Evil Wang Pampers His Ghost Doctor Fei

Chapter 4063: Nine Nights Not Allowed

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Bad Luck Black Fox King sneered and said, "You are so big, I was born in bad luck, there is bad luck in this world, no one can kill me?"

It suddenly exploded with terrifying power, and the nine black tails slammed into the dark.

Anan didn't even blink his eyes, as if the number of attacks, he could see through it with just one glance.

All bad luck, in the face of the absolutely terrifying dark power, seemed vulnerable.

In just one round, the black fox king of bad luck had already been injured, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Those Protoss were anxious, "The strength of the Lord of Eternal Darkness cannot be underestimated. The bad luck Black Fox King cannot last long. Let's not hesitate anymore and immediately take Mu Qianxi back to life!"

Obviously, the bad luck Black Fox King will also be abandoned.

The divine light tore the void and instantly approached Mu Qianxi.

The beasts were shocked, "The Protoss actually appeared here?"

These protoss looked at Mu Qianxi and said, "Mu Qianxi, you'd better follow us obediently, so as not to get hurt in time."

Mu Qianxi sneered, "If you want to take me away, it depends on my Jiuye's answer?"

They were shocked, "His Royal Highness Jiuye..."

A long voice appeared behind Mu Qianxi, holding the person in his arms, and the voice that could not hold his beak came out.

"Naturally, this lord will not agree!"

In an instant, the entire battlefield was filled with a very strange dark force rolling in the air, which made people feel chilling.

At the moment Jiuye appeared, these protoss had no hope anymore.

They rushed out at an unprecedented speed in this life, far away from this evil spirit.

Jiuye didn't rush to obliterate them, and hurriedly chased after Qianxi in his arms.

The beasts felt unbelievable. The gods descended and were powerful. They were all full of powerlessness and couldn't help Qianxi.

But I didn't expect that a black-clothed man who was very close to Qianxi suddenly appeared. The Protoss looked at him and scared him away. What a powerful existence is this?

"Puff puff—" At this time, the bad luck Black Fox King had been wounded all over his body, and there were only two of his nine tails left.

It stared darkly at its eyes: "Very good! It is worthy of being the eternal master of darkness, but I will never give up!"

In an instant, the blood it sprinkled on the ground instantly condensed into a burst, braving the black fog to rush towards the cracked sky beetle, the western beast king, the iron-eater bear, and the earth bear king.

Embraced by terrible doom, the weird thing is that no matter how powerful they are, they can't get rid of them.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

"It's the essence and blood, because of the essence and blood? Bad luck Black Fox King!" the struggling Western Beast King snarled frantically.

The bad luck black fox king wants their essence and blood to lift the seal for the ancestors.

In fact, they have secretly moved their hands and feet, so that they can easily swallow them, making them unable to resist at all.

The Earth Bear King and the Iron Eater also regretted it, "Damn it! We were fooled."

Secretly showed no mercy to them, "Cooperate with a guy who likes to bring bad luck to people, and take it for yourself!"

The bad luck Black Fox King laughed wildly: "Hahaha! All the beasts that believe in me are dead. Of course you are no exception. Who makes you stupid!"

Li Bei also looked at it with cold eyes, it was this guy who lied to the eldest brother and sister-in-law and killed them.

The Western Beast King and the Earth Bear King turned into blood mist, and they were extremely painful before they died.

The blood mist turned into bad luck and the power returned to the black fox king of bad luck, causing it to grow a tail.

Then, it was the turn of the beetle and the iron-eater.

They can hold on for a while because of their strength.

But they were so painful that they felt every drop of blood in their bodies turned into a knife, tearing their bodies apart.

"Master Supreme, save us!"

"The eternal darkness rules your lord. We are wrong. We should not claim to break the seal without authorization. Please save us once."

They have just broken the seal and regained their freedom, so they don't want to die so aggrieved!

And the only ones who have the ability to save them, they only think of these two.

Xiao Hong trembled her ears and said: "You just took advantage of my strength to find my revenge! Let me save you? Stop dreaming, am I such a kind beast?

"Moreover, I only have the strength of a four-star super mythical beast. I can't save you, so give up!"

Xiao Hong responded to them anyway, but she completely ignored them, as if their cry for help was like air, and wanted to completely obliterate the bad luck Black Fox King.

The bad luck black fox king finally swallowed the two old antique beasts, and it has grown seven tails, there are ten in total, and its power has skyrocketed!

It was extremely excited and smiled: "Hahaha! Ten tails, I did it. It turns out that it can really gain power beyond the limit by swallowing two big beasts.

"Have you seen the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox? My bad luck, the Black Fox King, is stronger than your **** Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox clan and can go further!"

He said coldly and sternly: "Using crooked ways will help you get out of your superiority. Everything about you will end here. How can you go far?"

Darkly angry, the power of extreme darkness collided with the power full of bad luck, and a strong power fluctuation erupted, which was frightening.

On the other side, those protoss who were about to flee were horrified to discover the changes in their bodies, turning their bodies into bones every inch.

Their faces turned pale and they were dead!

Jiuye held Qianxi and didn't let go, while calmly cleaning the Protoss.

Those Beast Guardians of the Beast Guardians who were hiding in the dark were scared to death, and the protoss messengers could not withstand a single blow, then they...

Those icy blue eyes glanced at them, just a look, which made them feel like death has come.

"Xi, do you want them to disappear?" Jiuye asked Qianxi, looking at him.

"No, let everyone who has hatred with them, personally clean up!"

The two antique-level fierce beasts were taken care of by the bad luck Black Fox King, and the advent of the Lord of Eternal Darkness gave them absolute confidence.

Now, the orcs on their side have steadily gained the upper hand.

The super divine beasts that the Protoss added were also retreating steadily, and there were already super divine beasts that had no opponents quietly surrounding the back where the beast masters were hiding.

After gathering enough partners, they rushed forward fiercely.

"Ah—" a scream came out.

Their beasts have all been sent out, and now they have a bare pole. Their combat effectiveness is not very good, and they can only be beaten!

Mu Qianxi looked at the place where the power of horror and darkness was coming. The darkness was too strong and he couldn't see clearly.

"Dark him..."

Jiuye said in a low voice, "He is the Tower of Eternity, and it is impossible that even a black fox that doesn't enter the stream can't be cleaned up. Xi doesn't need to worry about him, it is better to worry about me..."

"Worry about you, isn't your body complete yet?" Mu Qianxi grabbed Jiuye's hand. He secretly caught sight of Huang Jiuye, who was almost at a negative distance from his owner, and said coldly to the bad luck black fox king: "It's time to end!"

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