Evil Spirit World: I Push This World with My Flesh

Chapter 339: Crimson Blood Evil God!

Among the crowd, one master after another exploded.

The young girl finally showed a strong sense of panic, her hands were sealed, and she desperately displayed a top-secret forbidden method to escape, her entire body was shrouded in a layer of blood.

Like a blood-colored sun.

The speed was seven or eight times higher than before.

Seeing that she was about to escape from the valley, suddenly, an incomparably terrifying crisis struck quickly from behind her, like a flood of beasts rushing past, with a monstrous aura.

The young girl was terrified to the extreme, trembling, screaming, and hurriedly turned back to resist.

However, as soon as she turned around, Jiang Dao's terrifyingly huge body rushed forward.

A huge sole, with violent force, directly and ruthlessly stepped on her face.

The girl tried desperately to parry and used countless secret techniques, but all of them were useless.

With a bang, all the secret techniques and spiritual powers she played exploded.

A ferocious and powerful, masculine huge sole stepped on her face.


The girl's body was trampled and fell to the ground on the spot, the whole delicate head fell into the ground on the spot, the body was terrible, and the whole ground was shaking violently.

One after another thick and fine cracks spread out in all directions with her body as the center.


Countless gravels rose into the sky, and the scene was terrifying.

"It's just that, I thought you had prepared some kind of master, so dare to say such big words..."

Jiang Dao's voice was full of magnetism, and his huge feet firmly stepped on the girl's face.

The corpses lay out behind him, horrific.

The masters of the Southern Sky Alliance and the White Bone Mountain all died tragically, and they were burned in a raging fire, not even leaving their complete corpses behind.

Suddenly, Jiang Dao removed the huge soles of his feet, and his five fingers grabbed the head of the girl in the ground.

With a puff, the young girl was pinched by her neck and pulled out from the ground.

I saw a young girl with a beautiful face, a rare young girl in the world. At this moment, the whole face became terrible, tattered, twisted and covered with black blood.

It's like being the ugliest person in the world.

"Tell me, where are your other masters? I'll let you go!"

Jiang Dao shook her body,

The girl shivered, her expression showing a strong fear, and she looked at Jiang Dao in disbelief.

She was originally the arrogant daughter of the Southern Sky Alliance. From childhood to adulthood, no one dared to really take action against her at any time, in any venue, or with anyone she met.

She is like a little phoenix surrounded by everyone, growing up in the admiration, admiration, following and envy of everyone. It can be said that from childhood to adulthood, she has always wanted the wind and the rain, and when she grows up, She is even more so.

None of the things she participated in planning were unsuccessful.

But now facing Jiang Dao, she found that all her pride, all her self-confidence, and all her honor had all collapsed.

This is a monster!

is a monster!

She doesn't consider herself a woman at all.

His own charm is worthless in front of him.

"Hehehe, do you think I'll tell you?"

A miserable smile appeared on the girl's face.

She was disfigured, and a terrifying blazing sun rushed into her face, destroying all the tissues on her face, and she couldn't resolve it with her power.

When she got this fate, she didn't want to live anymore, so she had nothing to fear now.

Jiang Dao frowned and stared at the girl, "Don't tell me?"


He grabbed the opponent's body and shook it vigorously.


Immediately, the hundreds of bones in the girl's body collided directly, making a crackling sound, breaking and bursting every inch, causing her to scream and spit out countless black blood from all over her body.

At the moment when the girl screamed and lost consciousness, Jiang Dao suddenly visualized the demon god, his eyes were like a dark abyss, and he instantly stared at the girl's eyes.


In an instant, the girl's eyes quickly became dull, and the countless memories in her mind began to be quickly read by Jiang Dao.

Jiang Dao's eyes turned into scanners.

In the blink of an eye, he looked aside all the memories in the girl's mind.


After reading it, Jiang Dao raised his big hand and slapped the girl directly on the girl's body. A fiery breath of blazing sun poured into her flesh and blood instantly, destroying her body from the inside and the outside.

In the blink of an eye, the girl turned into powder and disappeared from the world.

Jiang Dao's eyes were indifferent, he looked forward, his voice echoed in the ears of Wang Daoling and others, and said, "It seems that the masters of the Southern Sky Alliance and the White Bone Mountain have not left, and they are still in the defense line of Soul Lost Valley, let's go, once Solve all the problems, so I can take care of my own business!"

