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A thousand miles, "famous?"

"You still don't know, you have beaten the son of the deputy Gu. Since the derelict of the owner of the valley in your home, now that Ge Ge is in charge of the great power of the Holy Doctor Valley." Jun Modao.

"Even if I know, I will do the same?"

"Now they are carrying a lot of people to contain you. There are also a lot of peaks in the 9th order of the Emperor. What are you going to do?"

"Is there still you?" Mu Qianxi looked at him.

"The next month's meal, you are responsible!"

To be a beater, Junmo is naturally taking the opportunity to ask for self-effort!

Mu Qianxi gently twitched his mouth: "You can too afford to see yourself! At most one day, the Lord will practice."

"Little girl, so I am so derogatory once, you are too ruthless!" Jun nostalgic.

"Otherwise, I will try my best to deal with it!"

"Don't! You give me a chance to show it! How about half a month?" Jun was in a hurry.

"one day!"

"Seven days!"

"Three days! Otherwise, talk free!"

Jun Mo bite his teeth: "Three days is three days, it really is a profiteer!"

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "So the Judas refining pharmacist, since I know that I am a profiteer, I will not talk to me about the conditions in the future! You are still more suitable to be a refining pharmacist plus food, the negotiation is not for you!"

After spending three days of cooking, I hired an emperor, and Mu Qian felt that there was no need to fear the group below.

Do you fight group? Who is afraid of who?

When the figure appeared under the medicine mountain, Ge Liang’s dog legs were excited. “Boss! Boss! The little girl came down.”

Ge Liangdao: "What are you doing? Give it to me!"

"You dare to try!" Jun Mo in front of Mu Qiang, and protected his three-day meal ticket.

Ge Liangdao: "I didn't think of you as an ugly woman. It's not so good. Someone's hero is yours. But just like you, you have a perfect match! It's a perfect match!"

Jun Mo angered: "The melons and melons are not as good as the animals, and the faces are said to others."

Jun Mo this guy is still very confident about his face. The first time I heard someone say that his long hair was like a melon, he was completely angry.

"What? The son of Yushu is in the wind, you dare to say that my animal is not as good as you, you are simply looking for death!"

"Take this kid, smash it for me to feed the beast!"

Ge Liang was flattered by aunts and was extremely narcissistic. He was verbally abused and he was angry.

"Hey!" Then the group started.

So many people besieged a stranger, but they can't attack!

"Waste, a bunch of waste, one can't clean up!"

"Boss! He is also a peak of the nine emperors! It's too evil, a newcomer is so strong!"

"Don't you? Is it together!" Ge Liang snarled.

Jun Mo has run up the fire element. This group of places is like a fireworks bloom. Everyone flies past.

Jun Mo took Mu Qianji and smiled: "Little girl, get it! Then... um!"

"You know!"

Mu Qian’s mouth twitched and said: “Well! I understand, you don’t want to die!”

As a result, the two people who dared to make a mistake with Ge Shao went so far.

Ge Liangdao: "Give me a stop!"

"Are all of you dead?"


A group of wounded soldiers, who have been beaten by Jun Mo, have no fighting power.

Ge Liang was mad at the road: "I... I will not let you go."

The next day, Mu Qianxi took out a second-class medicinal herb, went to the eleventh floor, practiced at a higher place, and then observed the large array of Yaoshan.

And Jun Mo also followed her, Jun said: "Listen to you to say this, I also think this drug mountain has problems! I suspect the spiritual power of the entire drug mountain, not just because of the spirit we have seen There should be a strong core medicine in the coagulation of medicine."


Jun Mo has not said that Mu Qianxi will answer: "And, with the layout of this array of law, even this layout person does not know the existence of the core elixir. It is just beating the layout of such a formation. Otherwise The utilization rate of the core elixir will not be so low."

Jun sighed: "Hey! It’s the master of eternal life! Let you grow up again, this big pharmacist has no use, my barbecue, my braised pork, I..."

Mu Qian is full of black lines. "Even if I surpass you, it will not let you starve to the streets!"

Moreover, is a refining master still not eating?

"This is what you said?" Jun Mo's eyes brightened.

"I am very interested in that powerful core medicine. It is definitely a treasure, we must find it." Mu Qianqi's mouth slightly evoked.

"Being caught by your little girl, can you still run?"

The next day, down the mountain, Mu Qianyi, they were once again besieged. This time it was good, even the emperor was sent out.

Ge Liang stood by a tall man at this time: "Big brother, they just made me like this, you must avenge me!"

"Hey! You are dead!"

Jun Modao: "What should I do?"

The other person has more people, and if he wants to lose, he may expose his strength.

Mu Qianxi looked at the tall man: "You brothers not only want more bullies than people, but also want to bully them? The Holy Doctor Valley is a place to study refining. I haven’t come in for a long time, how? Found that the Holy Doctor Valley has become a place to fight?"

Ge Sidao: "Little sister, I didn't think that you can not only play, but also quite can say? Our holy doctor valley has always been some gentle gentleman, naturally, you can't do it without you, but you bullied my brother. If my brother is a manager, it will make my brother sad."

"So, you can only let the younger brother and sister suffer from you."

Ge Liang that goods, have not learned the essence of the Holy Doctor Valley disciples, this one has learned a few points.

Shameless shame! Known as a gentleman, the hypocrisy has reached the extreme.

Mu Qian said: "Since you have to fight, then fight!"

Mu Qianxi said in the ear: "I can't beat it. It's not worthwhile for this group of scum to expose strength. We have spent a lot of effort to get in. The Holy Doctor Valley is very big, I will Do not believe that you can't find a chance to die?"

Jun Mo smiled: "Listen to you!"

"Boom!" The two sides directly moved their hands, and they couldn’t play at the same time.

There are a lot of emperors in the other side. If they don’t reveal the cards, it’s hard to win.

Mu Qianxi had already planned the route to escape, and suddenly a violent voice came, "All give me a hand!"

"Under the cultivation of the holy land, the drug hills are actually fighting and fighting, what is the system, you are giving us a holy face."

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