"Sir! Let's talk it over. Xiao Wang is a businessman. I want to offer a price to buy my life!"

Although Manager Wang is a seventh-level strongman, his strength can be ranked among the top in Binhai City.

But facing the man in front of him who is covered in blood and has attributes that are so high that they cannot be detected at all, he did not hesitate to give in and directly offered to pay for his life.


Qin Feng had made up his mind from the beginning.

After killing the man, he would take away all the wealth of Tianbao Pavilion and leave nothing for the people of Blackstone Group.

Therefore, he did not negotiate with Manager Wang. He directly used the threat of death to force the other party to submit!

"Can you save my life by telling me?"


"I say! I say! Is it not enough for me to say it?"

Seeing that the fierce man in front of him had no intention of reconciliation,

Manager Wang felt that he needed to take a chance, just in case the other party was just aloof and didn't like to talk.

Once he explained the other party's problem clearly, maybe the other party would give him a chance to live.

"Tianbao Pavilion that sells things, Heishan Factory that makes things, and the black boxing ring that no longer exists"

"Just three?"

"Just three! No secrets at all!"

Qin Feng nodded, then said:"What are the names of Blackstone Group's industries in other cities?"

"In Tiannan City, Tiannan Heavy Industry is responsible for production, and Haiqiao Chamber of Commerce is responsible for sales.……"

"In Feiying City, Feiying Heavy Industry is in charge of production, while the Grand Fortune Hotel is responsible for selling goods.……"

Manager Wang did not dare to delay and quickly told all the information he knew.

Qin Feng had more than 8,000 spirit points and eight times the attribute strength, so it was very easy for him to remember this list.

"Sir! Can I buy my life now?"

Qin Feng smiled faintly, and then with a long knife,

Manager Wang's head flew up and was put into Qin Feng's backpack!

Facing the Blackstone Group that enslaved his people!

Qin Feng did not have a trace of extra mercy, he just wanted to kill them all!

After killing Manager Wang, Qin Feng began to return along the original route.

The seventh floor is the trading area, and the eighth, ninth and tenth floors are the storage areas.

In order to burst out the fastest killing speed, he did not have time to rob the wealth.

Qin Feng went up all the way. He chopped down the door when he saw it, and robbed the things he saw.

"Ding Dong! You received 2.5 billion credits!"

"Ding Dong! You obtained 1521 tons of Nasher Metal!"

"Ding Dong! You obtained 4578 kg of Yang Kelier Energy Metal!"

"Ding Dong! You obtained 454 kg of Magical Weapon Construction Material Soul Gathering Pigment!"

"Ding Dong! You get the diamond-level skill book [Hellfire] x2, you get the diamond-level skill book [Rain of Fire] x1, you get the skill book……"

"Ding Dong! You got……"

After collecting all the things, Qin Feng took a long knife and carved a line of words deeply on the copper wall of the tenth floor of Tianbao Pavilion.

【Black Phantom】


In the silent night,

Qin Feng ran to the Black Mountain Factory.

Here, he repeated what he had done in Tianbao Pavilion.

However, Qin Feng did not harm ordinary people in the factory.

He just killed all the managers of the Black Mountain Factory, without missing a single one.

Afterwards, Qin Feng took away all the raw materials and two fully automatic production lines in the Black Mountain Factory.

He did not take the production lines that required manual operation, he just smashed them to pieces, the kind that could not be repaired.

【[Murderer and robber, Black Phantom]

Qin Feng carved his name in the largest workshop of the Black Mountain Factory.

Then, Qin Feng turned into a dark shadow.

Amid the surprised and terrified roars of countless ordinary employees, he drifted away.


It was almost 11:30 at night.

When the bonus effect of the blood burst was about to end and the accompanying 12-hour weakness period was about to come.

Qin Feng finally rushed back to his home.

After arriving home, Qin Feng did not stop for a moment.

He threw all the stolen mechanical raw materials and fully automatic production lines into the dimensional factory.

Let the engineering robots work overtime to produce.

Afterwards, Qin Feng took out all the stolen skill books and studied them one by one.

The number of skill books stored in Tianbao Pavilion is extremely large and the categories are complete.

It covers the basic skills of almost all professional systems from black iron to diamond. After

Qin Feng finished learning it once, he immediately used skill reconstruction to reconstruct it all into skill points.

After more than ten minutes, when Qin Feng had used up all the skill books.

He obtained 8,000 skill points and 135 level 1 diamond skills.

""Only 8,000 skill points, not enough to exchange for Red Lotus!"

Qin Feng said to himself, and then he thought.

There are still many corpses of professionals and monsters in his backpack.

Looting them must be enough to exchange for Red Lotus.

With this thought, Qin Feng immediately started to execute.

He took out the corpses and meat from his backpack and plundered them endlessly.

"Ding Dong! You looted 161 new monsters!"

"You have obtained 161 extraordinary genes, you have obtained 112 new talents, and you have obtained 361 new skills!"

"The bonus on all attributes of the Power of All Aspects is increased from 6410 to 8020!"

"Ding Dong! You plundered Professional x31!"

"You have obtained 31 extraordinary genes, 24 new professions, 17 new talents, and 176 new skills."

"The bonus of all attributes of the Ten Thousand Phases Power has been increased from 8020 to 8330!"

Below the S level, there are many overlaps in professions and talents.

Qin Feng was not surprised by the disparity between the number of extraordinary genes and professions and talents.

"Ding Dong! You have used up 538 skills!" (337+ advanced sword skills)

"You have obtained 2718 skill points!"

The prompt sounded, and Qin Feng's skill points were enough to exchange for Red Lotus.

"Ding Dong! You have used 10,000 skill points to redeem the Scarlet Hunter's exclusive skill [Red Lotus】!"

【[Red Lotus]: Passive skill, use knife weapons to attack the enemy, gain 999% damage amplification���The result was red lotus.

Qin Feng felt that the weakness of blood burst was coming.

He did not stop at all and directly opened the talent furnace in his body.

"Ding Dong! You have melted 111 talents into the S-level fighting body. The fighting body has grown. It is 579 energy points away from effect transformation and 4579 energy points away from grade upgrade!"

"Ding Dong! You have merged 1 talent into the A-level talent Shadow Thorn……"

Qin Feng melted all the new talents into his previous talents.

His talents did not change, but he got another piece of information.

The transformation of talents and the improvement of their grades all require some kind of energy.

In the current situation, the only thing that can provide this energy is the talents that are plundered or brought by oneself.

"Ha! Finally done! Look at the panel!"

"If I have enough time, I will also check the job transfer task. I was too busy before and didn't have time to check it!"

As soon as the thought came, the blood burst bonus faded, and a huge feeling of weakness came.

Qin Feng forced himself to open the panel and check it out despite the weakness.

The battle panel is as follows:

【Name: Qin Feng

【[Order]: Second order

【Occupation]: Scarlet Hunter LV25 (can only be upgraded after the third transfer, currently accumulated 4.7 million experience!)

【Health value]: 85.8w/85.8w

【Mana: 85.9w/85.9w

【Attack power: 11.8w

【Defense Power]: 13.5w (Unlimited Masks +5w)

【Spell Strength]: 8.5w

【Basic Attributes]: Strength 14385, 10735, Constitution 10735, Spirit 10742 (eight times attribute strength)

【[Combat Strength]: 74555 stars (I forgot to calculate the attribute strength before, now I added it)

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