Wang Daoling and the others behind them were shocked when they saw it, and nodded quickly.

"Senior You Lao!"

Wang Daoling spoke quickly and began to lead the way ahead.

Jiang Dao held the divine bow and swept straight ahead.

The defense line of Soulless Valley is only more than 500 kilometers away from here. With their inhuman speed, it is only a few hours of work.

It was only when they were rushing towards the Lost Soul Valley defense line with all their strength.

In the Valley of Souls.

in one of the tallest buildings.

Originally there was an ancient bronze lamp the size of a palm, which was exquisite and beautiful.

At this moment, a cloudy wind suddenly blew, and the entire ancient lamp went out instantly.

Inside the building, the old man who was originally responsible for guarding the ancient lanterns suddenly changed his face.

He couldn't believe his eyes, and then his body shot out of the building like lightning, and shouted, "Something has changed, Miss's soul lamp has gone out!"


The sound was huge, spreading in all directions like a tide.

Inside the Valley of Lost Souls defense line.

All the god-level and dragon-level masters all changed their faces in shock, and they rushed out like lightning without thinking, and quickly came outside.

The one at the head is a god-level seventh-turn master.

This is an old man with white hair and beard, a white robe, a majestic and indifferent face, and an unusually tall body.

His name is Pang Ban, and he is one of the two deputy leaders of the Southern Sky Alliance!

The status of the wheel is second only to the ancestors of the Zhao family!

Next to him, there are three old men, all of them are all god-level rank six.

Next to the sixth rank of the **** level, there are six or seven god-level fifth rank.

It can be said that at this moment, the core strength of Baigu Mountain and the Southern Sky Alliance has directly gathered about 80%.

It's just that they didn't expect that the defense line of Soulless Valley was just taken down by them, and their young lady Zhao Fengling's soul lamp suddenly went out.

"When did you find out?"

Pang Ban asked in a low voice.

"Just now, it died without warning."

The old man opened his mouth in horror.

"Previously, the young lady took people to hunt down the remnants of the Great Southwest Alliance. Could it be that something has changed?"

The face of a god-level rank six master next to him changed.

"The Miss Northwest Second Demon and Fang Tongtian are guarding her side. Even if she is a god-level rank six, she will not be able to keep her. Miss is dead now, it can only mean that the people who come here will be beyond imagination. Send the order and immediately open the Lost Soul Valley! "

Pang Ban opened his mouth and drank lowly.

"Yes, Deputy Alliance Leader!"

A group of people's expressions changed, and they acted quickly.


After a while, the entire huge and towering defense line suddenly began to light up with hazy rays of light, scorchingly flickering, and pieces of huge runes quickly emerged, like huge turtle shells, firmly wrapping the entire line of defense.

But on their side, a big formation has just been raised!


An incomparably terrifying sky-shattering divine light directly slammed through the large formation outside at a speed that was unseen by the naked eye, like a meteor.


The sky shattered, the sound roared.

The space and the ground in all directions were shaking violently.

In an instant, as if a super earthquake had occurred, all the buildings began to collapse and rumble.

Everyone's expressions changed, and they all looked up.

I saw that a terrifying golden killing arrow was firmly shooting on the dazzling array at the moment, surging out a piece of incomparably terrifying power.

"The Emperor Bow!"

"It's that Jiang Dao!"

"Should kill!"

They shouted loudly, hurriedly jumped into the air, came into the air, and looked into the distance across the great formation.

I saw the top of the mountain not far away.

A burly and unusual figure stood there at an unknown time, all dressed in hunting and flying, with golden pupils, with strange golden threads inside, holding a divine bow and shooting towards it.

"Interesting, the great formation of Soulless Valley can actually block an arrow from me."

Jiang Dao showed a strange expression, and said with a low smile, "But I want to see how many arrows you can block!"


He pulled his palm hard, and above the bow tire was another dazzling killing arrow that quickly took shape. The golden light flickered, and a burst of unimaginable terrifying power surged. When his finger was released, it rushed out in an instant.

call out!

The golden light swept across the earth, and the sound was harsh, accompanied by the roar of a dragon that shook the sky.

Pieces of strange red-haired whirlwinds began to appear in all directions.


The sound roared, and another arrow slammed into the huge formation barrier.

In this way, Jiang Da started to shoot bows and arrows one after another.

