Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 76 The Siren King Wants Revenge On Ye Mo

But the Siren King is open to it.


"The death of a Shark Monster won't hurt anything big!"

"Keep hunting the challenger!"

"I don't believe how many times they can use this human wave tactic!"

I never thought that the Siren King was lying.

I heard the Tower World continue to announce.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Sealman, the challenger of the Siren World, and gaining 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Dolphin Monster, the challenger of the Siren World, and gained 1 possession point! -"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Sawtooth Sharkman, the challenger of the Siren World, and gained 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

The announcement from the Tower World rang a total of three times before it stopped.

The face of the challenger of Siren World changed greatly.

If the first announcement was made, some Kraken challengers were careless and were trapped and beaten to death by Blue Star World challengers.

What happened to the three consecutive announcements?

Are these three Kraken challengers also careless?

As a military advisor, the sea lion man couldn't explain it either.

Everything was fine just now, how come it happened in such a short period of time?

Four challengers from the Kraken clan were killed.

It is possible for a high-level world to be ambushed by a low-level world, causing casualties.

But no more than one or two.

Four died at once.

This is outrageous!

Moreover, the low-level world also gained killing points by killing challengers from the Siren World.

Are there any double rewards?

Is it their siren world that hunts the lower worlds?

Why do they now feel like a low-level world hunting sirens?

This is outrageous.

The Siren King's face was ashen.

It's almost dripping with ink.

Just when the Siren King wanted to speak.

"Congratulations to Ye Mo, the challenger of the Blue Star World, for killing the Red Crab Man, the challenger of the Siren World, and gained 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"

"I'm riding a horse!" The Siren King stood up tall.

I can't sit still!

The fifth one!

It’s not over yet!

"This forces me to take action myself!"

"Okay, okay!" The Siren King said three good words in a row, "Mushu smiled.

"I want to see what kind of trap Blue Star's challengers have laid to kill six of our challengers!"

.........Please give me flowers...

After saying this, the Siren King paused.

I was so angry just now.

It was originally five challengers, but it was accidentally changed to six.

When the Siren King was about to change his ways.

"Congratulations to Blue Star World Challenger Ye Mo for killing the Siren World Challenger Jellyfish Man and gaining 1 possession point!"

"Challenger Ye Mo's special luck doubles the reward! Gain two possession points!"


siren king,

The sixth one!


There is no need to change it this time.

"Ye Mo?"

The Siren King finally noticed the key point.

Every announcement centers on this challenger named Ye Mo.

Could it be that this challenger named Ye Mo organized people from the Blue Star World to ambush the Siren World.

What made the Siren King even more angry.

This Ye Mo also has double rewards!

This double reward blessing seems to be written by the God Tower World!

"Ah!" Siren King understood.

"This Ye Mo must be the leader among Blue Star challengers!"

"Find Ye Mo, just tell me the location without taking any action!"

"For killing so many challengers from the Siren World, I want him to pay ten times the price!"

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