"Universe taboo-level talent, endless plunder, can plunder all organisms, analyze and reconstruct extraordinary genes, give back to oneself, and gain talents, professions, and skills……"

"Doesn't this mean that as long as Qin Feng keeps killing people, keeps snatching the extraordinary genes of us professionals, and obtains our talents, professions, and skills, he can become infinitely stronger!"

"In front of such a terrifying force, Qin Feng, how could Qin Feng maintain his humanity and not attack us!"

"This, Qin Feng, Qin Feng is not the SSS-level professional we need, nor is he the patron saint of mankind. He is the enemy of all extraordinary people and a devil!"

"what should we do?"

"Otherwise, before he grows up,……"

The crowd began to talk...

Not only the students in the audience, but even the teachers on the rostrum, because of the words on the job transfer stele, they developed an uncontrollable fear of Qin Feng...

At the same time, their lives were threatened, and they also had a murderous intent in their hearts.

The murderous intent was surging in their minds, and it was fighting fiercely with the friendship between classmates, the relationship between teachers and students, and the compassion in their nature...

Looking at the struggling expressions on the faces of classmates and teachers, and listening to their increasingly quiet discussions, Qin Feng felt a chill on his back!

Am I going to die before I can accomplish my mission?

I've waited for 18 years, and finally waited for the golden finger to arrive, and I'm going to die soon?

No! I have to run away!

Damn! There are people everywhere, surrounding me, where can I run!

Just when Qin Feng was extremely anxious and cold all over.

Lin Chuxue walked to Qin Feng with firm steps and stood still.

Then, she grasped Qin Feng's hand and stood with Qin Feng with a solemn expression.

"Lin Chuxue, come back soon!"

"Qin Feng, his talent... He is an ominous person, stay away from him!"

The voices of the teachers and classmates suddenly became louder.

They were not only reminding Lin Chuxue, but also using a higher volume to unite the front, gather more people who are afraid of Qin Feng, and rely on the collective strength to raise the banner of collective will and reduce the guilt of suppressing students (classmates).

Looking at the teachers' nervous expressions and their steps towards Qin Feng,

Lin Chuxue said solemnly:

"I don’t know if he is an ominous person, and I don’t know if he will attack us in the future!"

"But I am clear about one thing, Qin Feng, he is our classmate, a student of all the teachers present here, and a citizen of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

"He has never done anything against the law!"

"Even his job change and awakening of the so-called forbidden talent in the universe was not his own decision!"

"Because of a little talent, you denied the friendship of three years of classmates and tore apart the principle of teaching without discrimination as a teacher! You discussed suppressing Qin Feng, and even killed him when he did nothing wrong!"

"In my opinion! What you did, thought and thought were even more vicious than [Endless Plunder]!"

After these words came out, everyone in the audience fell into absolute silence.

Everyone lowered their heads in shame, and several teachers were so ashamed that they pinched their thighs.

Qin Feng looked at Lin Chuxue with a complicated expression, his eyes flashing with emotion and surprise.

He was moved because Lin Chuxue stood beside him and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

He was surprised because Lin Chuxue, who laughed like a little madman in private, could speak such righteous words at this moment.

Lin Chuxue secretly glanced at Qin Feng, forced herself to be calm, and threw a 'don't worry, listen to my bragging' expression to Qin Feng.

Then, she took out her previous solemn expression again, and said righteously:

"In the old era, humans once proposed that technology is neither good nor evil!"

"And today, 299 years later, I want to say that talent is neither good nor evil!"

"In the past, nuclear weapons with endless destructive power were loudly denounced by countless saints, but this does not deny that nuclear weapons have guaranteed peace in the human world for a hundred years!"

"Today, Qin Feng has awakened the talent of [Endless Plunder] which is countless times more powerful than nuclear weapons. Why can't we make good use of this unparalleled weapon like our ancestors did in the past?"

"At least! Qin Feng is from our Daxia!"

"At least! Daxia still has a military god, and an SSS-level professional Ye Nantian!"


Listening to Lin Chuxue's righteous speech,

Ye Nantian, who was tempering his body with high-temperature fluid in the center of the earth, smiled.

"It's obvious that you are just greedy for someone else's body, and it's obvious that you are being disloyal, but you can still speak so righteously. Do you feel guilty?"

"However, there is some truth in what you said, little girl. Technology is neither good nor evil, and talent should not exist either. Especially at the end, Daxia also has the military god Ye Nantian, who is exactly what I want."

When Qin Feng's job change triggered a global-level phenomenon, Ye Nantian noticed Qin Feng.

His eyes penetrated a distance of 6378.137 kilometers and saw all the processes of Qin Feng's job change.

However, he was not going to use Qin Feng as a nuclear weapon as Lin Chuxue said.

That was an impossible thing.

No matter how powerful a nuclear weapon is, it has a launch button. It is just a dead object and can be controlled.

But Qin Feng is a living person with his own ideas and ambitions, and he is not controllable at all.

No matter how inspiring the speech is, no matter how legitimate the reason is, it cannot completely eliminate the instinctive fear of uncontrollable things in human nature.

Once Qin Feng's talent is exposed to the humans of Blue Star. What awaits Qin Feng is the siege and killing of countless people!

If you want to keep Qin Feng's countless weapons, you have to lie.

You have to weave a big dream that no one in the world can see through, so that everyone will forget today's global world.���Forget Qin Feng's awakened cosmic taboo talent [Endless Plunder]!


Ye Nantian, the only SSS-level professional in the world, can do this!

""It's all a dream!"

Ye Nantian shouted.

Then, boundless power rose up and enveloped the entire Blue Star.

Whether it was the super professionals above the ninth level or the SS-level pillars of the country... all were affected by this big dream. In their minds, the memory of today's global-level heaven and earth phenomenon was directly sealed.

Everyone was confused and went back along the previous trajectory...

It was as if someone had plucked the string of time.

After doing all this, Ye Nantian spoke again, pretending to be the Supreme Will of [Divine Realm]:

"Ding Dong! You have been transferred to the universe forbidden class [Scarlet Hunter], and you have awakened the universe forbidden talent [Endless Plunder]. You are the chosen one, and the only one."

"Ding Dong! It has been detected that you are in irresistible danger! All the creatures in the Blue Star World have been deleted for you.】、【Endless Plunder] memory! New memories have been filled for all creatures on Blue Star!"

"Ding Dong! Your profession and talent have gained mythical disguise. Units below level 18 cannot see your true profession and talent!"

"Ding Dong! Danger eliminated!"


Four mechanical prompts sounded in Qin Feng's ears.

Lin Chuxue gave a speech in reverse: Tiannan Ye Zheye's rank is SSS...

The expressions on the teachers and students' faces changed from shame to fear, then to shock, and finally to indifference.

Everyone returned along the path they came from.

Everything seemed to have been adjusted in time, returning to the time before the global-level heaven and earth phenomenon began.

"What is this?"

"God's Domain is worthy of the cheater?"

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