【Announcement: Contestant Qin Feng eliminated 37 contestants in the unlimited battle royale, survived to the end, and ranked first!】

【Announcement: Contestant Qin Feng……】x3

Unlike the elimination announcement, Qin Feng's victory announcement sounded five times in the Grand Martial Arts Arena.

When the last announcement fell, unprecedented applause broke out in the silent Grand Martial Arts Arena.

The audience was applauding!

"Qin Feng! You are my god! You are so damn handsome!"

"Qin Feng! Man! You could have slashed more times every time you flashed past, but you only slashed once! You know how to love a woman! Man!"

"Qin Feng! I surrender to you! I will entrust my goddess to you!"

"Qin Feng! I love you! I want to give birth to a child for you!"

"Qin Feng! Awesome! (breaking voice!!!)"

The contestants are applauding!

"Qin Feng! You are the undisputed number one in this year's Thirteen Provinces Joint Martial Arts Show!"

"Master Qin Feng! As an A-level professional, you defeated an SS-level professional with an unsolvable fighting method! You created a miracle!"

��Great God Qin Feng! I, Wang Zhihao, pay you infinite respect! In my heart! Your status is equal to that of the God of War!"

The children of the noble families applauded!

"Qin Feng! I don't feel wronged for losing to you!"

"Come to the capital next time! Let me know! I'll host a banquet for you! Welcome you!"

"Qin Feng! This is the SVIP card of the Celadon Club! I give it to you!"

On the rostrum, a group of bigwigs were also applauding!

"This is the most incredible victory I have ever seen!"

"He is indeed the son of destiny! He is indeed the man of destiny!"

"Qin Feng! Can you accept me as your master? I am willing to teach you everything I have learned in my life!"

"Get lost! You're a useless mechanic! You are not qualified to be Qin Feng's teacher!"

"You too, get out of here! You useless mage! When Qin Feng grows up, he will treat you like a mage soldier! I will chop your magic shield into pieces with one blow!"

"Qin Feng! I am the number one assassin of the Great Xia Nation under the God of War! Let me be your teacher and I will teach you the art of assassination!"

""Qin Feng! I am the number one warrior of the Great Xia Kingdom under the God of War! Be my apprentice, and I will marry both of my daughters to you!"

Lin Henian:"Zhang Old Dog! How dare you snatch my son-in-law from me! Do you want to fight? Huh?"

Zhang Chongguang:"Boss Lin! Your Xue'er can be the principal wife, and just give me a place in the side room for my two daughters! As long as you agree, you will be my boss! The boss for life!"

Lin Henian:"Get out of here! Get as far away as you can!"

Looking at the people on the martial arts field who were conquered by Qin Feng's fighting power.

Listening to the voices that resounded through the sky and shouted for Qin Feng on the martial arts field.

Ye Nantian felt that his arrangement was unprecedentedly successful.

He did it. He arranged a thirteen-province martial arts performance for Qin Feng.

He successfully gave Qin Feng a chance to show his face in front of the people of the whole country, making Qin Feng the most shining and rising star of this era.

After today, Qin Feng's face will be known to the people of the whole country.

His name, his record of sweeping the Tower of Babel, his legendary story of winning the unlimited battle royale and defeating the SS-level professional Lin Chuxue head-on, will spread in the streets and alleys.

People will praise this name.

People will invest almost infinite expectations and goodwill in this future pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom and this person who has obtained a destiny through an adventure.

As time goes by... Over time.

Expectations and goodwill will grow into towering trees in the hearts of these people.

There will be a day soon, when Qin Feng's talent will be exposed to the whole world.

This tree will be able to protect Qin Feng, and in the more distant future, protect people themselves.

This is Ye Nantian's plan.

Lin Chuxue is the first cause and effect for him to tie Qin Feng. The people who are full of kindness to Qin Feng are the second cause and effect for him to tie Qin Feng.

Gathering the power of the entire Daxia in one person is the third cause and effect for him, Ye Nantian, to tie Qin Feng.

People are all made of flesh and blood. Ye Nantian does not believe that Qin Feng, who is treated kindly by everyone, will repay kindness with enmity one day in the future.

His intuition tells him that Qin Feng is a kind child and he will never become that kind of person.

He will repay kindness with kindness and repay grievances with justice. He will definitely repay those who have shown kindness to him with greater kindness.

"Qin Feng, don't blame me!"

"I admit it! These things I designed are not glorious at all!"

"But I have no choice, I have reached my limit, I can't hold on any longer!"

"I need you, Daxia needs you, and all the people of Daxia need you!"

"To ensure that you can always stand on Daxia's side, never harm Daxia, and give the people of Daxia a way to survive!"

"I can only do this, I really can only do this. If you insist on blaming me for slowing you down in the future, I will wait for your reckoning."

After whispering a few words,

Ye Nantian felt that the dream he had woven was showing signs of loosening.

He quickly released his spirituality and continued to maintain it, so that the memory of the whole world would remain in the state after his modification.

And this dream has four keywords: adventure, inspiration from the supreme will of the divine realm, son of luck, and man of destiny.

To be safe, he deceived himself again.


