Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 91: The Siren King Almost Fell To His Knees In Fear (Part 1)

The elf who came was none other than Rita.

As per Ye Mo's request.

Rita has been following the Siren King.

Followed all the way to the Siren King's ship.

Until I heard the Siren King bragging just now.

Then he couldn't help but laugh.

It's not that the Siren King is bragging per se.

It was Rita who was told by the Siren King that she thought of Ye Mo kneeling on the ground and singing "Conquer".

I couldn't help laughing.

It's fun to imagine that scene.

Rita has a very good quality, unless she can't help herself.

"Only you, do you still want to be conquered by the lead singer of my home city?"

"Do you have this strength?"

Rita smiled.

Rita appears.

How could the Siren King be in the mood to brag anymore?

He knows the strength of these forest elves best.

Face like an angel, strength like a devil!

Sea 877 Demon King was terrified.

Be cautious around.

Did Ye Mo and the others come after them too?

Seeing no movement around.

The Siren King breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is only one forest elf.

There are so many of them.

It can still be dealt with.

"Fuck me!"

"kill him!"

The Siren King comes to life.

He couldn't deal with Ye Mo and those group of forest elves.

Just this forest elf, is it easy to capture it?

I happened to be defeated by Ye Mo, so I used this forest elf to establish my power.

One thousand two hundred devil Kun also flew out from the building ship.

The Siren King has a total of 1,500 devil kuns.

300 of them were killed by Ye Mo and ran away.

There are only 1,200 left!

Don't underestimate these 1,200 devil kuns.

Devil Kun still has some fighting ability.

Dealing with a forest elf is no problem.

The other units of the Kraken Challenger also surrounded him.

Cut off Rita's escape.

The Siren King was relieved.

"That's what I said!"

"Next time we meet, I will let Ye Mo kneel on the floor and sing Conquer!"

This forest elf can’t run away anyway.

Talk big.

Can Rita still tell Ye Mo?

Don't worry about it, let's get over it first.

Rita nodded, "Okay, I will give this to Ye Mo."

The Siren King smiled.

“Bring it to Ye Mo?!”

"We have so many arms. If you have the ability, go out first and then talk about it."

"Where is the chassis of our Siren World!"

"You can come when you want and leave when you want?!"

As a result, after saying this, Rita took out a blue gem and disappeared.

siren king,

Kraken challengers,


How did she do it?!

Come on.

This really means that you can come as soon as you want and leave as soon as you want.

The Siren King noticed the blue gem that Rita took out at the end.

I guess it's the function of the gem.

Giving the forest elves the ability to teleport away instantly.

Suddenly, an unpleasant feeling appeared in the heart of Siren King.

as expected.

The next second.

Ye Mo and two hundred forest elves appeared on the Siren King's ship.

Siren King, "I'm rough!!!"

When the Siren King saw Ye Mo appearing, he almost peeed in fright.

What ability is this?


In the world of the God Tower, there is also an item that can teleport people!

Ye Mo slowly raised his head.

Looking at the Siren King, his smile was as warm as the spring breeze.


"You just want me to kneel on the ground and sing conquest?"

"I'm here, don't say I won't give you a chance!".

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