Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 92 Come! Demolish The Tower! Ye Mo Has Set Another Record! (Down)

Unfortunately, in the end, the challengers from the Siren World were unable to stop Ye Mo.

In other words, some of the Siren Challengers have returned.

But in the face of the forest elves who burst out to demolish the tower.

There was nothing they could do.

If they can go back and escape in a building boat as soon as possible.

There is still a glimmer of hope...

Unfortunately there is no if.

It only takes ten seconds for the forest elf to push a tower.

More than two thousand ships were pushed away by two hundred forest elves in five minutes...

The world of sirens was wiped out by Ye Mo alone!

The announcements about the Tower World have never stopped.

Finally, the announcement was finally made.

The Tower World gave an even more shocking world announcement.

"Announcement from all realms!"

"Congratulations to the Blue Star Challengers from the lower world, for successfully wiping out 757 all the challengers from the Siren World in the higher world during the hunting assessment time!"

"Hereby reward all the people of Blue Star World with an additional 20 years of life!"

"Strength increased by 20 points!"

"Intelligence doubled!"

"Everyone gains a special ability—night vision!"

"Because all members of the Kraken World were killed! It is determined that the Blue Star World has passed the assessment period ahead of schedule!"

"Congratulations to Blue Star World for passing the assessment period!"

"The Tower World is open to all Blue Star challengers from now on!"

"I hope all challengers will continue their efforts!"

As soon as this announcement came out.

In the world of the God Tower, everyone was in an uproar.

Ye Mo really managed to destroy the challengers of the entire Siren World!

At first I thought it was an impossible task.

As a result, Ye Mo did it.

In a desert base.

Brute's shock never stopped.

Everything seems like a passing cloud.

How long has it been?

They were still being chased by challengers from the Siren World in the morning.

It turned out to be afternoon, not yet evening.

Did Ye Mo kill all the sirens in the world?

It is estimated that they will go back to their respective tower bases now.

Can still keep up with the defense at night!

It’s incredible that Ye Mo can destroy the entire world of sirens.

It's even more incredible that Ye Mo can destroy all the Kraken challengers so quickly!

The announcement of Tower World is still hot.

They had to believe it.

“Ye Mo did it!”

"He really did it!"


After a brief moment of astonishment, the challenger burst into cheers.

From now on, you don’t need to worry about being hunted down by the sea sister world.

Ye Mo did all this alone!

on the earth.

All the people felt the increase in strength.

My strength has doubled and my body is more energetic!

The wrinkles on the bodies of those old people who are approaching their twilight years have quickly faded a lot.

Full of energy and look younger!

When thinking about any problem, you can come up with it faster.

The IQ of the entire population has increased to over 150!

The night vision ability allows people to see clearly the scenery in the dark at night.

This is for the crisis-ridden apocalypse.

The most practical!

This is the first collective qualitative leap for all people on earth!

"I bought it!"


"Absolutely a miracle!"

People abroad couldn't help but admire it.

They finally understood why Ye Mo was sought after by the Dragon Kingdom.

Ye Mo is alone in just one day.

can bring such a big change to the entire world.

And this is just the beginning of the long exploration of the world of the God Tower.

Ye Mo will find more supplies.

Continuously strengthen the Dragon Kingdom!

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