.

The three ancient gods and beasts have always been mysterious. And they have the blood of the beast, the strength is extraordinary, but it is not to say that the extinction will be destroyed.

"Yes!" But the command of the master, but can not help.

After a day, Mu Qian’s face was much better, but she thought that the nine-night body was not right, but Mu Qian’s was a little confused.

No more chaos, no hurry, no chaos!

"Ye Chen!" Mu Qiandao said.

"Master!" Ye Chen had already waited.

Mu Qianqi asked: "Do you have any plans?"

Ye Chendao: "We want to stand in Yancheng and need to destroy the first threat to Lei."

Ms. Qian said: "What about yourself?"

"Myself?" Ye Chen!

"You have an understanding of the elixir, you can make a poison, but you can't be a refining pharmacist because you have no spiritual power, and you can't be a practitioner. You don't want to change?" Mu Qian asked.

"As early as the day when I was attacked by Ye Family, I was severely wounded by young people. If there was a life-saving medicine from Ye Jiazu, I have become a cup of loess. Even if I keep my life, my body is extremely fragile. I can't cultivate at all...unless..."

"Unless it is the eternal life of the soul, I will never be saved."

Mu Qian said: "You are desperate to put a bet on me, want to rely on me to protect your life, how can you not believe my ability?"

Ye Chenyi looked at Mu Qianxi with his eyes wide open. "The master... you are the master..."

He has a plan of mind, and his mind is poisonous, but in this world dominated by the strong, it is not enough to have these things. You must have the strength to protect the people you care about.

However, when Ye Jia was destroyed, he was not able to become a strong.

I didn't think that after more than ten years, someone told him that she could change all of this. How to make him not surprised?

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