Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 832: Maintaining the shadow

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"Hey!" This door opened in front of everyone.

"Is this the way out?"

After facing the terrible iguana, their hearts are extremely fearful.

They want to leave this ghost place soon!

Mu Qian said: "It is not necessarily the way to go out, I am afraid it will be another trap."

"But even if it is a trap? We can't find other exports at the moment, we can only gamble! I can't stand this ghost place."

"Maybe we defeated the seven monsters and gave them a reward! Anyway? Have to try?"


"Oh! This door, but the exit! You can reach a safe place, still hesitating?" A very awkward voice, passed out.

A paused eyes, he did not guess wrong, it is him!

How could he be in the Quartet?

Then the voice came, "Oh! Your hesitation is right. After all, there is no such good thing in this world, especially the deity!"

"I give you a choice, as long as you have killed the people who killed the seven gadgets, then you can safely go out when you enter this door!"

Everyone was stunned, "What? Kill..."

"It is going to kill the man."


Many of them were rescued because of the blue shadow. Now they want to kill the blue shadow and make them very difficult.

Sikonggu said: "There is nothing to hesitate, we can go out after killing that guy."

"As long as you sacrifice him alone, you can."

"Yeah! Sacrifice him, we can all be saved."

Because of the instigation of the Sage Valley, the eyes of other people are murderous.

"What about that person? Where have you been?"

"Oh, it is hiding."


Looking at the ones who can't wait to kill the blue shadow and then fast, Mu Qian's eyes became cold.

Qingying shot out the seven iguanas, although it was only to protect her, and thirty indirectly saved them. They even enmity.

Mu Qianyi remembers them one by one. If they can go out safely, the forces they are in are waiting to be crushed to death by the ghost medical building!

Burning the Emperor Sect of the Emperor: "We can't be provoked. The brother who just saved us, we can't be ungrateful."

"Incinerate the Sovereign, you have to stand on the sidelines, and I will give it to us."

"Yeah! Don't you be afraid of death? Don't pretend."


"Take that person out, if he refuses to come out, kill the ghost medical building, and see if they can't come out!"

It is not bad to kill the ghost medical building by the hand of others.

At this time a very cold voice came, "Sikong Liao, do you want to die?"

That voice seemed to make the surrounding air cold.

The people were shocked to find that the person who spoke was actually a young woman, and the pair of dark scorpions fluttered in the cold, making people feel scared.

Sikong Valley main road: "Little girl, what are you talking to me?"

In the thousands of scorpions, there is a flame that says: "I said, do you want to die?"

"You are still not a person in the holy doctor valley, you actually help an outsider, this is for everyone." Sikong Valley main road.

"Food, release three magic poison Ding Ding!" Mu Qiandao said.


"Booming!" A dark medicine fell.

Mu Qianzhen stood next to the medicine Ding: "If you dare to do it, you will be refining it by the three magic poisonous dignity! This is not my order, since I have San Mo Du Zun Ding, then what I said is the words of the ancestors of the Holy Doctor Valley."

"you guys……"

Mu Qian’s eyes swept over them coldly. "You, listen, don't listen!"

Tsing Ying has always been a self-sufficient, no matter when she is responsible for protecting her.

Now he is being confronted by so many people. The guy is a piece of wood. He won't mind and won't refute it, but it doesn't mean she doesn't mind.

He just protected her from destroying seven iguanas, so now, to deal with these ungrateful humans, let her solve it!

Some of the people in the Holy Doctor Valley are speechless.

Even the most powerful Sage Valley owner, shut up.

Everyone was surprised to see Mu Qian, the secret: a good girl! Enough mad, enough to overbear, the holy doctor ancestors that is not good? Instead, I received a good disciple.

"If you want to be a grandson to listen to a little girl, we don't want it!"

"We have to leave here, the kid must die!"

"Little girl, if you are in the way, even kill you! Don't think that you are the close disciple of the ancestors of the Holy Doctor Valley, we will not dare to kill."

The horrible and oppressive anger in the stone building made them very flustered. Many of them, in order to survive, many things were done.

"Yes! You can do it, but the poison on my body will not be polite. This space is all closed. You said that if I was covered with poison, what would you do?" Mu Qianxi sneered .

Sikong Valley said: "Are you crazy? For a stranger, you have to do such a crazy thing."

"Hehehe!" This time a smirk came out.

Mo Jin came out, his beautiful face still hangs, but the momentum is not weak.

"When we came to participate in this action, it also brought a lot of poisons refining by our landlord. The quantity is not a lot, but it is enough to pile it up. Do you want to try?"

Can you fill it up here? Still not much?

The mouth of the people twitched slightly, and nowadays, no one dared to look down on the poison of the ghost doctor.

These inciting people were scared and settled.

If they are all dead, poisoning and dying, they will be more tormented.

"what should I do now?"

People don't dare to kill, that door does not dare to go, are they trapped in this place?

"Little girl, it's you. You stop interesting, my baby, I really want to see you."

A broken voice came and it was attacked by Mu Qian.

Qionglou on the cloud screamed: "Master, be careful, space blockade!"

"the host……"


"Little girl!"


One by one, the exclamation came, and Mu Qian was imprisoned in a space and then pulled away!

"Hey!" It’s just that Mu Qianyi was taken away, even if it was Qingying.

He desperately swallowed so many medicinal herbs to protect thousands of safely.

But now thousands have disappeared in front of him, he can't do anything?

Damn it!

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