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Sheng Shengdao: "Be careful, I'm actually seeing that guy's condition for the first time, so I'm not 100% sure. If you fail, don't be too disappointed, okay?"

"It's really not that I'm incapable of failing, but that he's in a weird state, which I've never heard of!" Sheng Sheng emphasized.

According to his estimates, the success rate is only 60-70%.

There is a possibility of failure, and it is not small.

He didn't want to be looked down upon by the little baby because of this failure.

Mu Qianxi replied, "Judging from Tianlei's excitement, I know this is not an easy thing.

"I also think I'm a little impatient, so I can expect failure and accept it.

"It's just that if he fails, will Yun Xiu be okay?"

Lifetime said with certainty: "Can he be worse? Don't worry! My medicinal pill was not made in vain. Even if it doesn't work, he won't suffer any worse."

Mu Qianxi was relieved, "Okay! Even if we fail this time, we will try again when we are stronger."

Lifetime said to Mu Qianxi: "Then, let's go!"

They used to concoct high-profile alchemy in the Ghost Doctor Building before, firstly because the Ghost Doctor Building was the safest for them, and secondly, they wanted to give the Ghost Doctor Building a reputation for life.

Knowing that there is such a powerful alchemist in the Ghost Medical Building, even the most powerful forces in the Divine Cauldron Region like Fengmeng would never dare to provoke them.

There will be no obstacles to the future development of the Ghost Doctor Building in the Divine Cauldron Domain!

It was difficult for me to spend so much energy refining alchemy, and I couldn't waste it.

He took Mu Qianxi to one of his secret bases all his life, underwater, it was a coral palace.

Mu Qianxi's mouth twitched slightly, "In my life, there shouldn't be your old lover here, right? If there is, I'll definitely sell you and run away immediately, and I don't want to be entangled with them."

Yisheng replied, "Don't worry, little baby! Only two people here know that the other one died tens of thousands of years ago!"

"Death is not necessarily safe!" Mu Qianxi replied.

"Things like Yunluo really won't happen. The **** here has blessed all his cultivation talents on his appearance, his strength is very low, his lifespan is very limited, and he is definitely gone now!"

Mu Qianxi believed him once, the water here is very clear, and the ingenious coral palace is still beautiful even after tens of thousands of years.

As for why there is a coral palace in the inland lake, it is because the small fish raised in captivity are obviously goldfish in a river but like the sea.

So the Lord of the Wind waved his hand and moved the coral from the deep sea to build this palace.

In order to please the beauty, he has done a lot of arrogant and absurd things in his life. Of course, he will never tell the little baby about these.

It is very quiet here, and no one has ever been here, because no one is qualified to come in except the two masters here.

Yisheng took Mu Qianxi's hand in, and said to Yingtianxia, ​​"Just stay outside! I don't like other men stepping into my territory."

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianxi grabbed Yingtianxia with one hand, "Big brother! Come in, leave him alone!"

It is normal for him to not like other men to invade, but she also does not want to be alone here with her whole life.

She said: "I trust the big brother, and there is a supreme scepter!"

The Supreme Scepter probably knows the three emperors and the Feng family better than she does.

Ying Tianxia, ​​who was pulled in, asked: "Sister, you are so serious, and you have made the medicine pill at such a high price. What are you trying to do? Save people?"

Lifetime said: "Okay, let him come out!"

Mu Qianxi sacrificed the Eternal Tower and let Yun Xiu, who was resting in the tower, come out.

Ying Tianxia was slightly startled, as if a string in memory was being plucked, "Shadow..."

The Supreme Scepter said excitedly: "Ahhh! Yes... it's the shadow of the Feng family! No! How could the children of the Feng family become like this? This..."

There is no flesh and blood, not even a soul.

It seems that this is a simple shadow, an ordinary shadow that appears on everyone when the sun shines on it.

Standing behind Mu Qianxi, he seemed to be able to merge with the normal shadow, and would dissipate into the world at any time.

The eyes are also dark, and there is no slight fluctuation in expression.

Ying Tianxia murmured in a low voice, "It's the shadow of the Feng family, but... is this separated from the master?

"Impossible. It won't be so weak if it's peeled off? It's empty, and it's so empty."

Mu Qianxi said: "It seems that you both know each other very well, and you also said that the eldest brother is not a descendant of the Western Emperor Ying's clan!"

Ying Tianxia opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say that he really wasn't.

But it didn't make a sound, it doesn't matter! It's... yeah!

Mu Qianxi sighed, "Brother, this is a long story! Anyway, Yun Xiu was trying to protect me from becoming like this, and he is the only one left in the Feng family!"

The Supreme Scepter was shocked: "What? Last time we went to Qi's family, although Qi's family was not up to expectations, there were still a lot left! There are also the brothers and sisters in the tomb family. The Feng family's shadow skills are so strong that they fell into At this level!"

Ying Tianxia clenched his fists and said hoarsely, "We must save him!"

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, "Well! I will try my best to save him, my life, can we start?"

Lifetime said: "Release Ah Huan's body!"

Ah Huan has no fixed body, it can be light, or it can be a sword or a tripod!

At this time, it was Mu Qianxi's needle!

Rows of needles emitting white light appeared in front of Mu Qianxi.

Shengsheng said: "Become a line!"

Needled into countless threads.

Lifetime said again: "Go through!"

Mu Qianxi's heart trembled slightly. When the shadow is penetrated by light, it will be fine, right?

Mu Qianxi looked at the serious eyes of her life. Since it has already started, she believes in her life!

Mu Qianxi's thoughts moved, and countless rays of light penetrated through the black shadow.

He doesn't hide, doesn't move, and doesn't feel pain.

He just looked at Mu Qianxi quietly and never looked away.

There are more and more rays of light piercing into the shadows, and most of them are about to see no shadows, but all their lives said: "Continue..."

Mu Qianxi's heart sank, and he could only continue, and he couldn't give up halfway now!

After a while, he said, "Use the Eternal Tower!"

The Aion floated above the shadow, and the terrifying power of darkness poured into it.

The shadows penetrated by countless bright threads were shrouded in darkness again, wrapped in layers of dark power.

This kind of crazy perfusion, even the five-star dark supernatural beast is probably hard to bear.

Ying Tianxia looked very confused, and the Supreme Scepter was even more confused. Is this the means of the eternal artifact? So mysterious.

Light and darkness were half and half at this time, and Mu Qianxi's light and dark element spiritual power also broke out completely, integrating the power of light and darkness.

Light is the power of the eternal artifact, not that it is not strong, but that they have no bond with the shadow.

He exists because of her and needs her strength.

But she is just a god!

In less than ten breaths, her spiritual power could no longer hold.

Not enough, far from enough.

Even if she didn't say it all her life, she knew the result and she was going to fail!

Her level is not enough, she is too impatient.

I also sighed secretly all my life, very annoyed.

I was anxious to coax the baby not to be angry with him, so I didn't think about it that much.

If the realm of the baby does not keep up, it is doomed to fail!

Even if the baby is very strong, accept a failure. But I will definitely hate myself for being too weak now, which will lead to today's failure.

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