Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 4237: Five Elements Performance

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The two of them deliberately rushed in the direction Qin Chengzhu and Mu Qianxi left, and led the deadly grass to attack them.

They grow fast and they are quickly caught up.

Qin Cheng took the initiative to smash them.


Unexpectedly, all of Qin's attacks were bounced back.

"Pfft!" He was also injured by his own strength, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

This? Grass can be really evil enough!

City Lord Jiang said with a triumphant smile: "Old Qin, if we want to survive, we must join forces."

Qin City Lord said angrily: "Go away!"

I really agreed to join forces, but I don't know if this shameless old thing will stab a knife in secret.

"You go first!" City Lord Qin waved and pushed Mu Qianxi away.

This evil grass is very deadly, but he is a master of the peak of the **** king, and there is still a chance to survive.

But? This girl is only a god-level general. Once trapped, there is only one way to die.

"Then be careful!" Mu Qianxi quickly swept out the wind element, taking away the broken leaves by the way.

Although most of the force of Qin City Lord's blow was bounced back, it was not ineffective at all, at least it shattered part of the spring grass.

Qin City Lord bought her time to leave, and she avoided danger first.

This crisis can be solved by formulating a potion that can kill this spring grass.

But? Unexpectedly, after she left the attack range of Spring Grass, she was targeted by the woman.

Jiao Jiao's attitude was obvious. She found that Mu Qianxi's strength was low, and she was most suitable for her backing, so that she had a chance to escape from danger.

She was a little surprised, this woman was not very strong, but she was very fast. She tried her best to take medicine pills to catch up.

A long whip blasted towards Mu Qianxi, she wanted to entangle Mu Qianxi and throw her to the back, so that she could drag the spring grass.

Mu Qianxi reacted immediately, teleporting to avoid it, making her miss.

Jiao?? Jiao muttered, why so fast?

She started again, and Mu Qianxi also repaid the past with the power of the wind element.


Jiao?? Jiao was slightly startled and took a few steps back, you...

No **** will dare to come to Yunluo Medicine Garden. She looks young, but she is already the first-level **** king.

But I didn't expect to be attacked by a **** general and forced to retreat. This woman is very strange.

Mu Qianxi said coldly, "Do you want to die?"

Jiao Jiao looked cold and said, "I don't want to die, so you must die!"

With a flick of her wrist, the long whip lashed out like a poisonous snake, and it erupted with venom.

Mu Qianxi was surrounded by wind element spiritual power and swept towards her!

"?? bang bang bang-"

"?You..." Jiaojiao's face became more and more ugly, and the mere **** general was so difficult to deal with.

Mu Qianxi was able to deal with a beginner **** king with ease, but the confrontation between the two caused the speed to slow down.

The next moment, the two of them were surrounded by spring grass.

They spun wildly and strangled, and they had no way to escape.

Jiao Jiao's face became ugly and anxious, and cursed: "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for your uncooperative cooperation, at least we still have one person to live."

Mu Qianxi said indifferently: "Why do you think you can use my life to fill a way for you?"

The sound of the space being torn apart was approaching, Jiaojiao bit the tip of her tongue and used a defensive artifact to block the spring grass's attack.

"?? Puchi-" These spring grass collided with the defensive artifact, and sparks flew everywhere.

Jiao Jiao gritted her teeth and said, "Even if you die, you will die earlier than me! I'm waiting to appreciate the ugly appearance of your tragic death!"

Mu Qianxi turned the wind element, used teleportation, groped for a lifeline in the spring grass attack, and shuttled through it.

Jiaojiao couldn't believe her eyes at all, "How can you do this? It's so fast."

If it wasn't for her to make trouble, this speed could have escaped completely.

Thinking about this, the more jealous she became in her heart, she snorted coldly, "I can only escape a few times, and see how you escape after that?"

With more and more spring grass growing wildly, Mu Qianxi really couldn't find any vital gaps.

"?Pfft—" It's just that the spring grass, which can smash people into flesh, fell on Mu Qianxi and only caused scratches.

The flesh is strong enough that the threat is not so deadly.

Jiao?? Jiao was puzzled, "She used a defensive artifact, I didn't see it!"

The next moment, Mu Qianxi burst into flames of destruction.

The flames spread, and she wanted to burn the spring grass.

"? She's actually a fire element spiritist, dual-type!" Jiaojiao was stunned.

The fire can only stop the spring grass from attacking for a short time, but it cannot burn them to ashes, they are almost invulnerable.

"?Pfft—" The potion against the green radish is useless to it.

The situation was urgent, and it didn't give her time to prepare the medicine against it.

Mu Qianxi's forehead was dripping with sweat, and it looked like she was about to draw her sword. She didn't believe that the Yanlong Soul Killing Sword would cut all these things.

Jiao Jiao sneered: "I think you've exhausted your means. If you can't hold on any longer, die!"

Her defensive artifact won't last long, so I really want Qianxi to lose quickly.

But **** it, even though death is imminent, this woman is not panicking and despairing at all, she looks like she is at ease.

"Master, and me! To deal with these grasses, you don't need a sword, you can just use a tripod!" The Five Elements Holy Tripod, which played the role of helping Mu Qianxi to find medicine, suddenly said.

In the God Cauldron Domain, the masters are in danger to use the eternal sword, do they want to lose face?

"Yao Ding can refine all kinds of spirit medicines into medicinal pills, and at the same time, medicine Ding is also the nemesis of all kinds of spiritual plants!" Five Elements Sheng Ding said.

Mu Qianxi smiled and said: "I really didn't think of this, because I haven't mentioned it in my life, thank you Five Elements for reminding me." Moreover, the master thinks that it is not elegant to fight with the medicine cauldron. However, it is the easiest to use the cauldron to refine them in special circumstances, and please don't dislike them."

The Five Elements Holy Tripod Road.

It? The dignified Five Elements Holy Cauldron is not used by the master to refine medicine, and its only function is to find medicine.

If you don't take this opportunity to perform well, wouldn't you be treated as a waste by the master all the time, that would be really miserable.

"Don't give up!" With the best solution, Mu Qianxi sacrificed the Five Elements Holy Cauldron without hesitation.

As soon as the Holy Tripod came out, it instantly suppressed the spring grass, and they couldn't bounce.

Mu Qianxi used the beacon fire element to involve them in the Five Elements Holy Cauldron and began to refine them.

That? The spring grass that the attack would rebound and the fire could not burn entered the Holy Cauldron, which was indistinguishable from the elixir that Mu Qianxi used to make medicine.

It is quickly refined and has no attack power!

"Puff puff-"

As Mu Qianxi made his move, the deadly spring grass around him receded like a tide.

However, there were still a lot of spring grass surrounding that Jiaojiao. When she saw Mu Qianxi doing it, a light flashed in her eyes.

"It turns out that they can be refined with medicinal cauldrons? I am also a pharmacist, and I also have medicinal cauldrons. I am saved!" After she sacrificed her medicinal cauldron, Wu Xing sneered: "That's it..."

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