Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 72 The Total Collapse Of The Challengers

In the real world, due to the sudden attack of the Siren World, people are plunged into panic.

The third and fourth completely wiped out nations followed.

People in various countries are worried that the next person to be affected will be their country's challenger.

The world of Kraken is simply too powerful.

The challengers of the earth are in front of them, and even escaping is difficult.

In just one hour, no less than a thousand challengers were killed.

It’s not like no challengers thought of resisting.

More than ninety challengers from Daman want to unite to fight...

If we work hard, there might be a glimmer of hope. There are so many of them.

The opponent only has one Kraken Challenger and a dozen four-star units called Immortal Eagles.

As a result, most of them were killed in less than three minutes.

The scene was extremely tragic.

For the first time, the people discovered that the challenger's life was so fragile and vulnerable.

The people of Daman are still anxiously calling for help.

"Challengers from other countries are here to help!"

"It's not good, our country's challengers can no longer hold on!"

"Forget it, what can challengers from other countries do when they come over? Are they going to die together?"

The sound of the tower world rang later.

"All the challengers of Daman Kingdom are killed! The challenge of Daman Kingdom is over!"

Daman became the fifth country to be sacrificed.

The whole country of Daman is sad.

They obtained supplies in the tower world, and their hope of changing this apocalyptic world was gone...

Never expected it.

Also worried are the beautiful country and other little brother countries.

The reason is simple.

Encountered this kind of thing.

These challengers will naturally choose to join the group for warmth at the first opportunity.

There are advantages and disadvantages to hugging each other for warmth...

The advantage is that there is strength in numbers, and we can take care of each other when things happen.

The disadvantage is that…………

So many people gathered directly together.

If caught by the Siren World.

Catch one nest at a time.

Even the time of searching alone is saved.

Look at the heart!

The challengers of the beautiful country were not very lucky this time.

At the beginning of the Siren World invasion.

The search effort was not intense.

Only a small percentage of Earth's Challengers are Challengers who have encountered the Kraken World.

Almost no one who encounters a challenger from the Siren World will be spared.

Brute never expected this.

He is gathering challengers from the Beautiful Country next to a valley to discuss countermeasures with challengers from other countries.

He was bumped into by the Kraken Challenger.

Brute is also ruthless.

His first thought was not to escape, but to fight.

Apart from Brut and more than eighty challengers from the beautiful country, those at the scene were also present.

There are also younger brother countries such as Bangzi Country, Maple Leaf Country, Shenniu Country, etc., with more than 800 challengers.

The number of troops also exceeds 20,000!

With this lineup, it is not easy to deal with a Kraken challenger.

The Kraken challenger Brut encountered this time was named Shark Monster.

It is a seven-meter-tall sea monster with a head like a shark.

The unit under his command is a four-star unit called the Quadruple Ape.

Thirty in total.

""||That's it?"

Brut was a little disdainful of the shark monster at first.

He understands the principle that ants kill an elephant.

There are so many of them, and their quantity can completely make up for their lack of quality.

Let’s talk about this situation again.

If you run away, the situation will only get worse.

Will be chased by the infinite (Wang Zhao Zhao) of the Siren Challenger.

It is unwise to give the initiative to the other party.

Not only was Brut not afraid, but he was faintly excited.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a sea monster, it looks so ugly!”


"When you come today, don't think about leaving!

"I, Brut, will kill you sirens today!"

The shark demon was also happy.

This was the first time he had seen a human being who dared to challenge the sea monster.

Do you know how big the gap is between them?

Want to use human wave tactics?


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