Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 96: Boss Bai Wants To Take Me To Win? (Superior)

In the live broadcast room.

The people are already happy.

"Haha! This pig-headed man is tired of living! He still doesn't know who he has offended!"

"If you dare to challenge Mo Shen, Mo Shen will send him to the west with just one finger! No, half a finger is enough!"

"It made me laugh! This guy still thinks that Silent God is a soft persimmon, and thinks that the rules of the divine tower world protect Silent God. The rules of the divine tower world are to protect him, okay! Otherwise, this pig's head would have turned into a roasted pig. Got it!"

"I'm really looking forward to seeing this pig meet the silent god outside!"

"This pig head is so brazen that he wants to bury the silent god. 007 is good, he turns out to be a pig with ideals, haha!"

In the live broadcast room, there was a lot of ridicule.

Even the host Bingbing and other guests smiled and shook their heads.

After seeing the arms of these challengers.

In fact, everyone has an idea in mind.

A group of troops with a maximum of one star.

It's not enough to fill the gap between the silent god's teeth.

Silent God hits thirty-star units like Sun Tzu.

These arms are not even on the stage in front of the silent god.

That is to say, the forest elves only carried ten, and the challenger named Bai Yuekui (cjbf) was seriously injured, which brought some trouble to the silent god.

Other things can be ignored.

This game is a challenge!

It just depends on how Mo Shen performs on the spot.

However, Po Jun Bing Wang still retained a cautious attitude.

"Whether it's the reduction in the number of forest elves being carried, or the serious injury of the challenger named Bai Yuekui.

"This is just the initial test of Ye Mo by the Tower World!"

"Since the Tower World has an idea to target Ye Mo."

"This time the test of the miniature secret realm will not be that simple!"

Just wait and see how Ye Mo shows up.

After Bai Yuekui recovered, he moved his hands and feet for a while.

But the restrictions placed on Ye Mo by the tower world can be felt everywhere!

A bean that can recover from injuries in two seconds... must be very valuable!

I'm absolutely sure that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

This bean is a treasure that Ye Mo got from the God Tower World, and it is a very high-grade treasure.

Randomly, Bai Yuekui walked up to Ye Mo, his tone still calm and cold.

Humans are great at using tools and commanding.

"The challenges of this type of world, I'm looking at you!"

He looked at the poor ninth-grade soldiers with low levels.

What Po Jun said is correct.

Very low grade!

Then I looked at Ye Mo and the forest elf behind Ye Mo.


What Bai Yuekui wants most is a strong partner.

"That's all."

Bai Yuekui accepted this favor.

She knows the status of human challengers in the tower world.

Compared with other races, they all have inherent disadvantages.

Bai Yuekui sighed.

"This is fate."

It's true that Bai Yuekui is aloof.

"Just follow me!"

In fact, when Bai Yuekui saw Ye Mo at the beginning.

Also a bit disappointed.

Bai Yuekui was sure.

Ye Mo, "????"

But he is indeed a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and knows how to repay kindness.

Fighting is what Bephis is good at!

"Thank you for the beans."

In order to save her, I gave it to her...

Only then did I accept this fact.

It is a special reformer like her who has power beyond the limits of ordinary humans.

The Tower World does not make it clear.

Looked at Ye Mo again.

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