Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 88 Who Can Tell Me What's Going On?

This isn't over yet.

After the forest elf controlled Devil Kun, he slapped him with his backhand.

Hundreds of devil kun were like nails, driven directly into the earth by the forest elf's slap!

The ground is cracked and the ground is sinking thousands of feet!

A huge shock wave swept around.

Some weaker units were directly killed by the shock wave!

Many challengers from the Kraken World were also affected.

The dead can no longer die!

The power of the forest elves was so strong that it shook the entire land.

In other words, the tower world is stable.

Otherwise, this slap could break this land into pieces.

Even the tower base three thousand miles away felt the vibration.

Challengers from various countries are based in desert bases.

I felt this strong shock.

There was a lot of discussion.

"What's going on? There's also an earthquake in the world of the God Tower?"

"This is at least a magnitude 7 earthquake. I can't even stand!"

"It's weird! The world of the God Tower also has continental plate displacement!"

"The center of the shock seems to be in the direction of the forest. Did something heavy fall to the ground there, causing the vibration?"

"Impossible! It would take such a heavy object to hit the ground to cause such a strong earthquake! The impact of a meteorite on the ground is not enough! Can there be meteorites in the world of the God Tower?"

Suddenly someone said something.

"You people from the Dragon Kingdom have such rich imaginations, you can even think of this!"

Li Xiang pushed up his glasses and made his guess.

"Is it possible that the Silent God had a fight with the Kraken challengers in the Kraken world, causing the earth to tremble?"

"Congratulations to Lan (Wang Zhao's) star world challenger Ye Mo, for killing the sea monster world challenger Luo Yaoren and gaining 1 possession point!"

Lots of laughter.

Some people burst into laughter.

There was laughter again.

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

No one came out to speak for Li Xiang.

It’s a fantasy!

The person who spoke was the idiot fan named Li Xiang who shouted "Mo Shen, help me" before.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Seaweed Man, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining possession points!"

Otherwise, why would there be a kill prompt after the earthquake?

Brute came over and patted Li Xiang on the shoulder.

The kill prompts in the Tower World never stopped.

"But Silent God is an honorific title, Silent God is not a god!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!

"There are limits to worshiping individuals!"

"You said that the fight between the silent gods caused an earthquake. It's really impossible! That's such a powerful force!"

"If Ye Mo can do this, I will take my head off and play it as a ball for you!"

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Seahorse, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1 possession point!"

Because not only the foreign challengers don't believe it, but the Dragon Kingdom challengers don't believe it either.

Could the earthquake just now really be related to Ye Mo?

"Young man, you're not awake yet!"

This is ridiculous!

Suddenly, they heard the sound of the tower world.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.


The challengers were stunned.

"The fight caused an earthquake on the ground. I wouldn't even dare to make up a story like this! How much power does this require!"


"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain possession of two points!"

Absolutely impossible!

What followed was a burst of laughter.

"I know what you want Ye Mo to win!"

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