I don’t know if it’s because of quantum entanglement.

The night before, the secretary of the chairman of the Blackstone Group.

Just now arrogantly accused Black Phantom of being a poor thief who even wanted to steal the small money in the safe.

The next day, Qin Feng discovered the new industry of the Blackstone Group.

And secretly decided in his heart that after reaching level 25, he would ask Black Phantom, the thief, to rob the Tianbao Pavilion affiliated to the Blackstone Group.

Not only to take back the money spent.

But also to take away the profits and operating funds that Tianbao Pavilion had worked hard for.

Shortly after walking out of the building where Tianbao Pavilion was located.

Qin Feng directly launched stealth and quickly fled.

After circling around Binhai City for several times, Qin Feng took the opportunity to change back to his original appearance and slowly returned to his home.

When he got home, Qin Feng took out the 10 diamond-level skill books he bought and directly studied:

"Ding Dong! You used the Diamond Level Skill Book [Nano Material Synthesis】、【High Energy Mastery】……"

"You have learned diamond-level skills: Nanomaterial Synthesis LV1, High Energy Mastery LV1, Fifth-order Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing and Repair LV1, Ultra-long-distance Communication LV1, Micro-dimensional Arsenal LV1"

"Ding Dong! You used the diamond-level skill book [Nano-level Magic Control】、【Magic Power Armor】……"

"You have learned the diamond-level skills of nano-level magic control LV1, magic power armament LV1, fifth-level magic weapon construction seal carving LV1, seal resonance LV1, millisecond magic weapon construction seal replacement LV1."The prompt sound fell.

Qin Feng directly learned 10 diamond-level skills.

It was much better than the skills he had plundered from the black boxing field professionals before.

Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh that money is really a good thing.

At the same time, Qin Feng's idea of robbing Tianbao Pavilion became more and more solid.

After learning the skills, Qin Feng directly loaded the blueprint

"Ding Dong! You have loaded the mechanical blueprints: H-2 engineering robot, T-31 high-energy explosive bomb, honeycomb, heavy sergeant, black python defender"

"Ding Dong! You have loaded the blueprints of the Magic Weapon Construction System: Seal of Frost, Seal of Flame Abyss, Talisman-Shatter, Talisman-Shock, Talisman-Hammer."

The moment the prompt sounded, a huge amount of information directly entered Qin Feng's mind.

Qin Feng directly mastered the production methods of these mechanical equipment and construction talismans.

Without wasting time, Qin Feng started manufacturing.

He first opened the Micro Dimension Arsenal and placed the purchased diamond-level fully automatic production line in it.

Then, he invested in materials and manufactured two H-2 engineering robots.

"Ding Dong! You consumed 12kg of Nasher alloy, 128g of Yang Kelier energy metal, and 2 k3v14 chips.……"

"You built two H-2 engineering robots"

H-2 The combat effectiveness of engineering robots is extremely low, but they are super assistants to mechanics, able to help mechanics manage production lines and manufacture mechanical equipment.

With the H-2 engineering robots, Qin Feng no longer needs to manage the production line.

He only needs to input the drawings and requirements into the engineering robot chips, and they can help Qin Feng produce equipment below diamond level.

Qin Feng imported all the drawings he had into the engineering robot chips.

Afterwards, he gave the robots production targets and left the arsenal.

The engineering robots obeyed Qin Feng's orders 100%.

They worked for Qin Feng non-stop, and their efficiency was terrifyingly high.

"Ding Dong! You got a beehive!"

【Honeycomb]: Diamond level, after unfolding, put in materials, and produce 12 gold-level mechanical bumblebees per second

【Mechanical Bumblebee: Gold level, uses mouthparts to attack, 8888 health, 400 attack, 800 defense, 140 physical penetration, 12% damage aggravation, each attack has 12 defense reduction, can be stacked up to 16 times

"Ding Dong! You got the Heavy Armored Sergeant!"

【Heavy Sergeant]: Diamond level, uses T-31 high-energy incendiary bombs, 12w health, 3600 defense, 120% damage splash, causes 2 times damage to light armor units!

"Ding Dong! You got the T-31 high-energy explosive bomb!"

【T-31 High Energy Explosive Bomb: Diamond grade, explodes immediately after hitting the target, with an explosion range of 50 square meters, causing 9600 explosion damage, with slight burning damage

"Ding Dong! You got the Black Python Defender!"

【[Black Python Defender]: Diamond level, uses mechanical arms to attack, 24w HP, 1400 attack, 8000 defense, attack with shock effect, stuns units with strength below 1200 for 2 seconds.

A series of prompt sounds rang in Qin Feng's ears.

Qin Feng was very satisfied with the production speed of the engineering robot and the fully automatic assembly line.

Then he took out the magic weapon construction materials from his backpack and began to make the magic weapon construction talisman.

"Ding Dong! You consumed 8kg of Soul Pigment, 24 Soul Stones, 6 Dragon Flame Crystals, and 6 Frost Crystals.……"

"You get 6 Seals of the Flame Abyss, 6 Seals of Frost, 4 Seals of Shatter, 4 Seals of Shock, 4 Seals of Hammer"

【[Seal of the Flame Abyss]: After loading, gain 360 fire resistance, 240 attack power, and 120 points of burning damage per attack

【[Mark of Frost]: After loading, gain 360 ice resistance, 240 dual resistance, and each attack has a 1.2s slow effect

【Talisman - Shatter: After loading, gain 420 attack power, 12% damage amplification, up to 4 can be loaded

【Talisman - Shock: After loading, you can use the force of the counter-shock to quickly counterattack. The faster the counter-attack speed, the higher the counter-attack damage. A single talisman can carry up to 999 points of counter-attack damage. A maximum of 4 talismans can be loaded.

【Talisman - Hammer: After loading, you will gain the skill [Hammer], physical attacks ignore 10% armor, the higher the enemy's rank, the weaker the effect, a single talisman can ignore up to 720 points of armor, and you can load up to 4 talismans!

Soon, 24 talismans were created.

Qin Feng directly loaded all the talismans on his body.

This made his already extremely powerful strength rise again.

"It's time to go out and hunt!"

"By the time I get to the eastern suburbs of Binhai, my mechanical troops should be completed!"

"From now on, all the wild monsters within a 200-kilometer radius of Binhai City belong to me!"

Qin Feng stood up and was about to leave home to go out to hunt.

But at this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Almost at the same time, Lin Chuxue's slightly hurried voice sounded:

"Qin Feng! Are you home?"

"The Binhai City Martial Arts Show has been changed! This time the rewards are extremely generous! Open the door for me!"

"Qin Feng! Don't sleep! Open the door quickly!"

"I stole my father's points card and exchanged it for 100 B-level career sublimation scrolls and 1,000 A-level career sublimation scrolls for you!"

"If you don't open the door, my dad will catch me when he realizes what's going on!"

"Remember to wear clothes! Don't be naked!"

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