Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 72 The Hunting Begins! Carnival In The Siren World!

The Realm Breaking Pearl has no other uses.

The only use is to break the barrier film!

For today’s hunting assessment!

The Siren King specially spent a lot of money to prepare one!

The time for the hunting assessment starts in two days.

If you enter today, it will be equivalent to two extra days of hunting time.

This adds up to seven days!

With the abilities of their Siren World.

Seven days is enough time!

Even if Blue Star's challengers run to the ends of the earth, they can be found and destroyed!

The sirens under his command were all flattering.

"As expected of a king, he is well prepared!"

"It's foolproof this time!"

"Here I come, Blue Star's challenger! Wash your neck and wait for death!"

"Hoola hoola!"

Not talking nonsense, the Siren King threw the Realm Breaking Pearl forward.

The Breaking Bead came into contact with the protective film of the Tower World.

It blended right in.

Not long after, a big hole was burned out in the protective film of this divine tower world!

The protective film is transparent and generally invisible to the naked eye.

But people watching the live broadcast can see it clearly.

Because their vision is different from that of the challengers.

The big hole created by the burn is clearly visible.

In the live broadcast room.

Pojunbingwang slapped the table and stood up. This was always bad. "

Who would have thought that there is such a method in the Siren World.

Can break the protective film in advance.

No more protection from the protective film.

The world of Kraken will come and go freely!

This is a big disadvantage for Blue Star challengers!

Already at a disadvantage.

This time, I was attacked by the Kraken World in advance...

Survival expert Liu Yishou shrank his head.

Fortunately he didn't speak.

Otherwise, he will have to bear the blame again!

The comment area was also in a mess!

"I'm so stupid! These sea monsters still have such tricks! Can they afford it?"

"Made, it's so irritating! When you are powerful, you can do whatever you want?"

"Now I can't wait to go up and give this Siren King two slaps! It's easy for the earth to have some hope, but this time it will be shattered! Once all the challengers are killed, is there any hope for this world?"

"Take me upstairs! I also want to slap the Siren King!"

"Stop talking nonsense and let's see how the challenger responds! I feel like we need a cool rhythm!"

"Run quickly!"

"Stop shouting, the challenger won't hear you even if you shout!"

Just two kilometers away from the intersection of the two worlds.

Salman, the challenger of the sacred cow kingdom, is watching from the dark.

And everything he saw was sent to the chat channel in the form of chat.

"The challengers of the Siren World have reached the edge where the two worlds meet!"

"But fortunately there is a barrier for protection! They can't get in!"

"||Oh my god, what's going on with those soldiers?"

"Four-star, five-star? It turns out that those above the first level are star-rated troops. The more stars, the stronger the troops are!"

"How can we fight when all the troops are four-star or above?"

"Everyone, hurry up and go clubbing. If you run out late, you will be dead!"

"Listen to me, fellow challengers from all over the world, you really can't believe it unless you see it with your own eyes! The strength of the troops in the Kraken World is too strong! They are invincible!"

"Don't even think about confrontation, quickly find a place to hide!"

Salman sent out several words in one breath (well done).

I am not in the mood to care about the mentality of other challengers.

Continue to observe.

At this time, there are no barriers between challengers from various countries.

Plan to join a group to warm up the afternoon.

Wait until you pass this level.

But what you see in front of you.

I have to say it’s disappointing!

The difference between the two is not an order of magnitude.

Salman's fifth-grade soldier is the turtle snake.

Just one look at the high-level soldiers on the opposite side made me tremble with fear!

How to fight this?

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