Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 75: Challengers Are Collectively Confused, What Happened? Is This The End?

I'm afraid the air will suddenly become quiet.

From Ye Mo appearing with the forest elves to destroying the shark monster.

It was only two minutes before and after.

The challengers were stunned...

So fast?

In Ye Mo's opinion, this is all slow.

If you don't want to experiment, will there be a kill value reward for killing the challenger's troops in other worlds?

Plus ask about occupying points.

No need to waste this time!

Look at the extra 100,000 values ​​​​on the system panel.

Ye Mo nodded with satisfaction.

Just as he suspected.

You can also get kill points by getting rid of these units!

This is also the reason why Ye Mo dealt with the soldiers first and then the shark monsters.

Once the shark monster is killed first, the troops under the shark monster will be wiped out by the tower due to the death of the shark monster.

Doesn’t that mean there is no killing value left?

This is not possible!

The current challenger is meeting Ye Mo for the first time.

He is Ye Mo!

This is the forest elf!

Everything happened so suddenly!

None of them knew what the whole process was about.

Then I saw the forest elf suddenly appear.

Ye Mo and the shark demon had a chat for a while.

Then, all the four-armed dragon apes died suddenly!

Then, the demon was slapped twice by Ye Mo and turned into a scumbag!

If I hadn't experienced how terrifying the shark monster and the four-armed dragon ape would be.

They thought that the Tetrabramus ape was an ant on the ground, and they could crush it to death however they wanted!

Only when you see it with your own eyes can you know how shocking some things are!

What happened was too short!

But it does not prevent them from understanding the gist of this matter...

Goddess Mo, that’s awesome!

Forest elves too!

Even Brut looked stunned.

He also wanted to chase Ye Mo before.

Only after meeting each other can Tuan know how big the gap is.

Brute also understood.

It is impossible to catch up with Ye Mo in this life.

The beautiful scenery of the beautiful country...


Ye Mo's performance also stunned many foreign experts.

They all changed their words.

"Ye Mo deserves to be the strongest among humans!"

“We were not disappointed!”

Foreign people who felt they had been teased were unanimously bombarded.

"Now let's talk about this, what were you doing just now!"

"Isn't it scientific investigation and careful analysis that shows that human challengers cannot defeat challengers from higher worlds?"

"You've finished talking and I hear you farting!"

"The atmosphere of society has been corrupted by people like you!"

In the live broadcast room of Longguo.

Bingbing said excitedly.

"Ye Mo did not disappoint us and created a miracle again."

"Not only did he destroy the Kraken challenger, he also casually saved the challengers from several countries in the beautiful country.

"This is the first time that I have killed a challenger from the Siren World!"

"I'm not boasting, only our Dragon Kingdom's Silent God has this strength!"

"Who else with 490 can kill the challenger of the Siren World one-on-one, and so easily!"

The comment section is abuzz.

"The turtle grandsons of the Siren World are killing people everywhere. I have long disliked them! What's the matter? God is watching what people do! You must have been educated by the silent god!"

"Mo Kamui Wu! No matter who the opponent is, no matter who is the challenger of the Siren World, in front of the silent god, he is still fighting like a grandson!"

"Si Shen, destroy the world of sirens! No need to save face for us!"

"Bingbing's face is so red. Could it be that she has become a crazy fan of Mo Shen? No, my love is over before it even begins..."

"The focus upstairs is very strange. Is this what we are discussing?"

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