Seeing Ye Nantian's failure, all the bigwigs on the rostrum were stunned!

Who is Ye Nantian?

He is the military god of Daxia and the strongest man on Blue Star.

Such a powerful man, with all his spirituality, was unable to rescue someone from a small spiritual secret realm.

"Lord God of War! Can you sense what happened in the secret realm?"

"Lord God of War! You must get the people out of the secret realm! They are the best batch of seeds for our Daxia this year!"

"A full 132 years! It took Daxia 132 years to produce an SS-level professional! Lord God of War, you can't let Xue'er die in there!~!"

"Lord God of War! And Qin Feng! He is the only second person in the past three hundred years to be blessed by the Supreme Will of the Divine Realm!"

All the bigwigs were anxious.

In the sealed Lingxu Secret Realm, there were their children and grandchildren, their trusted backers, and a full 50,000 newcomers selected from major cities.

These people are the future of Daxia. They are the ones who can carry the flag for Daxia on their behalf after they fall in the Demonic Tide.

Ye Nantian had no time to answer the questions of the people around him.

He said to Qin Feng in the secret realm with a hoarse voice.

"Qin Feng! I can't get you out of the secret realm!"

"The Lingxu Secret Realm was sealed by a being of a very high status!"

"With my ability, I can't break through his blockade and pull you out of the secret realm!"

"Qin Feng! It's up to you! You are the only one who senses the crisis, you are the hope for all of us!"

"Qin Feng! I beg you! You must bring the people in the secret realm out"

"They are the fresh blood of Daxia and the hope for Daxia's future. You must bring them out."

Ye Nantian's voice fell.

The bigwigs on the rostrum were stunned!

Qin Feng is indeed talented and outstanding, and he will definitely become a great man in the future.

But now Qin Feng is just a new professional at the peak of the second level.

No matter how many attributes he has, how many high-proficiency skills he has, and how terrifying his combat awareness is!

He is only at the second level, and he can't solve the problem that even Ye Nantian, the military god of Daxia, can't solve!

However, no matter how shocked they were in their hearts, no matter how unwilling they were to believe it.

These bigwigs on the rostrum did not say discouraging words after all, and did not ruin the morale of the army.


Hearing Ye Nantian say that he couldn't get the person out of Lingxu Secret Realm.

Qin Feng's heart suddenly skipped a beat and almost stopped beating.

However, Qin Feng is not a person who gives up easily.

He has a kind of tenacity in his bones, and can even be said to be crazy.

Damn it! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Isn't it just a scarlet deformer?

Aren't those bastards from the Blackstone Group making trouble in the secret realm?

Since I can destroy their plan to collect extraordinary genes in the underground black boxing arena in Binhai City!

Then in this Lingxu Secret Realm, I can also destroy their plan to plunder all the contestants!

This is the thought.[]

A fierce and fierce aura emanated from Qin Feng.

Flowing Cloud Fang looked at Qin Feng and shivered madly.

Lin Chuxue also looked at Qin Feng in astonishment. She felt that Qin Feng was now very strange.

"Xue'er! Run as fast as you can towards the far east of the Lingxu Secret Realm!"

0 Ask for flowers

"Don't ask me why! And don't even think about fighting alongside me! What I'm about to face! Is not something you can handle with your current strength!"

After saying this, Qin Feng never looked at Lin Chuxue again.

Time was running out for him, he needed to reveal his trump card, slap it on the faces of those people from the Blackstone Group, and smash their plans to pieces.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a deep breath, and then launched a bloodbath!

"Ding Dong! You have consumed half of your current health and activated a blood burst! Your all attributes are increased by 2 times! This buff lasts for 30 seconds, and after it ends, you will enter a weak state for 12 hours. You can remove this state by a second blood burst, and the blood burst buff can be stacked up to 12 times!"(The attribute amplification of the blood burst will not increase the current health)

"Ding Dong! You have consumed half of your current health, and you have activated the second blood burst! Your all attributes are increased to 4 times! This gain lasts for 30 seconds……

"Ding Dong! You have consumed half of your current health points, and you have activated the eleventh degree of blood burst! Your all attributes have been increased to 2048 times!……"

In an instant, Qin Feng directly activated the 11th degree of blood burst!

Lin Chuxue beside him looked at Qin Feng, who suddenly became more than 2,000 times stronger, and was in a state of extreme shock. Qin Feng had previously fought me 1V1, and he actually held back, and the move he held back was such a terrifying big move!

The big guys outside the field who were watching the floating light screen were also shocked by Qin Feng's surging aura and the terrifying blood surrounding him!

"Damn! What kind of monster is this kid Qin Feng?"

"Instantly gained 2048 times the power! What kind of skill is this!".

Share: KaTwo

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