Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 83: Is This A Team To Die?

Is this all going to be destroyed?

what's the situation?

Also, how many ghosts are these ninth-grade soldiers?

His eight-star invisible cannon was instantly killed by a group of ninth-grade soldiers?

There are 17 levels separated by this time!

You call this forest elf a ninth-grade soldier!

The Oyster Demon collapsed!

Nothing but incredible, just incredible!

At this time, the reminder from the anemone man came over.

"Be careful with Ye Mo's troops!"

"They're nearby!"

"The ferocity of those forest elves!"

oyster demon,

Are you giving the hint so late?

You told me when all my troops were dead!

What have you been doing!

The oyster demon was angry and threw the blame on the anemone man.

It’s all this man’s fault for not finishing his words!

This led to his disastrous defeat!

But there is still a problem.

How was his invisible cannon bug discovered?

Do these forest elves have clairvoyant eyes?

How can this be!

The stealth state of the invisible cannon bug is extraordinary!

It will completely blend into the air!

Even with clairvoyance, you can't see it!

To put it bluntly, even if the forest elves had clairvoyant eyes, they should not have noticed the existence of the invisible cannon bug so quickly!


The Oyster Demon was about to reply.

An arrow shot past.

He shot the oyster demon right through the heart.

The oyster demon is destined to die in the West!

The oyster demon became enlightened before he died.

He was betrayed by the anemones.

Otherwise, why could Ye Mo discover their existence in the first place?

Oyster demons are confident in the stealth ability of their own troops.

The stealth cannon bug's stealth ability is activated.

No trace!

Unless the invisible cannon bug attacks, it will not come out of the invisible state.

No one has ever been able to detect the existence of invisible cannon bugs so quickly.

There is only one answer——

The anemone man has rebelled!

I bought a watch last year!

This traitor!

The Oyster Demon didn't know the meaning of the Haichang Man's last words until he died.

It turns out that the last words of the sea sausage man should be "the sea anemone man actually rebelled"!"

The oyster demon was angry.

You won't be able to live well even if I die.

So I sent a message to other colleagues in the chat group.

"The sea anemone man actually..."

“Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Oyster Demon, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining possession points!

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

Because he died too quickly.

This chat message is still half...

People in the Siren World were speechless.

Why do these colleagues like to send half messages?

Is this a new popular style today?

The swordfish demon before was like this, the seagut man was like this, and this time he reincarnated into the oyster demon...

Come on! Another one died!

They all like to make people guess riddles, right?

There was a wave of discussion in the chat channel.

"The Anemone Man actually escaped from Ye Mo's clutches?"

"The Anemone Man was actually seriously injured?"

"Sea Anemone Man actually doesn't care about the life or death of his companions?"

Discussions abounded.

Everyone express their opinions!

The anemone man was sweating even more violently.

This oyster monster is nothing!

You died so quickly, do you blame me?!

Why do you want to harm me!

Why did the oyster demon call him a traitor...

Do you all like tossing the pot so much?

I'm not!

I don't!

Anemone people are sad inside.

It’s okay to be caught by Ye Mo here.

If the challenger of the Siren World misunderstands that he is a traitor...

Doesn’t this mean that both sides are no longer human beings?

But fortunately, the oyster demon said half of the story.

The anemone people still have a chance to smooth over this matter!

Anemone people are full of desire to survive.

Said in the chat channel.

"He wanted to say..."

"The anemone man actually knows Ye Mo's weakness! It is that after the explosive power, there is no endurance!!"

The anemone man continued to explain, after I have been lurking for such a long time to observe! Ye Mo's unit has a very strong explosive ability.

"No soldier can be his opponent when fighting alone!"

"But after the outbreak, there will be a period of weakness!"

"And the number of forest elves is limited!"

"Energy is also limited!"

"Don't come one by one!"

“It’s just a food delivery!”

"At least ten challengers must form a group before coming together!"

"The human sea tactic will crush him to death!"

One sentence wakes up the dreamer.

Kraken challengers get it.

This is what the oyster demon meant when he said this.

No wonder the people in front of them stopped eating one after another. It was because the number of soldiers was too small.

Ye Mo's unit broke out and was killed!

As long as there are more soldiers and the outbreak period of the forest elves is delayed, these guys can be destroyed.

"How can we repair it! These forest elves are so difficult to deal with!"

"Understood, let's organize a group of people to kill him!"

See the fishing boat wind direction in the comments section has been changed.

The anemone man breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately I'm smart.

No one else has this reaction!

After the forest elves finally break out, there will be a period of weakness.

This is entirely the speculation of the anemone people!

The anemone people also have a basis.

From the time Ye Mo appeared until now, Tian has lost one more challenger.

There are more than two thousand troops in total.

In this way, even if the forest elves under my command are made of iron, they will still be tired!


If Ye Mo is consumed a little bit, this kid will definitely not be able to hold on.

There is one thing the Anemone Man fails to explain.

He has a special ability to feel the state of others.

After experiencing several battles, the forest elf's physical strength has indeed decreased.

This is not nonsense.

Just leave the rest to the other Kraken challengers.

He just happens to be able to do the job of tipping off information.

It can also be regarded as shining a light on the Siren World.

Ye Mo glanced at the anemone man beside him.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, but he didn't speak.

The anemone man is having a sweet dream about destroying Ye Mo in a while.

I received information from other Kraken challengers.

A total of five Kraken challengers came this time.

(Liao Hao Zhao) One thousand two hundred units with five stars or above.

Anemone Man, "..."

If more than ten people come, five of you will come.

Wouldn't it be better to wait for more people to come?

What are you doing?

Before, we delivered food one by one!

This time it’s premium food delivery!

The other party gives an answer.



"This Ye Mo is a fat sheep!"

"Whoever kills can enter the secret realm of the tower."

"Just stay there and be patient!"

"None of your business!"

The Anemone people understood, and to put it bluntly, they just wanted to take the credit.

This kind of thing is first come first served!

Completely blinded by profit!

Didn't they get his warning?

The evil nature of the Kraken Challenger is revealed.


Still self-righteous!

So many Kraken challengers had died before, but they still looked down on Ye Mohe.

Everyone thinks Ye Mo is Chinese cabbage.

You can do as much as you want to do as you want.

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