After obtaining the E-level talent [Primary Agility Enhancement], Qin Feng felt that his body was much lighter.

One reason was naturally due to the improvement in agility, and the second was that the ratio of agility to speed was improved.

After adapting to his body, Qin Feng used the Eye of Insight again and looked at the corpses of other bloodthirsty rabbits.

Generally speaking, the same low-intelligence wild monsters have the same racial talents.

But there are all kinds of birds in the forest. What if one of these bloodthirsty rabbits has a gene mutation?

Doesn't that mean that Qin Feng can get a new super-powered gene, get a new talent, and speed up the unlocking of the power of killing gods!

With such expectations, Qin Feng checked the information of all the remaining 4 bloodthirsty rabbits on the ground.

The result was very ordinary, and there was no genetic variant that Qin Feng expected.

Oh... Qin Feng sighed and threw the bloodthirsty rabbit corpse directly into the backpack.

"Ding Dong! You got 4 rabbit meats!"

A whole blood-thirsty rabbit can be sold for 50 yuan in the official purchasing channel of Binhai City.

Although the official will deal with the toxins in the rabbit, compared with the purchase price of 50 per rabbit, the selling price of 50 per pound is obviously very unfavorable!

However, every penny earned is a penny earned. Anyway, the backpack of a professional is unlimited, so it's a waste not to earn money!


After collecting all the spoils,

Qin Feng continued to move towards the depths of the Wandering Forest.

As he moved forward, Lin Chuxue just walked out of a dungeon teleportation array in the Binhai City Professional Building.

"Congratulations, Miss! Congratulations, Miss! Including this dungeon, you have cleared 4 novice dungeons, and each of them has broken the record of 300 years!"

Listening to the praises of the guards beside her, Lin Chuxue's beautiful face did not have a trace of joy.

All her thoughts drifted to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng, where would you be now?

Others say that you are always laughing and joking.

But I know that you are a very strong person.

If not, you would have accepted the extraordinary supplements I brought you, and you would not have only 27 total attributes when you changed your job.

Qin Feng, I have cleared four novice dungeons, and the points added together are 400 points!

Wait for me, there are still 199,600 points left, and I can exchange 100 B-level sublimation scrolls for you from the official!

By then, you can become a B-level professional and get a chance to sublimate your talent!

This time, you must not refuse me again!

Thinking of this, Lin Chuxue looked at the guards beside her:

"I'm level 8 now. Have you sorted out the dungeons I can play?"

The guard's face froze, and he faced Lin Chuxue's stern gaze and said stiffly:

"Miss, the banquet at home is ready, the guests are here, all the reporters from Binhai City and even Tiannan Province who are here to interview you are here, reporters from the imperial capital are also on their way, and the official pillar-level strongmen also want to meet you.……"

"You have already vented your anger. You have cleared four dungeons in a row. Why don't you come back with me for the banquet?"

Lin Chuxue frowned.

She came here to use the teleportation array to clear the dungeon, and she was impulsive.

At this moment, the guests were all here, and she was extremely tired. It was time to go home for the banquet. She couldn't lose her temper anymore.

"Send a message home and tell them I'll be home soon"

"In addition, I sorted out all the copies I could and sent them to my study."

"Then ask the seniors in the family guild to help me pick out a few skill books that I can learn now, and find some equipment that suits me, and send them together."

Hearing this, the guard smiled and said,"Understood!"


Wandering in the forest.

Entering the depths of the forest, the dense woods blocked the sunlight, making the surroundings look gloomy.

Qin Feng kept scanning the surroundings, searching for any wild monsters that might appear.

Looking at it, Qin Feng found that there were several pairs of scarlet eyes in the bushes not far away.

Listening carefully, Qin Feng could also hear a few faint breathing sounds.

What could it be?

Silver Moon Demon Wolf?

These things like to sneak attack the most. Most likely it is them!

Qin Feng had a guess in his mind, he pretended not to notice it, and walked towards the Silver Moon Demon Wolf.

Although he had plundered the flesh and blood of the Silver Moon Demon Wolf before, obtained the other party's extraordinary genes, and analyzed the talent.

But he couldn't guarantee that there were no mutations among these demon wolves, and there were no elite monsters with better talents.

In addition, killing wolves can get experience points, so he didn't plan to let these beasts go.

After more than ten steps forward, Qin Feng and the demon wolf lying in the bushes were only seven or eight meters apart.

At this time, Qin Feng could already see their figures clearly.

At the same time, the Eye of Insight also took effect, showing the attributes of the magic wolf in front of Qin Feng:

【Silver Moon Wolf LV3]

Level: First Level

Race: Orc

Race Talent: Forest Shadow (Agility +3, in forest terrain, concealment increased by 10%)

HP: 80/80

Attack Power: 12

Defense Power: 8

Basic Attributes: Strength 12, Agility 16, Constitution 8, Spirit 2

Combat Power: 7 Stars


The magic wolf only had 12 attack points, and it couldn't even break Qin Feng's defense.

But the magic wolf didn't know this. They felt that the time for a sneak attack had come, so they rushed out of the bushes with a howl and pounced on Qin Feng!

Qin Feng didn't even try to dodge, and swung his sword directly!

Swish, swish, swish...

The sword flashed, and blood flowers bloomed.


-38! (Hit the vital point, overwhelming force, critical hit)

-38! (Critical Hit)

Ding Dong! You killed the Silver Moon Wolf above your level, you get an experience bonus, and you get 30 experience points!

When Qin Feng killed the first magic wolf, the sharp teeth of the remaining two magic wolves also bit Qin Feng!


Qin Feng's clothes were damaged!

But the teeth of the magic wolf could not leave any wounds on Qin Feng's skin!

The magic wolves that pounced on him were stunned!

They felt that they were not biting human flesh, but a piece of extremely hard iron!

Both wolves were hanging on Qin Feng, and the knife became useless.

But this did not prevent Qin Feng from killing these wild monsters.

If you can't use a knife, then use your fist!

Qin Feng abandoned the knife, swung his fist, and smashed it directly at the head of the magic wolf!

Bang bang bang……

-32! (Critical Hit)

-32! (Critical Hit)

The red damage value bar kept popping up!

The demon wolves howled, but they just wouldn't let go!

After a moment, the demon wolf turned into a corpse, and three prompts sounded in Qin Feng's ears:

Ding Dong! You killed the Silver Moon Demon Wolf above your level, you get experience bonus, you get 30 experience points!

Ding Dong! You killed the Silver Moon Demon Wolf above your level, you get experience bonus, you get 30 experience points!

Ding Dong! Your level has been increased, LV0→LV1, you get 10 free attribute points!

After the prompt sound fell, Qin Feng directly added all 10 attribute points to strength.

Strength 20→30.

Attack power 23→33.

Then, Qin Feng directly put the wolf corpse on the ground into his backpack.

Then, he looked towards the northwest with a sharp look!

There, an extremely shrill wolf howl was coming.

The Silver Moon Demon Wolf tribe heard the howling of the previous two demon wolves, and they were gathering their tribes to seek revenge on Qin Feng!

Among them, the ones who howl the most vigorously and most powerfully are at least elite-level demon wolves!

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