Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 698: The principal is back

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After that, Jun Mo’s shot was fierce.

Mu Qian’s mouth twitches, long-term meal ticket!

Mu Qianxi said to him: "Jun eats goods, the people of the holy doctor valley are killed, how come you die before you come out. Do you want to live a life without enough?"

Jun Modao said: "Even so? I can't watch you being bullied by this group of slags in the Holy Doctor Valley. Isn't it? Take people's hands and eat people's mouths softly, you think it's okay."


The emergence of Jun Mo, let some of the masters of the Holy Doctor Valley are familiar!

Sikong Liao said: "It is him! He actually appeared here."

"The kid of the family, it turned out to be him! Our Holy Doctor Valley searched the entire Quartet, I did not expect him to appear here!"

Sikong Gu main road: "This kid, also grabbed together! Can not let him run."

I was originally arrested by a single person. People who don’t know think that the Holy Doctor Valley is dedicated to catching handsome men and women.

Although Jun Mo stopped an enemy, but the other side of the emperor is a lot of strong, and soon some people approached Mu Qian.

Today, you can only rely on yourself!

Mu Qiantang swallowed an medicinal herb, and his strength began to rise.

That humanity: "Small girl, even if you upgrade the strength to the peak of the ninth order of the Emperor, it is impossible to escape! Unless you upgrade the strength to the spirit."

Ms. Qian said: "To deal with you, the strength has been raised to the peak of the 9th order of the Emperor, enough!"

Mu Qianyi raised his hand, cold channel: "Di Xuan!"

"Boom!" A loud noise, this one of the spirits was directly bombarded by Mu Qian.

"Hey!" Seeing that a man had a huge pit on the ground, everyone could not believe their eyes.

"What happened? The strength of the little girl suddenly rose to the peak of the 9th order of the Emperor, and it suddenly flew a first-order spirit."

"Direct spike!"

Even Xuanzang and the elders were scared of the record of such a fierce battle, and it was too embarrassing.

Sacrifice the strength of the first order, let your strengths rise to the peak of the 9th order of the Emperor, and Muqian naturally has to hurry and kill one person in the Holy Doctor Valley.

"Dimensional print!"

"Tian Xuan Yin!"



This time, they have to catch Mu Qian, it is not so easy.

It is a good thing not to be solved by Mu Qianxi. In addition to this perverted attack power, Mu Qianxi will also be poisoned while fighting, and they will be shocked.

But they are not stupid, knowing that this is definitely not the strength of Mu Qiang.

There is a time limit for improving the strength of medicine. In order not to suffer, they can only drag on now.


The people of Shengyi Valley and Xuanxia College kept entangled, and the time was passing by, and Mu Qian also felt that the medicine was getting weaker and weaker.

Her enemies naturally feel it.

"Mu Qiang's spiritual power is getting weaker and weaker, and the potency is reaching the limit!"


Mu Qiang bit his teeth and said: "Even if you reach the limit, you should also pack up these guys in one breath!"

She took out the Yanlong sword, only this sword, then it must break out the strongest attack power!

"Yanlong lore!"

The sword of Mu Qianxi is swung out, the spirit is strong enough, and the lethality of this attack is naturally strong!

Red red fire dragons rushed out, like harvesting straw, the opponents in front of the harvest, can not let them resist!

The spiritual power was completely exhausted, and the strength fell back to the second level of the Emperor, and then regressed to the first level of the Emperor.

Mu Qiang fell to the ground, and the Yan Long Sword in his hand: "Hey!"

Although a sword solved the opponent, but there were too many enemies, they rushed over again and again, and Mu Qiang was trapped in the encirclement.

Heaven and earth Xuanhuang Dan, and, but then drop the level, but also to fall back to the king.

When Mu Qian’s face sank and he was ready to make up his mind, a loud voice came from the air.

"Give me all the time!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Xuanzang’s face showed a smile. “Great, the master is here!”

A black robe old man appeared in the air and looked at this chaotic battlefield: "Who is it, dare to scatter in my Xuanxia College!"

Fourth-order spirit! It turned out to be the fourth-order spirit!

The owner of Sikong Valley was slightly stunned and almost hit by the blue shadow.

The shadow of Qingying flashed back to the face of Mu Qianxi.

"Hey!" Some of the emperors who wanted to deal with Mu Qianji, and then were killed by the moment.

Then a dangerous opponent, finally away from him, the Secretary of the Sky Kong also breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the old man in the air, Shen Sheng said: "Xuan, the principal, did not expect to see you for many years, you also broke through the fourth order of the spirit."

Xuan principal looked at the Sikonggu master is not very familiar, but his medicinal robes in the holy doctor Valley, but very familiar!

Xuan’s principal said: "I thought it was a mad dog. I dare to come to Xuanxia College to bite people. It turned out to be the mad dogs of the Holy Doctor Valley!"

The face of Sikong Gu was discolored and green. This old man, who dared to marry him as a mad dog, was simply discouraged.

"Hey!" Mu Qian couldn't help but smile.

She looked at the old guy who was not old in the air. This is the first time she had been looking for Xuanzhou, the first person in the Xiazhou refining device.

Originally thought to be a serious old man, but did not expect him to pick up people so directly.

The people of the Holy Doctor Valley are a group of mad dogs! A bit of a mad dog.

Sikong Valley main road: "Xuan Principal, you have been away from the college, you do not know the ins and outs of this matter, this ..."

When his words were not finished, he was interrupted by Xuan Principal.

"A good holy doctor valley! You know that I am not in college, just bite at my Xuanxia College, just look for death!"

"No!" In the face of this unreasonable Xuan Principal, Sikong Gu also wants to vomit blood.

"In fact, this is the case. Your college student, Mu Qian, used the vicious means to reinvent the pro-disciples of my family's ancestors, and also took away the medicine of my ancestors. We just came to take the little girl, I didn't think about it. To be right with Xuanxia College!"

"Ha ha ha! In the end, which is a student who has a good time, even if it is such a cool thing, the old man must praise her. It is too powerful." Upon hearing this news, President Xuan Xia could enter the haha ​​and laughed.

The face of Sikong Gu is getting more and more gloomy. "It seems that Xuan Principal really wants to be right with our Holy Doctor Valley."

"It's not that we have to be against you, but you are looking for the troubles of my Xuanxia College students. You are going to do the right thing with us! Can we not even protect a student in our college?" Xuan School said.

"So, I am not nonsense."

Continue to work, the blue shadow protects the millennium, naturally no one can hurt him.

"Boom!" Xuan Principal confronted the owner of the empty sky.

More than one person, but reversed the situation!

The college's masters who did not dare to do it, under the command of the principal, they had to do it!

Today's battle situation is completely pessimistic, and the main face of Sikong Valley sinks.

He secretly said: This old thing will not come back soon, and will not come back late, but come back this time! ”

"Ha ha ha! I did not expect that you Xuanxia College actually offended the Holy Doctor Valley, this is completely giving us the opportunity of the Dark Devils!" When the Holy Doctor Valley did not take advantage, a gloomy voice came.

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