Everyone's Tower: Starting Fusion Armament Haki

Chapter 62 The Collapse Of The Tianji Puppet King

One thing to say.

The Tianji Puppet King in front of him is one of the Fate Cherishing Sect.

He is obviously very powerful, but he is too cautious!

If we were to carefully rank the Demon King-level monsters.

This Tianji Puppet King can definitely be ranked in the top ten!

If he hadn't seen that Ye Mo couldn't break through the defense of the Sky Mecha, he wouldn't have come out.

Wouldn't it be better to be cautious?

The only way to survive is to stay alive.

The world of the God Tower has gone through ups and downs over the years.

Challengers change from batch to batch.

Many monsters stronger than him have died.

He alone remains alive.

It depends on being cautious and courageous... no, it’s about being cautious!

The Tianji Puppet King also pointed to the collection cabinet in the distance.

Only then did Ye Mo discover that there were various heads of creatures placed in the collection cabinet.

Never seen them before.

Ye Mo narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly an idea came to me.

Could those heads be those of challengers from other worlds?

If so, that would be incredible.

The heads of those creatures have been dried, like thousands of corpses.

At first glance, it seems that it has gone through a lot of years.

If the speculation is true, the world of the God Tower existed a long time ago.

How many years has the Tower World existed?!

The Tianji Puppet King continued to arrogantly make a gesture of cutting his throat towards Ye Mo.

Says he Ye Mo is the next collectible.

Ye Mo smiled.


There is a saying that the high-level monsters in the tower world like to provoke challengers.

I don’t know if this is a tradition in the tower world.

"Do you really think there's nothing I can do against you?"

"Just because the armor is broken, do you think you are invincible?"

Ye Mo asked the Tianji Puppet King with a smile.

The Tianji Puppet King is also quite proud.

He flicked the mecha on his body.

Excuse me.

Having a carapace like this is awesome!

Come and bite me if you don't accept it!

The power of the Tianji Puppet King is more than one point stronger than the ordinary Tianji Puppet.

With unlimited energy, super strength and a heavenly mecha that can defend against all physical attacks.

The Puppet King Tianji believes that eradicating these forest elf insects is just a piece of cake.

Not much effort is wasted!

Invincible defense is the basis for his invincibility.

"Ha, others underestimated me!"

………………Please give me flowers…………

Ye Mo smiled and said, "Since everyone who should play has played.

"Then there's no need to wait."

"Destroy them!"

The Tianji Puppet King sneered.

Even when he was about to die, he was still talking nonsense.

Can it break through the defense of the Sky Mecha?

I want to see how you destroy them... Huh?

The Puppet King Tianji was surprised to find out.

The forest elves were possessed by white light one by one. With just a few movements, Yoruichi flashed the black sword and split the Tenji puppet in half!

The Sky Mecha, which ignores defense, looks like paper in front of the forest elves!

what's the situation?!

SS-level ability possessed by a god!

This is the strength of the forest elf!

In the state of being possessed by a god, not only the defense is greatly improved, but also elemental attacks, curse attacks, etc. are ignored.

Another very powerful effect is to break defense!

The body of the spirit can ignore any defense of the opponent and cause real damage!

No matter how powerful the Celestial Mecha's defense is, it can't stop the attack of the forest elf when possessed by the Celestial God!

In the blink of an eye, only the Tianji Puppet King was left standing in the entire venue.

The puppet king of Tianji collapsed.

Is this a horse-riding fisherman?

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