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"Impossible..." Life and Death Samsara Ding were super surprised.

"Am I still lying? Or you can come out and taste it yourself, and open your eyes, it's definitely many times better than what you made!"

While enjoying the food, Mu Qianxi used soul transmission to communicate with his life.

"No... still forget it..."

"It tastes better than me, which is too exaggerated!" He still couldn't believe it.

Mu Qianxi replied: "In your life, your thoughts are too limited! What you know is her in the past, not her now.

"She should have spent a lot of time and painstakingly practicing her cooking skills, so there has been such an earth-shaking change!

"The rules of the city of food have not changed. The person with the best cooking skills is the city owner, and it is the city owner of Qiuyue who has changed!"

If the statement before the life and reincarnation is not an exaggeration, the culinary skills of Qiuyue City Master can be transformed to the current state, and I must not know how much time and energy it took.

At least, her grandfather has worked hard for a hundred years and has not achieved a qualitative change. The Qiuyue City Lord has spent at least a thousand years!

Mu Qianxi was exhausted, and the dishes on the table were not wasted at all.

She gives face like this, and the City Lord Qiuyue also has a sense of accomplishment.

"I'm so happy that you like it so much!"

When I'm in a good mood, I just want to chat more with people.

After all, she hadn't met anyone willing to chat for a long time.

There are some things in my heart that have been backlogged for too long, and it will be better to say them.

"Sister, do you know? My sister used to be very poor at cooking, and even dogs would not eat the food she made! Even if you use the Ding of Death Reincarnation Ding to cook food automatically, it will fry the Ding Ding, I guess it has a lot of opinions on me now!

"He told me that it doesn't matter if girls don't know how to cook, anyway, he would, and he took me to the City of Gourmet to taste all over the world's food, and to cook it himself, his cooking skills were even higher than that of the city owner of the City of Gourmet at that time! "

Being able to enjoy the most delicious food, accompanied by the most caring and best lover, that time was like a dream.

The technique of seducing a girl in a lifetime is too high, and every relationship is a dream for a girl who is just beginning to fall in love, and it can be etched in the memory of a lifetime.

Therefore, the smile on the face of Qiuyue City Lord at this time is very warm.

Even though she was hurt by love, she did not regret having those years.

"After being separated, I was really sad, so I practiced my cooking skills to solve the pain of lovesickness. I failed again and again, I don't know how long it took, but I was able to make delicious food.

"Until the food I made was no worse than his, I became the lord of the city of food. Before I knew it, I was enjoying the cooking itself, and it had nothing to do with him. This is what I love, and I feel happy.

"Meeting you again, I succeeded in quitting! Now that I think about it, he is not that important. The city owner has money, peerless looks, and superb cooking skills. He is loyal to what he loves. I can be as happy without a man!"

Mu Qianxi admired her, was happy for her, and smiled: "That's right!"

"You are really amazing! My husband and my grandfather are also very bad at cooking, and they will be poisoned if they eat them. They have worked hard for a long time, but they can't improve by a single star.

"You can improve so much, and there are probably not many people in the world who can do it! If you can cultivate your cooking skills to the extreme, a bad-hearted scumbag really can't affect your heart."

City Lord Qiuyue's expression changed, "What? You're already married? Sister...you're only in your twenties!"

She had the expression that her own watery Chinese cabbage was arched by a pig.

"Yeah!" Mu Qianxi nodded slightly.

"Where's your wife? Letting you go out alone at a young age and create a power is not a thing!" Qiuyue City Lord frowned slightly.

She knew the two men who followed her sister. One was the young leader of the Fengmeng League, and the other was her eldest brother, not her husband.

City Lord Qiuyue is willing to talk to her, and Mu Qianxi doesn't mind talking to her more.

After all, she didn't seem to have met any big sister who talked to her.

Mu Qianxi replied, "He's not in the Divine Cauldron Domain, we've been separated for a while! His father doesn't agree with our marriage, it's complicated anyway!

"However, we have experienced a lot. We have lived and died together along the way. Even if we are not together for a while, we are working hard for the future that will never be separated!"

The last time I was in Jianyu, I only met once and then separated quickly because of the appearance of the **** emperor.

She really misses her now.

"Father doesn't agree? Your talent for refining medicine is so good, his father is blind and doesn't agree!"

Qiuyue City Lord was angry, and he wanted to kill Qianxifu's house so that they could see, who is not worthy of whom?

It's really hard to explain. God Emperor didn't agree not because of her, but because of his son, because he never regarded Jiu Ye as his son.

"Yeah! He's blind, so my family Jiuye went back to his place to kill him! If he kills him, no one will stop us from being together." Mu Qianxi replied.

Qiuyue City Lord was shocked when he heard this, and he was even more shocked when he saw Mu Qianxi say these words calmly.

Father murder? Before, I thought that what my sister entrusted was not a human being, so if she didn't accompany her by her side, it would be fine. The house was still in a mess, and it wasn't a good home!

She didn't expect that the other party was ruthless and could do things like murdering her father, but she believed the other party's feelings for her.

She smiled and said, "As expected of my sister, the man you are looking for is extraordinary!"

She did not stand in the highest moral position and said that it was wrong to kill her father, and she felt that this younger sister was not an unreasonable person.

If the other party hadn't forced them to do nothing, they wouldn't have done such a rebellious thing.

Mu Qianxi said again, "City Lord Qiuyue, the dishes you cook are really delicious! My elder brother is begging for death, but he has no desire to survive.

"Today, I ate the food from your mansion in the city lord's mansion, but he has the idea of ​​​​living. I think he must have more ideas after eating the delicious food you made by the city lord.

"Excuse me, how can I make him eat the delicious food you made?"

The City Lord Qiuyue replied, "The person who can let me cook for him is the first one I like, and the second one is to pay a price that I am satisfied with!

"I'm sorry, but I don't like your eldest brother. Although you are handsome, bold, and manly, it doesn't suit my taste!"

Mu Qianxi frowned, "What price do you want? Sister, what kind of medicine do you want, I'll make it for you and exchange it for you! How about I help you tie that heartless man and throw it in front of you?" Qiuyue City Lord chuckled. : "I don't have any shortage of medicinal pills for the time being! As for the heartless man, you should guess who it is! The only thing closely related to the Cauldron of Death is the Eternal Divine Cauldron! The supreme Wuxin master, you must take him


"My good sister, you are really bold, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers! When I meet him, the Death Samsara Cauldron and the Five Elements Holy Cauldron can only listen to him, not yours!" Mu Qianxi nodded slightly and said, "Well !I know."

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