Ten minutes later, the shouting in the martial arts arena finally stopped.

Qin Feng, Lin Chuxue, and the 98 contestants who participated in the unlimited battle royale

, walked onto a newly-raised platform in the martial arts arena under the gaze of the entire audience and the people of the country.

Qin Feng, who won the championship in the points competition and the unlimited battle royale, was naturally the well-deserved champion of this year's martial arts competition.

Ye Nantian personally walked up to Qin Feng and presented him with the championship award:

"Congratulations! Qin Feng! You have defeated 176,878 professionals and you have become the well-deserved first in the Thirteen Provinces Joint Martial Arts Show!"

"On behalf of Daxia, I present you with honor and reward!"

At this point, Ye Nantian flipped his hand and conjured up three things, handing them to Qin Feng. (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The first one is a scroll. This scroll has no grade, but no one dares to underestimate it.

Because this is the last [Job Transfer Task Exemption Scroll] officially controlled by Daxia, and it is an extremely rare super krypton gold item!

The second thing is a potion. This is the pillar of Daxia, the 18th-level powerhouse Red Pharmacist, who used the hard work of 12 SSS-level 18th-level demons to create a super potion [Demon God Sacrifice].

Once taken, it can not only provide a 10,000-point increase in all attributes, but also give a glimmer of opportunity for the user to perceive the existence of the spirit in advance!

The third thing is simple, it is a piece of paper with the five words"Legendary Set" written on it.[]

But the weight of this thing is no less than that of the Red Pharmacist's potion.

Because the words on this piece of paper were written by a man with the title of Great Xia Dragon Bird.

And this Great Xia Dragon Bird is the most powerful person in the entire Blue Star, under the God of War Ye Nantian.

He has developed the formation to the extreme. He is a genius among geniuses and a genius among geniuses.

After presenting the award to Qin Feng, Ye Nantian began to present awards to other contestants.

Lin Chuxue, who ranked second, received three mythical treasures and a legendary staff that can be used without spirituality.

The others received rewards of gradually decreasing grades, and all the winners smiled.


After the rewards were distributed, the Grand Martial Arts Show entered the third stage.

It was also the stage that countless contestants were looking forward to.

That was the battle for the secret realm!

Unlike the previous two competitions, although the battle for the secret realm had the word"compete", there was no ranking of results. When the contestants entered the secret realm, the things they had to compete for changed from points and rankings to their own opportunities.

For this year's Grand Martial Arts Show, the Daxia official took out a just-released strategy that had not yet been fully developed - the Lingxu Secret Realm!

"`.In the Tongtian Points Competition, the top 50,000 contestants, please come to the training ground!"

"Lord Military God is already constructing a teleportation array for you to Lingxu Secret Realm. In five minutes, Lingxu Secret Realm will be opened, and you will all enter it to seek your own opportunities."As soon as the voice fell, the densely packed contestants stood up from the rest area.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... streams of light flashed by, and they came to the martial arts arena.

Qin Feng held Lin Chuxue's hand and asked in a calm voice:

"Xue'er, after entering the secret realm, let's have another race. If I win, the conditions will be the same as before."

Hearing this, the skin on the back of Lin Chuxue's neck shrank tightly, and she waved her hands repeatedly:

"No! No! I won’t compete with you! The old debt hasn’t been paid yet, and you’re making me owe a new one! You bad guy!"

Qin Feng smiled faintly and stretched out his hand.���He held Lin Chuxue's slender waist and held this girl whom he couldn't get tired of looking at tightly in his arms.


Blackstone Group.

Technology Department.

Chairman Tang Cheng looked at the experts and technicians in front of him anxiously and started to scold them!

"You bunch of trash!"

"How long has it been! How long has it been!"

"Why haven't you found out who Black Phantom is yet?"

"Is Black Phantom so hard to find? Didn't you swear before that you would find Black Phantom (Li Zhao) for me before the secret realm was opened?"After being scolded by Tang Cheng, the technicians and experts in the technical department all lowered their heads and dared not say a word.

They have already gone through the battle videos of every contestant, and have not found anyone with a fighting style similar to Black Phantom.

No, it can't be said that there is none.

Qin Feng, who has an A-level Omniknight, has a fighting style that is quite similar to the Black Phantom they are looking for.

But who the hell believes this?

That's the son-in-law of the Lin family, the largest family in Tiannan. For a person like that, there is no need to go to the black boxing ring and fight to the death to make money.

After killing people and robbing money, he also ran to the home of a small manager and robbed the money that others put in the safe.

This fucking character portrait doesn't fit at all!

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

Tang Cheng cursed again, then took out his cell phone and sent a number to the Blackstone Group's assassins far away in the martial arts arena.


This 1 means that the mission will proceed according to the original plan.

"I can only take a gamble!"

"More than a hundred years of preparation cannot be wasted like this!"

"Who knows when the Thirteen Provinces Joint Martial Arts Show will happen again! It will gather so many A-level professionals today!"

"Black Phantom! I beg you!"

"Today! Please don't cause any trouble for me, okay?"

"Just stay hidden and play with the scarlet crystal in your hand, don't come to mess with me!".

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