One after another, rays of light rushed out quickly, each of which was earth-shattering and terrifying.

In a blink of an eye, he fired forty-three arrows in a row!

Like forty-three terrifying and dazzling meteors in the sky, with unimaginable fluctuations, they quickly passed through and rushed towards the large formation above the ground.

The red-haired whirlwind between the heavens and the earth became more intense.

A monstrous and terrifying aura swept through the four fields.

Everyone in the big formation felt like the end of the world in an instant.

Everyone was horrified and unbelievable.

Didn't you say the Emperor Bow was damaged?

Why can he still shoot so many arrows?

Boom boom boom!

An earth-shattering roar came out.

A series of big explosions occurred directly in the entire sky, like dozens of terrifying mushroom clouds rising up here, and unimaginable power fluctuations directly swept across the four directions.

The ground below the great formation began to be unbearable, and was affected by the terrifying force. Pieces of the ground quickly cracked open, revealing terrifying and unpredictable large cracks.

Eighty percent of the buildings in the entire Lost Soul Valley defense line were directly destroyed!

And under Jiang Dao's series of shootings, the great formation that was originally shrouded in the Valley of Lost Souls finally couldn't bear it any more at this moment. It made a low roar and began to shake and crack rapidly.

Then, with a thud, the entire formation burst open.

"Everyone, don't panic, let's do it together!"

Pang Ban let out a loud roar.

Suddenly, his hands folded together, forming a seal, blue veins bursting out on his face, and he shouted, "Crimson Blood Evil God, come out!"


The ground in all directions shook violently, and suddenly it cracked completely, and a huge scarlet blood-colored altar emerged directly from the ground.

As soon as it emerged, an unimaginable **** aura filled the air.

I saw that on the ninth floor of the blood-colored altar, there was actually a scarlet, blood-splattered skeleton sitting high. look.

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"Crimson Blood Evil God!"

Beside Jiang Dao, Wang Daoling couldn't help shrinking his pupils, showing a look of shock, "You...you actually sacrificed blood to the Evil God and called out the Crimson Evil God?"

He just couldn't believe it.

This red-blooded evil **** is the most bizarre and terrifying of the evil gods. When the world is in chaos, other evil gods will appear on their own initiative to bring disaster to the world, but this red-blooded evil **** will never appear on his own initiative!

It only appears when it is sacrificed.

Every time it appears, it takes 100,000 souls to sacrifice blood!

Once full, one condition of the priest will be satisfied.

He never imagined that in order to deal with Jiang Dao, the people of the Southern Sky Alliance and Baigushan would actually slaughter 100,000 living beings and sacrifice blood to the evil **** of red blood!

"In order to deal with the Emperor Bow~www.wuxiamtl.com~ what does it mean to wake up the Red Blood Evil God? Your Emperor Bow is so strong, if you don't wake up the Evil God, how can we be your opponent!"

Pang Ban's face was covered with blue veins, his expression was hideous, and the seal of his hands was firmly maintained.


On the ninth-floor altar, the blood-colored skeleton seemed to have suddenly been resurrected. The scarlet head slowly turned and turned to look directly at Jiang Dao. Seven or eight blood holes appeared densely on the face.

Every blood hole flickered a little bit of aura, just like eyes.

From these **** skeletons of it emanated a terrifying wave of **** souls.

"Emperor's bow... It's this kind of atmosphere that I am familiar with and disgusted with... After so many years, has the bowstring of the emperor's bow been renewed?"


It suddenly stepped out from the huge blood-colored altar, with a monstrous **** aura, gloomy and terrifying, and quickly covered half of the sky. As soon as it walked out, it raised a strange scarlet finger like jade and pointed directly at Jiang Dao's The area moves slowly.


In an instant, the blood evil in half the sky began to shake.

It was like an invisible sea of ​​blood rushing towards Jiang Dao's body quickly. As far as the eye could see, the sky and the ground had all turned scarlet, and the endless scarlet seemed to have the aura of destroying everything.

Jiang Dao's heart froze, his whole body instantly felt like a great enemy, and the cold hairs on his back stood up.

This is definitely a more terrifying enemy than the god-level ninth turn!


The Emperor's bow was instantly drawn full, and the endless blazing sun energy poured into the bow tire, and a dazzling and unusual killing arrow took shape again.

Jiang Dao roared, "Give me death!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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