Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 4290: love at first sight

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City Lord Bei used the soul silk to control Mu Qianxi, and wanted Mu Qianxi to say that the third card would be discarded, so that she would win!

Mu Qianxi didn't reveal the third card, her red lips parted slightly, and said, "I..."

City Lord Bei smiled brilliantly!

But in the next instant, Mu Qianxi turned over the cards and said, "City Lord Bei, you lost!"

Her smile instantly collapsed and her eyes widened.

He looked at Mu Qianxi's three cards, as well as the three cards in his hand.

It was indeed a loss, and it was a terrible loss!

"Sister Xi'er, you bully people!" She complained aggrievedly against Mu Qianxi, and Shui Lingling's eyes were full of anger.

Mu Qianxi said indifferently: "You cook your own food, and you brought it to your door to find abuse, and said that I bullied you. I can accept it when I am older and like to pretend to be tender, but I am disgusted by slandering people indiscriminately!"

"You... what did you say? You said I'm a lot older!"

Mu Qianxi's words just poked into the heart of City Lord Bei.

She looks like a watery Chinese cabbage, but in fact, she has never fallen asleep in her life, can she be young?

"Give me death! I hate you!" City Lord Bei said fiercely.

The soul silk was activated, and she would use this soul silk to shred Mu Qianxi's soul.

Mu Qianxi raised her hand and grabbed the soul silk on her head.

The hands shrouded her soul power, and gently pulled!


City Lord Bei, the soul silk that cannot be touched or destroyed by outsiders, is like ordinary spider silk, and it is broken by Mu Qianxi!

"You..." City Lord Bei took a few steps back, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.

Soul puppet silk is connected to her soul, and even if she is torn off, she also suffers backlash!

how can that be? this……

"You can actually use your soul power here, you...you already knew that? You have been teasing the city lord!" The city lord Bei gritted his teeth angrily.

Mu Qianxi nodded, "Yes! City Lord Bei, you seem to treat everyone as a fool, but I am not Mu Qianxi!"

"Very good! Very good!" City Bei's flat little chest heaved violently, and terrifying killing intent erupted wildly.

"Go to hell! Go to die!"

Countless puppet threads burst out in an instant, and she was careless just now!

This time, she must torture this **** woman to the point of death, kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Bang bang bang——" These puppet silks are all condensed from soul power, and they are not a threat to Mu Qianxi at all.

In the next instant, City Lord Bei's soul silk was all broken!

She said indifferently, "Is that what your level is?"

City Lord Bei vomited blood by her tone, "Not only can you use your soul power in a city within a city, but your soul power is so strong!"

"My soul power is not strong, how can I be a pharmacist?"

But she has also seen many pharmacists, and their soul power is not as strong as her!

Why is this woman so special?

She put away the soul silk, and the next moment her body rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Since you can't destroy her soul, then destroy her body first!

"Bang——" Mu Qianxi fought with her, and the two took a few steps back. Mu Qianxi felt her arms go numb.

Her eyes sank, this City Lord Bei's body is very firm!

City Lord Bei was also shocked, "Even though you can't use spiritual power, you can resist a blow from me! Your body is so strong, are you still a human?"

She originally thought that she was a powerful **** emperor, and her body was also in the realm of **** emperor!

She only needs one blow, and the woman's body will shatter, anyway, all she wants is her face.

But it never occurred to me that the other party was only slightly injured.

City Lord Bei attacked fiercely again, and Mu Qianxi suddenly laughed.

"Seeing that City Lord Bei, you can only use soul silk but not spiritual power here, I am relieved!"

In the next instant, the holy and innocent light shone and shrouded City Lord Bei.

This is the formation arranged by Ah Huan! He restricts others from using spiritual power here, but he does not limit his own power.

And her light element spiritual power belongs to Ah Huan and can also be used here.

Not only that, she also comprehended the profound meaning of light.

City Lord Bei, who couldn't use spiritual power, was attacked by this power, and it was extremely painful, and his mind was in a state of chaos.

"Spiritual power... how could you be able to use spiritual power?"

"The element of light, the profound meaning of light, you...what are you?"


City Lord Bei's face was pale and his injuries were not light.

Even the King of Gamblers hurriedly stayed away from Mu Qianxi, such a pure power of light was his nemesis!

He smiled schadenfreudely, someone finally taught the old witch a lesson.

City Lord Bei gritted his teeth, resisted the pain of being baptized by the power of light, and once again killed Mu Qianxi.

"I admit that I was careless, but I want you to die! You must die!"

"Xuuuuu——" But she didn't expect Mu Qianxi to have the means, and countless poisonous needles burst out.

"Pfft... puff-"

When it was sprinkled, the long silk-like hair of City Lord Bei was corroded and bald!

Her face was also stained and her body became pitted.

Poisoned into the bone marrow, before she had time to touch Mu Qianxi, the whole figure seemed to have lost all strength and fell to the ground.

Mu Qianxi smiled lightly and said, "I can't only use my soul power here, the light element spiritual power, because I'm an alchemist, I can also use poison!

"So, City Lord Bei, how are you going to kill me?"

"I ... my beauty! You even ruined my beauty and made me so ugly! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhagatopa.

In the next instant, her body emitted stronger energy fluctuations.

The gambling king said: "Little girl, this old witch is going to explode, you hurry up to the eighteenth floor! I went back to the coffin to sleep, this time I will sleep for a long, long time!"

The gambling emperor disappeared, and Mu Qianxi also ran to the eighteenth floor!

"Boom--" A loud explosion sounded.

City Lord Bei's body was indistinguishable, not even a residue.

Mu Qianxi's eyes sank, and he said, "In my whole life, City Lord Bei didn't die completely, right?"

Yisheng replied: "Well! This is just a puppet of hers. It is a puppet that looks like her. It is her avatar. I don't know where her body is?"

As a puppet master, I am used to doing a lot of my own body, which is safe.

Mu Qianxi said solemnly, "It's really tricky!"

An underground pit in the city lord's mansion was filled with pink liquid, forming a lake, and a delicate doll-like girl was lying in it.

She opened her eyes and looked at the broken puppet silk in her hand!

"Ghost doctor Mu Qianxi, that's great! It actually destroyed one of my most satisfying puppet stand-ins!"

"Next, go meet her! I want her face, and I want her soul power!"

That is because there are many restrictions in the city within a city, and the puppet underestimates the enemy!

Once outside, killing her with her strength was as easy as the palm of your hand.

When Mu Qianxi reached the eighteenth floor, a gust of wind blew, and what caught his eye was a man dressed in white with the wind flowing into his bones. He said in a tender and melodious voice: "Little baby, do you believe in love at first sight? This deity feels that his heart is beating in disobedience. Are you responsible?"

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