Blackstone Group.

Chairman's office.

It was already three o'clock in the morning.

Tang Cheng, the chairman of Blackstone Group, was still awake.

He couldn't sleep.

The Reaper Plan had been in preparation for more than a hundred years.

Finally, he met a newly awakened SS-level professional.

He could put the well-prepared plan on the implementation schedule.

The underground black boxing arena in Binhai City was suddenly wiped out.

One manager disappeared without a trace and his life or death was unknown.

The other boxing arena steward ran away without even saying hello.

"Which force is attacking us?"

"Official? No! There was no official person who discovered the original scarlet aberration!"

"The Parliament of the Dead? That's not right! Those slaves of a conquered country are just a bunch of rats crossing the street that everyone wants to kill. Daxia has Ye Nantian, so they don't dare to come here?"

"Could it be someone from Shenshan?"

"It's possible! Those people have always been at odds with us!"

"They dream of annexing us and taking over the part of the original scarlet aberrations in our hands!"

There was no news for several hours.

Tang Cheng had to exaggerate the seriousness of the matter.

He put the blame on the Shenshan Organization, which had always been at odds with the black market group.

But at this moment, the doorbell of the office rang.

Tang Cheng's face lit up.

The secretary knocked politely instead of rushing in.

This meant that things were moving in a good direction.

""Come in!"

Tang Cheng straightened himself up and looked towards the office door expectantly.

The secretary pushed the door open and walked in with a look of joy on his face:

"Chairman! Good news!"

"We have found out what happened in the Binhai City Black Boxing Arena today!"

The secretary walked to Tang Cheng calmly and placed an analysis report and an original document on the table.

"Chairman, these two files were restored based on Chen Ke's report before he lost contact, the confessions of the audience at the black boxing arena, the remaining memories in Yang Yu's body, and the surveillance videos within three kilometers of the black boxing arena's teleportation arrays."

"Experts from the technical department and think tank said that the accuracy of these two reports is over 90%.

Tang Cheng flipped through the two documents on the desk and said to his secretary:

"I watch and you talk. You don't need to be objective. Just express your subjective thoughts."

"Okay, Chairman. Tonight, a man named Black Phantom came to the Binhai Black Boxing Arena. This man probably robbed a guild family's material library and built up a terrifying set of attributes. This man is also a one-in-a-million dual-talent dual-professional genius. As soon as he entered the black boxing arena, he directly challenged the strongest……"

The secretary combined the materials and expressed his subjective judgment on the whole incident.

Finally, he concluded:

"Chairman! In my opinion! That Black Phantom is the culprit who destroyed the Binhai City Black Boxing Arena!"

"We checked Chen Ke's home. There was residual energy from teleportation magic in his home. His safe was also hacked open."

"This means that someone used Chen Ke's teleportation token, went to Chen Ke's home, and robbed Chen Ke's property."

"This explains why the scarlet aberration was destroyed by humans."

"It must be that after killing Chen Ke, the Black Phantom found the Scarlet Crystal in his exploded backpack, and then greedily searched everywhere in the Black Boxing Arena."

"By chance, we found the scarlet aberration on the underground platform and destroyed it!"

After listening to the secretary's words, the chairman nodded gently.

His judgment was basically consistent with the secretary's.

It was also consistent with the experts in the Blackstone Group's think tank.

The investigation results confirmed that it was most likely not done by Shenshan's gang.

Instead, it was accidentally triggered by an unknown person by chance.

The chairman's expression immediately eased, and he ordered:

"First! Seal the Sleeper!"

"Second! Expand all our businesses, including but not limited to black boxing rings, black market stalls, and the sale of extraordinary supplements……"

"Third! Continue to implement the [Harvester Plan] and keep an eye on any official leaks. Binhai has produced an SS-level professional. We have been planning for a hundred years, and finally the time for a big harvest has come!"

"Fourth! Fully monitor all the new generation of geniuses above level A in the thirteen provinces of Jiangnan! Analyze them! Tiannan Province has always been the strongest among the thirteen provinces of Jiangnan. The authorities may hold another joint martial arts performance of the thirteen provinces!"


The next day.

At eight o'clock in the morning.

Qin Feng flipped up from the bed.

Fortunately, he controlled the strength, otherwise the wooden bed would collapse.

After a simple wash,

Qin Feng went out with cheap whole wheat bread.

He walked straight to the area where the black market stalls in Binhai City gathered.

The black market is just a black channel and a black price.

It is not necessary to open the door in the dark.

Generally speaking, they prefer to open the door to welcome customers in the morning. It is also very normal to put the storefront outside for people to see.

Soon, Qin Feng came to the Binhai black market.

On the way here, Qin Feng had already changed his appearance.

This time, Qin Feng did not use the face of the black ghost.

Instead, he disguised himself as a silent and majestic old man.

The attribute panel was also modified to an extremely terrifying number by him.

Only in this way can he match the 2.

9 billion cash in his pocket.

Others will not covet his wealth.

With 2.

9 billion cash in his pocket, Qin Feng is rich.

Without thinking, he went directly into the Guanghua Department Store, which has the most luxurious decoration.

After entering the door, Qin Feng didn't even look at the daily necessities displayed outside to cover up his presence.

He went straight to the seventh floor.

In front of four people wearing black suits and black sunglasses, he took out stacks of cash and casually slapped them into their hands.

""Open the door."

Two simple words.

The voice was cold but not without the kindness that the strong would show when facing the weak.

Qin Feng was very satisfied with his acting skills.

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