After Lin Chuxue left,

Qin Feng also left home and went outside the high wall of the guardian of Binhai City.

The joint martial arts performance of thirteen provinces is a rare event in a century.

The winner can get the only official [Job Transfer Task Exemption Scroll].

For Qin Feng, whose job transfer task is the most difficult in the world, the super krypton gold item [Job Transfer Task Exemption Scroll] is a precious treasure that he must get at all costs.

Soon, Qin Feng came to the northern suburbs of Binhai City.

There are three leveling areas in the northern suburbs: Black Rose Town, Blackwater Canyon, and Lost Mine.

The monsters inside are mostly at levels 10-20.

It is a holy place in the minds of most second-level professionals in Binhai City.

"I'm sorry to all the professionals in Binhai City."

"My wife invited me to the Thirteen Provinces Joint Martial Arts Competition Finals"

"I am only level 10 now, and I desperately need experience points and extraordinary genes"

"I have taken care of the northern suburbs today. You can come here to kill monsters in the future if there are still monsters breeding here."

Qin Feng said secretly, and then found a deserted place. He directly released the 60,000 mechanical soldiers in the dimensional arsenal!

The 60,000 mechanical soldiers were arranged into a black mass of 6 square formations of 10,000 people, silent and solemn, with a terrifying momentum!

"Sweep away all non-human species!"

"Leave no one alive!"

Qin Feng gave an order!

The 60,000 mechanical army immediately set out!

The rumbling sound directly exploded in the entire northern suburbs!

All the professionals who were hunting monsters in the northern suburbs were stunned!


They saw a scene that they would never forget.

The mechanical army was arranged in a long snake formation with a width of 30 meters.

Like a bulldozer, corpses were everywhere and no grass grew wherever it passed!

"Ding Dong! Your mechanical soldier killed the Bristleback, and you gained 245 experience points!"

"Ding Dong! Your mechanical soldier killed……"

"Ding Dong! Your level has been upgraded from LV11 to LV12, and you have gained 180 free attribute points!"


After releasing the mechanical army in the northern suburbs,

Qin Feng burst out with speed and arrived at the eastern suburbs where the Wandering Forest was located after more than ten minutes.

He found a deserted place to stand.

Qin Feng directly summoned the fifth-level BOSS-level summoned beast Dark Moon Elf.

Wandering Forest is the worst novice leveling area in Binhai City. Sending a mechanical army to sweep here is a pure waste. It is the most cost-effective way to call out the fifth-level Dark Moon Elf to push forward.

"Ding Dong! You spent 2000 mana points and used the Darkmoon Manager's Prayer to summon the fifth-tier BOSS-level summoned beast, the Darkmoon Elf!"

"Ding Dong! Your talent [Call of the Elders] has taken effect, and the Dark Moon Elf has gained a 4-fold increase in all attributes!"The

Dark Moon Elf who appeared felt the tremendous power in his body, and knelt down directly in front of Qin Feng, saying excitedly:

"Master! Please give me orders!"

"Kill all non-human species in the Wandering Woods!"

""I will obey the master's orders!"

As soon as the words fell, the Dark Moon Elf turned into a black light and rushed into the Wandering Forest.

Then, countless reminder sounds rang in Qin Feng's ears.

"Ding Dong! Your summoned beast, the Dark Moon Elf, killed the Forest Ape. You gain 5 experience points!" (The higher the level, the lower the benefit of killing low-level monsters)

"Ding Dong! Your summoned beast……"

"Ding Dong! Your level has been upgraded from LV16 to LV17, and you have gained 180 free attribute points!"



Qin Feng deployed another 60,000 mechanical troops in the southern suburbs.

Then he personally went to the western suburbs where the monsters were the most powerful.

He used the monsters' blood to sacrifice and exchange for the Finger of Death.

"Ding Dong! You used the Finger of Death to kill the wild monster Five-Colored Viper. The Finger of Death gained 5 points of fixed damage, and you gained 65 experience points!"

"Ding Dong! Your level has increased from LV20 to LV21, and you gain 180 free attributes."

"Ding Dong! You used the Finger of Death to kill the wild monster Five-Colored Viper. The Finger of Death gained 5 points of fixed damage, and you gained 60 experience points!"

"Ding Dong! You used the Finger of Death.……"


When night fell,

Qin Feng killed all the wild monsters within a radius of 200 kilometers in Binhai City, leaving only 3.

Qin Feng's level had already reached level 25, and there were even 4.7 million experience points in his experience slot.

Once Qin Feng completed the job transfer task, he could be promoted to around level 35.

Looking at the only 3 wild beasts of burden left in front of him, which were not wild at all, Qin Feng secretly sighed:

"I killed too fast, and almost forgot to find wild monsters to experiment with Endless Plunder."

On the underground platform of Binhai Underground Black Boxing Arena, Qin Feng discovered an extremely domineering characteristic of Endless Plunder by chance.

Endless Plunder is not a copy!

It is the strongest and most rigid plunder!

It sucks a part of the limbs of wild monsters or professionals!

The other part of the target's limbs will be sucked by Endless Plunder like another quantum in the quantum entanglement reaction!

And what Qin Feng wants to test now!

Is whether this feature can work on living things!

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