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Ying Tianxia found himself locked and entangled by a force.

The sharp golden light broke free and continued to run!

He said with lingering fears: "This thing is really difficult to deal with, we have to speed up!"

He and Mu Qianxi didn't run for long, and when they looked back, they found that the pink vines were tearing through the void and approaching.

"Forget it has the power of space! Tricky."

No matter how tricky it is, I have to run and let the girl stand and be killed by her!

Although there is a defensive artifact, it cannot be relied on all the time.

The pink vines relied on the power of space, and the speed was very strange, and soon the distance between them was shortened.

Crazy killing intent shrouded, Mu Qianxi said: "Big brother, you can't run away! Let's fight!"

The surrounding is deserted and there are no people, it is a good venue for war.

Ying Tianxia clenched the supreme scepter and said, "I can only go out and fight!"

Angrily irrational, full of wanting to get rid of his rivals, his killing intent was shocking, and he shot with the power of breaking the sky and breaking the ground.

Countless pink vines attacked, and the only target was Mu Qianxi.

Ying Tianxia muttered, "What's going on? Do you still look down on me?"

The Supreme Scepter slammed down, trying to cut off the attack of the pink vines.

But the pink vines still ignored his powerful enemy and focused on killing Mu Qianxi.


"Hi!" Ying Tianxia was hurt.

This thing is not only strong, but also crazy, too difficult to deal with.

Mu Qianxi also used all her means, and under the strong pressure of the pink vines, she crossed the third rank and reached the death rank of a general.

The pink vines attacked more and more fiercely, Ying Tianxia slowly moved to Mu Qianxi's body and said: "Sister, this guy is too strong! You also know that brother I can't die, I will perish with it later, you hurry up!"

Mu Qianxi said, "I'm sorry for hurting my eldest brother!"

"You don't need to apologize, girl, how can a belligerent man not get hurt? This injury is an honor! I like it." Ying Tianxia smiled brightly.

"However, you don't have to work hard, eldest brother! He should repay the debt caused by someone!" Mu Qianxi's gentle tone became a little colder.

"Life, get out!" Mu Qianxi said.

All my life, I thought that Yunluo Yaohuang Shouyuan had reached the end of its emergence, and it has long since disappeared.

The bits and pieces of the past have disappeared, and there is no trace at all. The little baby is happy to collect medicine in the medicine garden.

Who would have thought that that woman would leave behind such a strong obsession, and the little baby knew more than usual!

He just wanted to find a hole in the ground to bury himself, and he didn't dare to say a word!

Seeing the little baby calling, he had to appear as her artifact, and there would be danger if the little baby didn't appear again.

What should be faced is still to be faced, and it will be a headache for a lifetime.

A gust of breeze blew by, and three thousand black hairs poured down with the wind. The face that wanted to face was unparalleled, and the gleaming peach blossom eyes captivated the soul.

The pink vines stopped, as if time had stopped.

Soon, a very excited voice came from the pink vine, "Life, life, you are finally back, I finally see you..."

He sighed softly: "Yunluo, that's enough! Why are you bothering?"

A gentle voice came out, "You love her, or you love me! Say you love me, and I'm willing to promise you anything!"

Sheng Sheng said: "I don't love you, I explained it to you before."

"No! No! I didn't listen, you didn't say..." The power around the pink vines ran wild again.

"It's all her! It's all her..."

The next moment, the pink vines attacked Mu Qianxi's heart again.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared, and all the vines were involved in it.

Let all the wind and waves stay away from Mu Qianxi.

There was nothing wrong with her anyway, so Mu Qianxi hurriedly healed her elder brother.

Ying Tianxia said: "Just now...that guy just now looks really bad? He is even more bad-looking than the best-looking man in my memory? No wonder... No wonder it can make a generation of Medicine Emperor go crazy like this?"

The Supreme Scepter said leisurely: "Master...that...that seems to be an eternal artifact!"

As a supreme scepter, it can feel the horror of that man, and it is also an artifact that has seen the eternal sword Yanlong Soulkilling Sword.

Similar powerful breath, it is easy for it to guess the truth.

Mu Qianxi nodded and said, "Yeah! He is the eternal soul cauldron."

Ying Tianxia said: "I seem to have heard of his name!" The master lost his memory, and the Supreme Scepter said: "Well! The world-famous lover, there are countless confidantes! Master Mu, you took him to the Divine Cauldron Domain. It's too dangerous, Shen Dingyu is his most popular gathering place, such a crazy girl

It is estimated that there are more than one person, run! "

The Supreme Scepter couldn't help breaking a cold sweat for Mu Qianxi, and it was estimated that someone like Yunluo Yaohuang was an appetizer.

Mu Qianxi rubbed her brows, she also had a headache! She is also worried!

She underestimated the ability of her life!

In the realm of wind, the power of pink vines is too small to face life.

Yunluo Medicine Emperor's obsessions were all pulled out of the pink vines and imprisoned by the wind.

Lifetime indifferent: "It should disappear, and if it disappears completely, it can completely forget me, and it should be free!"

A graceful phantom in the air shed tears, "Aloof, transcends the supreme being of the supreme god, the eternal master, you despise everything and your feelings.

"I am to you, just a little flower on the side of the road that makes you take a second look in the long years, as humble as the dust.

"I know! I've always known it, but I'm unwilling...Unwilling, I don't believe it, I thought I could impress you with love, but unfortunately I couldn't do it..."

Unable to love, exhausted all means, spent an unknown number of years, and got a desperate result.

"I hate you!" Love is desperate, in addition to love, there is endless hatred. "Hahahaha! You are no different from me now? The one you love, doesn't love you! There is another love! I curse you to never get the love of the one you love, and suffer as much as I do! "Tears turned into tears of blood,

Nian unleashed the most vicious curse.

Curse with all your strength, and it will soon dissipate.

Lifetime smiled lightly, and sighed helplessly: "This is all true, and I still use you to curse! Silly girl."

After the curse was over, the obsession dissipated, and the pink vine became a small one.

I wanted to destroy my life, but after hesitating for a while, I mentioned it and said, "Xiaoyaoyuan, you said, if I take you to apologize to Xiaogan, will she forgive me?"

This is the Yunluo Medicine Garden itself, but he was only two or three years old when he became conscious.

In fact, it doesn't understand anything by itself, and it is quite useful to alchemists. He walked towards Mu Qianxi all his life, holding a rose woven from pink vines in his hand. He was romantic and affectionate, and his every move could fascinate people.

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