Underground boxing ring.

Manager's office

"Manager Chen, there is an S-level professional who came to our boxing arena through the teleportation array in Guanghua Rongcai Hotel. Here are the attribute data of that professional."

A woman with a good figure and wearing a professional skirt walked to Manager Chen with three steps and three steps, bent down very charmingly, and placed a piece of information in front of Manager Chen.

"S-class professionals? How could such a person come to fight in an underground boxing match? Is he out of his mind?"

Manager Chen asked the female secretary while he stretched out his hand to enjoy the warmth and warmth of the jade.

However, he was only puzzled by the fact that an S-class professional came to fight in an underground boxing match. He did not speculate whether this abnormal incident was a test or investigation of them by the Daxia authorities.

The entire underground boxing field in Daxia belongs to the Blackstone Group.

And there are people above the Blackstone Group, and the background is not ordinary.

The female secretary took the opportunity to sit on Manager Chen, adjusted her sitting posture, and let Manager Chen do what he wanted, and explained by the way:

"Old Zhang lied to the man and said that the other party had offended the Guild Family and robbed the Guild Family of their treasures that they had stored as rewards for their subordinates. He had no other choice but to come and fight in a black boxing match."

Hearing this, Manager Chen's eyes lit up and he said:

"Oh! Is that so? S-class professionals are a good gimmick. The boxing ring will probably make a lot of money tonight!"

Afterwards, Manager Chen flipped through the information in his hand and checked Qin Feng's attribute data.

You don't know until you see it. After a glance, Manager Chen, who never forgets to engage in office pink fascination at work, can't sit still!

"At only level 10, he already has 729 star power! 3647 total attributes! And his defense is over 50,000 points!"

"The guild family that this kid robbed is probably not an ordinary guild family!"

The current Great Xia country.

The top families are divided into two types.

The first type is the nobles of the old times. They are the super families that established top guilds in the God Realm world before the advent of the [God's Domain] and have countless krypton gold props.

The second type is the new era tyrants. They are families established by S-level or above strongmen who changed their jobs and awakened after the advent of the God's Domain.

The former has a deep foundation. In this era, it still maintains the guild structure and supports a large group of professionals who act as guild thugs.

Only such a big family will store a large number of low-grade natural materials and treasures as rewards for their subordinates after their meritorious service.

At the same time, only by robbing the material library of such a top family can the attributes of a level 10 professional be piled up to an extremely terrifying 3647 points!

"Xiaoyu! Notice the board of directors!"

"Let’s say we found an S-class professional. This person is likely to have robbed the material library of a super guild family. Once we capture this person, we can establish contact with the big family that suffered the loss!"

"What if that big family itself is our ally!"

"The relationship between the group and them will become even deeper, and we will be able to cooperate in more industries!"

"So! I need the board of directors to send me a group of experts!"

"They must be at least level five warriors, and their combat power must be above 1000 stars!"

"Remember! You must exaggerate the danger of that person!"

"The more the board of directors pays attention to it, the more benefits we can get!"

Manager Chen became excited, and he felt that he was going to make a great contribution.

Once this matter was done, he would definitely get a gold-level natural treasure, which would increase the attribute by at least 90 points!

Moreover, this was not all the benefits he could get!

Before the arrival of the strong man sent by the board of directors, he could also use the S-level professional to open the market, or even go out in person to take the customer's money into his pocket.


A few minutes later,

Qin Feng finally escaped from the teleportation state and entered the underground boxing ring in Binhai City.

At this moment, Qin Feng stood at the end of a passage.

The teleportation array under his feet dimmed and turned into a rune that did not flash.

Qin Feng looked around.

Everywhere was an enchanted copper wall with terrifyingly high defense.

At this time, the waiter who was responsible for receiving the black boxing fighters on the side of the passage came to Qin Feng.

The waiter bowed to Qin Feng politely and then said:

"Sir, you came out of the K31 teleportation array, I think you are here to participate in the boxing match. My name is Ajie, and I am happy to serve you."

Qin Feng nodded slightly and said in a calm voice:

"This is my first time in the boxing arena. Before I came, I only knew that the life and death match in the boxing arena had the highest profit, and I didn't know anything else. Can you introduce me to the rules of the boxing arena?"

Qin Feng did not hide the fact that he was a novice in the black boxing.

The black boxing arena is not a glorious place. He has been wandering in the teleportation space for so long, and his information should have spread throughout the boxing arena.

When Ajie heard Qin Feng say that he was going to play the highest-level life and death match, his expression did not change.

Obviously, he knew about this before he received Qin Feng.

"In response to your question, there are almost no rules in the boxing ring. If I have to say, there are only two rules."

"First, the 700,000 chips we give you cannot be exchanged for cash, and you need to return them when you leave!"

"Second, the boxing ring will take 50% of the money you win from the bet.%!"

"As for other things, there are no taboos!"

It's really simple and crude... Qin Feng smiled and said nothing.

He came to the boxing ring not to make money, but to complete the job transfer task.

Following the waiter forward, the road in front of him gradually opened up.

The overall structure of the boxing ring appeared in Qin Feng's vision. It was a huge spherical hole.

In the center of the hole, on the floating platform, a huge building similar to the ancient Roman Colosseum was built.

A roar like a mountain shout was coming from the arena, with madness and infinite violence in the voice.

Qin Feng sensed that a hundred people were fighting in it, and there were constantly people in black. Walking out of the high wall of the arena.

They carried the bodies of the defeated and threw them into the dark abyss outside the floating platform with expressionless faces.

Looking at the abyss, Qin Feng became agitated.

Three people were thrown in every minute!

How many bodies of black boxers must be there!

Treasure trove! Real treasure trove! Absolute treasure trove!

I must find an opportunity to plunder it!

But I am so sorry for my talent and career!

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