Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 78 Open The Tower! The Dragon Kingdom Is Boiling! (Down)

This miracle still happens anywhere in the Dragon Kingdom.

Not only that.

All found their powers doubled.

A stone pier weighing two hundred kilograms can be easily lifted.

Watermelon, which used to feel quite heavy, now feels almost like an orange when held in my hand!

Increased strength!

The power of the people of the entire Dragon Kingdom has increased!

As for the luck value......

Qingyue and others who were still on the battlefield were still fighting guerrilla against the Brahma Lion King.

Even if they are cautious.

Danger is still unavoidable.

29 Qingyue was dodging and was forced into a corner by the two Brahma Lion Kings.

Qingyue felt gloomy in her heart, she was dead this time.

At this moment, Qingyue heard the announcement from the Tower World.

The first level of the tower?

Ye Mo opened the first level of the tower at this time?

While lamenting Ye Mo's power, Qingyue could not help but feel sad in her heart.

No matter how powerful Ye Mo is, she will never be able to enjoy this benefit.

She is going to die soon!

Between the lightning and flint, two Brahma Lion King attacked Qingyue.

But at this moment, because the two Brahma Lion King took action at the same time, their speed was too fast, and they actually collided with each other.



Is this okay?

Qingyue hurriedly ran out while the two lions were confused and bumping into each other.

This kind of coincidence is rare.

I thought about the lucky value +10 just now.

Qingyue somewhat understood.

Is this the effect of increasing luck?


The changes in the Dragon Kingdom made other countries truly envious.

Drool continues to flow all over the floor!

While people were lying down at home, bread came from heaven.

Without doing anything, the power of the people of Dragon Kingdom and their luck value increased.

Even the patients recovered!

Who doesn’t want such a good thing?

The world finally understands.

The importance of the tower!

They have always thought that resources are the priority in the Tower World.

Never expected it.

This divine tower is the real benefit!

The ability of the God Tower World to improve the quality of all citizens is really too strong.

It’s impossible not to be jealous!

This is the first level of the divine tower. There will be a second level and a third level in the future...

Looking at all the challengers, only Ye Mo has the ability to open the tower.

I'm afraid the other challengers will be in trouble.

Even if you have the ability to open the divine tower [I'm afraid it will be a matter of years and months of the monkey.

Many countries conspire behind closed doors.

Otherwise, surrender to the Dragon Kingdom...

Negotiations with Long Guo were quickly put on the agenda.

This isn't over yet.

After Ye Mo opened the first level of the tower.

The sound of the tower world sounded again.

“Congratulations to the challenger Ye Mo, for opening the tower on the second day of the novice period!”

"Refreshed the record of time for challengers from all realms to open the tower!"

"Get 1 eternal honor point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo is blessed with special luck, and the reward is doubled!"

"483 gets 2 eternal honor points!"

This feeling is good!

Gained two more points to earn eternal honor points.

This eternal honor point is also a rare item.

After opening the first level of the tower.

Ye Mo saw the conditions for opening the second level of the tower.

In addition to possession points being necessary, eternal honor points are also necessary.

"Requirements to open the second level of the tower:"

*1.2 million killing value (current killing value is 4.23 million, meeting the opening conditions!)"

"2.1 Eternal Honor Points (Have 3 Eternal Honor Points!)"

3. Occupy 2 points (occupy 13 points!)”

"Turn it on or not!"

Ye Mo continued.

"Do you even need to ask?"

"Turn on!"

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