"Mr. Black Phantom!"

Qin Feng had just walked to the door of the chip exchange center.

Manager Chen came up with a flattering smile and naturally took Qin Feng's hand.

"Lord Black Phantom! You are truly a top-notch expert!"

"Not only did he easily kill the strongest Undertaker in our ring, he also accomplished the unprecedented 1V8 feat!"

"You are the undisputed number one in the 53rd anniversary of the establishment of our Binhai City Black Boxing Arena!"

Manager Chen held Qin Feng's hand and praised him.

If others saw him, they would think Qin Feng was his long-lost father.

However, there was no one else around.

All the employees of the chip exchange center were driven away.

Even the cameras placed on the dome, walls, and various inconspicuous corners were turned off.

"Let's stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point."

Qin Feng looked at Manager Chen with a faint smile and said something meaningful.

Manager Chen smiled flatteringly.

He didn't know that Qin Feng had already noticed their murderous intentions.

He just thought that Qin Feng wanted to exchange cash.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"Everything is up to you, Lord Black Phantom!"

"Please follow me!"

"I will personally present the cash today!"

Manager Chen led Qin Feng to the exchange center.

When they reached the counter,

Manager Chen took out a large pile of chips first.

He kept putting them into the chip counting machine.

Qin Feng counted them secretly. The chips that Manager Chen put in were ten times more than what he had on him.

At this moment,

Qin Feng understood directly.

Manager Chen not only wanted to eat up the 160 million he won, but also wanted to use his name to take out the money in the black boxing ring account.

Really greedy!

Qin Feng cursed secretly, but did not stop it!

"Lord Black Phantom, everything is ready, you can take out your chips."

Manager Chen looked at Qin Feng with a fiery face.

The greed in his eyes was about to overflow.

Qin Feng nodded, took the chips out of his backpack, and piled them in front of Manager Chen.

Manager Chen quickly put the chips into the counting instrument and counted them quickly.

After a while, the chips were counted, a total of 1.2 billion chips!

Then, the instrument began to spit out cash.

A brand new 10,000-denomination credit coins spit out from the instrument.

It only took more than ten seconds to pile up a large mountain of money on the ground.

Soon, a full 600 million cash was piled on the ground.

Manager Chen's eyes burst into a terrifying fierce light.

He waved his hand and put all the 600 million cash into his backpack.

Then, he performed the flame jump extremely quickly.

Flashed to the position set in advance.

The next moment!

Rumbling sounds rang out all around!

Thick earth walls surrounded Qin Feng in the center!

Silver formation runes flashed on the earth walls!

That was the ultimate killing formation constructed by a fifth-level formation master!



Qin Feng has more than 50,000 points of defense, 8 defense talents, and 14 passive defense skills!

But the fifth-level formation can still cause 2129 points of damage to Qin Feng per second!

The damage ability is so terrifying!

"Black Phantom! You've fallen into the trap!"

Manager Chen's frantic voice came from the earth wall!

"You are so ignorant!"

"A full 160 million chips! What makes you think you can take them away? Huh?"

"Just relying on your hidden B-level talent, corpse poison?"

"Just relying on those cards you have already revealed?"

The moment the voice fell.

Countless attacks came from all directions to Qin Feng!

The assassination team that had been ambushing in the chip exchange center!

At this moment, all members have stood on the earth wall, bursting out with the strongest force, rumbling towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng snorted.

Move quickly in the gradually compressed earth wall to avoid damage

"Black Phantom! Stop struggling! You are finished!"

"Don't bother! We will make your death very easy!"

Manager Chen's ferocious voice continued to sound, venting the resentment that had been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

But at this moment, he was standing on the earth wall and attacking frantically.

He was extremely shocked to find that the aura of the black ghost trapped in the earth wall was rising uncontrollably!

And what caused this situation was the heads that suddenly appeared and exploded into blood mist!

They were the heads of the champions!

Buzz buzz buzz... a terrifying buzzing sound rang out in the field!

Nine groups of blood mist turned into nine blood dragons, heading towards Qin Feng's body and drilling directly into it!

Seeing this scene, whether it was the fourth-level Manager Chen, the fifth-level assassination star team members, or the captain of the assassination star team, Ye Shi, whose strength had reached the peak of the fifth level, they all felt a An absolute fear that came from the depths of their souls, as if engraved into their DNA!

Boundless chills emanated from their bodies.

They became extremely cold and stiff from head to toe.

It became extremely difficult to move a finger!

At the same time, a sealed memory returned to their minds.

They recalled it.

At about 1 o'clock this afternoon.

That strange phenomenon that covered the sky and the sun and enveloped the entire world!

I remembered the hideous blood-red throne in the sky!

I remembered the magnificent and huge man who stood in the sky with a knife, as majestic as a god!

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