Hearing the words just spoken from the two-legged beast's mouth,

Liuyunzhifang immediately felt a life-and-death crisis.

This crisis came so suddenly, so strongly, and so irresistibly that

Liuyunzhifang didn't know how to move, and whether he should continue to lick and be a licking dog.

While a storm was brewing in Liuyunzhifang's little dog's brain,

Qin Feng had already carried it back to the ground and handed it to Lin Chuxue.

Seeing this big white-haired dog, the caring Lin Chuxue did not open the Eye of Insight like Qin Feng did to check the dog's attribute point panel.

She just hugged the big dog, and gently pressed her delicate face against the big dog's furry ears, and kept saying:

"So cute! So furry, I won’t get tired of hugging it all day long!"

Qin Feng looked at Lin Chuxue with a smile.

At this moment, Xue’er didn’t look like an SS-level professional, nor did she look like a future pillar of the country.

Instead, she looked like a little girl, a little girl who was so full of love that she couldn’t walk when she saw a Samoyed shaking its head and asking for touch.

Qin Feng:"If you like it, then sign a contract. We still have to explore the secret realm."

Lin Chuxue, who was smiling:"Yeah!"

Lin Chuxue rubbed Liuyunzhifang with her face again, then stood up and began to search for the rare item baby contract scroll in the backpack of the professional.

Liuyunzhifang, who had been rubbed for a long time, looked at the female biped beside her who was looking at her with a smile. She also looked at the male biped standing next to her who had pulled her out of the nest.

At this moment, Liuyunzhifang was desperate.

In her perception, these two bipeds were not beings she could afford to offend.

The male biped could ignore the invisible flames on her body and easily pull her up. Forget it.

The female biped, who looks a little weak, also has extremely terrifying elemental energy in her body. She can be crushed to death by just extending a finger.

What should I do!

What should I do!

I haven't grown up yet!

I don't want to be eaten like this!

How about?

How about I lick it a few more times?

Thinking of this, driven by instinct, Liuyunzhiya cautiously crawled to the feet of the female biped, who looked more gentle. He licked the other's boots.

Although it was just scratching an itch, Lin Chuxue was also amused by Liuyunzhiya's extremely human attitude and laughed.

"Qin Feng! This dog is so humane!"

Lin Chuxue took out a baby contract scroll, shook it twice and continued:

"I see you didn't touch her, which means you don't like her, so I'll sign the contract. Don't go back on your word and ask me for a dog later!"

Qin Feng smiled but didn't respond.

He really hoped that Liuyunzhiya could be as human as Lin Chuxue said.

Otherwise, he could only boil water in a pot, eat a dog meat hot pot first, and then plunder the remaining flesh and blood of Liuyunzhiya.

When Qin Feng thought about this,

Liuyunzhiya, who was licking Lin Chuxue's boots, felt the crisis of life again.

Why is it like this again!

Didn't I lick hard enough?

I have exhausted all my power! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I really don't want to die!

Tears flowed from the dog's eyes.

Liuyunzhiya didn't know what he had done wrong.

He was sleeping well, but suddenly he was robbed by a two-legged beast.

Then he was frightened all the time, and all the ancestral techniques were used, but there was still no change.[]

Liuyunzhiya was just lamenting her fate and how difficult her life was.

At this moment, an unknown fur slapped her forehead.

Then, a mysterious power emerged from the fur. At the same time, a gentle and kind voice sounded in her mind.

"Big dog, are you willing to be my contracted beast?"

"If you are willing, come towards me, and I will find this kind of natural treasure for you to eat in the future!"

As soon as the voice fell, the female biped took out a fiery red fruit.

Liuyunzhifang looked at the fiery red fruit, and tears flowed from her mouth unconsciously.

She had the honor of eating this kind of fruit once a long time ago.

At that time, she was still a small one. After eating the fruit, she became heavy and didn't want to move.

But even so, Liuyunzhifang missed the taste of that fruit very much. It was a taste that you would never forget after eating it once.


Liuyunzhiya roared, and then walked towards Lin Chuxue, with a blurry look in his dog eyes.

But at this moment, there was a snap, and soon, Liuyunzhiya didn't pay attention at all, forgot to dodge, and was directly wrapped up by a mysterious energy.

Then, the mysterious energy passed through her body and directly wrapped around her spirit.

A light blue chain appeared in Liuyunzhiya's spirit.



""Qin Feng! From now on! This big dog is my contracted beast!"

Feeling the connection between herself and Flowing Cloud Fang, Lin Chuxue shouted excitedly, and then jumped on the spot like a little girl who got her favorite item.

"Qin Feng! You are so nice! I like this big dog very much!"

Lin Chuxue ran towards Qin Feng and ran directly into Qin Feng's arms. Then, she hugged Qin Feng's neck, took Qin Feng's head down, and offered her delicate lips..

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