A dense stream of prompts rang in Qin Feng's ears.

He had obtained a total of 5 talents, 5 professions, and 7 new skills.

Qin Feng had plundered talents and skills many times before, and was already very familiar with the process.

But it was the first time for Qin Feng to plunder professions, and the results really shocked him!

"After plundering five professions, my profession is still Scarlet Hunter, without any changes!"

"However, at this moment, I can use the specialized skills of Fire Mage, Berserker, Heavy Shield Warrior, Pure Water Priest, and Shadow Assassin!"

"What's even more terrifying is that the free attribute points I can obtain every time I level up has increased from 10 points at the beginning to 50 now!"

"Every time I obtain a new career system in the future, my attribute growth when I upgrade will be one more!"

"Oh, and there is also attribute completion!"

"I looted the profession when I was level 5, but the Scarlet Hunter gave me all the attribute points before level 5! A total of 200 free attributes!"

���Looking at his skyrocketing attribute data and the 18 talents in his personal panel,

Qin Feng's understanding of the universe forbidden class [Scarlet Hunter] and the talent of the same level [Endless Plunder] was instantly refreshed!

"I was too conservative before!"

"After becoming a Scarlet Hunter and possessing Endless Plunder, my upgrade speed is not exponential at all! Instead, it is a piecewise function where the slope approaches 90 degrees the higher you go!"

"Every time I unlock a branch talent, my leveling speed will increase dramatically!"

"According to this situation, within three months, Ye Nantian, the military god of Daxia, will not be my opponent!"

Thinking of this, Qin Feng suddenly became excited.

He added all the 200 free attribute points of attribute completion to strength.

Then, he picked up the equipment and supplies that Wang Yu and others had dropped on the ground:

"Ding Dong! You received 5648 credits, 5 black iron weapons, 13 red and blue potions, and 453 prey.……"

After collecting the spoils, Qin Feng walked deeper into the Wandering Forest.

Unlike before, Qin Feng, whose killing power had skyrocketed, did not aim to kill monsters for talents.

Instead, he slaughtered them crazily, put the prey into his backpack, and then took them back to Binhai City to exchange for money.

Qin Feng has now plundered a total of 15 extraordinary genes, and still lacks 85 extraordinary genes from the second branch of the Scarlet Throne talent [Power of All Aspects].

Under such circumstances, it has become very inefficient for one person to collect extraordinary genes.

The most suitable approach for Qin Feng is to frantically get resources, and then sell them for money to buy the corpses of wild monsters killed by others!

"It's still early now! It's about six in the afternoon!"

"Try to catch 1,000 prey before 9 p.m.!"


Lin Family.

When Qin Feng started a more intense massacre in the Wandering Forest, the Lin Family's banquet was about to begin.

""Miss! The guests are all here, are you ready?"

A tall maid knocked on Lin Chuxue's door.

"Xiao Nuo, it's almost done. Come in and help me comb my hair. I can't move in this dress."

Lin Chuxue was not arrogant at all and directly invited Xiao Nuo in.

Xiao Nuo took a deep breath. The young lady usually wore either sportswear or casual clothes. She had been in the Lin family for half a year and had never seen a beautiful young lady wearing a dress.

This made Xiao Nuo very excited.

""Yes, Miss."

Xiao Nuo responded, then gently opened the door and entered Lin Chuxue's room.

Unlike other girls, Lin Chuxue's boudoir was not in a vulgar pink color scheme, but in a simple and elegant traditional Chinese style. The furniture in the room was all low-key and calm mahogany, and even the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the dressing room was embedded in a mahogany frame.

"Miss, are you in the dressing room?"

""Yes, come in quickly!"

Lin Chuxue's elegant voice was filled with a hint of joy, and her face turned red for no reason. It had been 357 days since her birthday last year, and she had grown a year older, and she looked even more beautiful.

In a pure white dress, she looked like the fairy who was independent from the world in the Luoshenfu.

"If only Qin Feng agreed to me, then the person combing my hair would not be Xiao Nuo but him, and he would also be the first person to see me like this!"

"But it doesn't matter! I'll ask Xiao Nuo to take some photos for me later and I'll send them to him. In the past, I would send him photos every year when I wore a dress for my birthday, and this glorious tradition cannot be missed this year."

Lin Chuxue thought secretly, and the camel blush on her cheeks became more intense.

