Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 91: Siren King Is Dead? The Siren King Is Dead! !

The challengers on the side had nothing to do, so they discussed Ye Mo's situation.

Is Ye Mo okay? "

"Be careful and you should be fine!"

"I see Xuan, he is facing thousands of challengers from the Siren World, and he is over by accident!"

Tong Yao was unhappy when she heard these people talking, so she jumped out and said.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"The Silent God is omnipotent!"

"The Siren World is just a ball!"

"I'll cut off the Siren King's head later and show it to you!"

The challengers laughed.

Come on, another idiot fan who was poisoned by Ye Mo.

Same as the person named Li Xiang just now.

And cut off the Siren King's head...

Suddenly 173, the sound of the tower world sounded.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Siren King, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1,000 possession points!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain 2,000 possession points!"

"Kill the king of the higher world and get 100 eternal honor points!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Get 200 eternal honor points!"


The expressions on the faces of Earth's challengers froze.

They looked at each other and couldn't hide the shock in their eyes.

Ye Mo really killed the Siren King!

too exaggerated!

It’s probably less than half a day since the invasion of the Siren World!

The day has not even passed!

Ye Mo just went and killed the king?

"Oh my god! He must be a god!"

Ye Mo heard the prompt.

He also nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he imagined.

If you kill the Siren King, you can get a lot of rewards.

This share point is directly awarded to 2000 points!

Dozens of times more than what he had accumulated before!

This eternal honor value is also a must-have item for opening the divine tower.

Ye Mo is also thinking about how to get more.

There you have it.

But what are the qualifications for the secret realm of the God Tower?

Ye Mo then thought about it.

There is a blue jade with a smiling palm in his hand.

You can see that there seems to be blue smoke flowing in the jade.

The secret jade of qualifications for the secret realm of the divine tower!

That's the name of this jade stone.

After killing the Siren King, Ye Mo appeared inexplicably.

At the same time (cjfe), Ye Mo also received information from the Tower World.

Just hold this jade.

Only when the secret realm of the God Tower appears, can you enter the world of the God Tower.

A piece of jade can carry up to three people.

Excluding Ye Mo.

Regarding the secret realm of the God Tower, Ye Mo heard it from Master Haimei.

His mithril treasure chest was taken out from the secret realm of the God Tower.

It seems that in the secret realm of the God Tower, there are many good things that cannot be found in the ordinary resource area.

It just so happened that Ye Mo was interested and wanted to take a look.

It's delivered to your door!

unexpected surprise!

Ye Mo kept the jade.

He still has some finishing work to do.

The rest is easy to say.

Destroy the remaining Kraken World Challengers!

Ye Mo is not a soft-hearted person.

If you dare to be unkind to me, don't blame me for being unjust!

The original purpose of these Kraken challengers came here was to target the Blue Star challengers!

If Ye Mo hadn't turned the world upside down with his hands, all the challengers on Earth would have been killed by these challengers from the Siren World!

So deal with them.

Ye Mo doesn’t have any psychological pressure either!

But there are so many Kraken challengers, a total of 2,500!

Even if Ye Mo cleaned up part of it.

There are more than two thousand more!

If these Siren World challengers are running around intentionally.

With Ye Mo's own efforts.

We really can’t find them one by one and deal with them in a short time!

This is their advantage!

But Ye Mo has additional ideas.

The monk can run away, but he can't run away from the temple!

Isn't their tower base floating on the sea?

Then dismantle the tower!

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