For her, this year's dress was too unrestrained. The place holding the sapphire necklace was like the eye of the abyss, which could absorb endless light.

""Miss, why are you blushing?" After entering the dressing room and seeing the beautiful lady, Xiao Nuo was stunned for a moment. After a while, he recovered from the stunning beauty and asked about Lin Chuxue's condition.

""No, it’s okay. Come on and comb my hair. Make it a little more relaxed at first. I want to take some photos!" Lin Chuxue took out her mobile phone with a blushing face, flipped out a photo and handed it to Xiao Nuo.

The photo was a sketch, and Qin Feng would definitely recognize it.

It was the sketch he drew for Lin Chuxue when he was in the first year of high school, based on the gentle and passionate Yan Lingji in his memory, and he manually changed her face.

At that time, Qin Feng said to Lin Chuxue, who still had short hair,"When your hair grows longer in the future, you will look good with this hairstyle."

Three years have passed, and Qin Feng has forgotten what happened back then.

But Lin Chuxue remembers it very clearly.


Xiao Nuo took a look at the sketch and said OK, then combed Lin Chuxue's hair according to the hairstyle in the sketch.

Soon, Xiao Nuo, who had extremely strong makeup skills, completed the hairstyle.

Lin Chuxue turned to look at Xiao Nuo, blushing, and asked in a low voice:

"Does it look good?"

Xiao Nuo didn't answer. She felt like she was struck by a hundred thousand thunderbolts, and her whole body was numb!

After a long while, Xiao Nuo swallowed her saliva and praised in a hoarse voice:

"Miss, you, you are so beautiful!"

After receiving the response, Lin Chuxue's face turned even redder, but in her heart, she was even more looking forward to Qin Feng's reaction after seeing the photo!

""Xiao Nuo, come and take two photos for me with my phone!"

Lin Chuxue handed the phone to Xiao Nuo, then returned to her boudoir, leaning against the furnishings in the room, and posed in various breathtaking poses...

Soon, the photos were taken.

Lin Chuxue was very embarrassed and pulled out the six hollow hairpins on her head, and then she quickly tied a bun.

To be honest, the bun didn't match her dress today.

But she didn't care, she could only let Qin Feng see her most beautiful look.


A series of photos were sent to Qin Feng's giant letter.

Lin Chuxue threw the phone directly under the pillow, and then said to Xiao Nuo with a red face:

"Let’s go! Let’s go to the banquet!"


At the Lin family banquet, under the gaze of countless guests and the expectation of countless reporters, the eldest daughter of the Lin family, the SS-level super-top professional, and the future pillar of Daxia, Shan Ran, appeared. As soon as she appeared, everyone in the audience stopped breathing!

Today's Lin Chuxue is so beautiful, pure like the snow in the mountains, beautiful like a fairy in the sky.

Every frown and smile, every move, is a beautiful scene in the human world, which makes people dumbfounded and unable to have the slightest blasphemous heart, except for Qin Feng, the shameless beast.

Standing in the absolute center of today's venue, Lin Chuxue smiled and said generously:

"Thank you all for coming to the Lin family's banquet today. It is a great honor for the Lin family to have you all here.……"

After a while, Lin Chuxue finished her speech.

The guests took out the gifts they brought and sent their blessings to Lin Chuxue, the future pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"Ying Jiu, the shadow guard under the throne of the God of War, represents the Lord of War and presents Miss Lin Chuxue with the mythical item [Mask of the Invisible Form]. With this item, one can disguise oneself as anything in the world, and no one below the eighteenth level can detect it!"

"The Red Pharmacist, a pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom, presented Miss Lin Chuxue with the mythical potion [Tears of the Devil]. This potion was refined with the efforts of 18 fifteenth-level demons. After taking it, all attributes can be improved by 6,000 points!"

"The pillar of the Great Xia Kingdom, the Singer of the Dead, presented Miss Lin Chuxue with a mythical treasure [Red spider lily stamen]. Red spider lily only grows in the abyss outside the earth. After taking it, the affinity of all elements can be increased by 6666 points!"

"The Great Xia Kingdom's pillar-level strongman……"

The housekeeper of the Lin family sang out loud the gifts presented by the guests one by one.

Soon, the gifts presented by the guests filled up the gift table at the banquet venue.

While Lin Chuxue thanked everyone, she secretly planned...

After sending the guests away, she must pick out all the things that Qin Feng can use and send them to Qin Feng.

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