Looking at the scarlet dragons that emerged from the body of the Forest Demon Ape King and snaked towards Qin Feng's body.

Wang Yu and others directly felt an absolute fear from the depths of their souls, as if it was engraved into their DNA!

At this moment, they felt the same as the experience of the Forest Demon Ape King's body, as if their consciousness was installed in that body!

The bone-chilling coldness came from their bodies, from head to toe, making it extremely difficult to move!

At the same time, a sealed memory broke through the blockade!

They all recalled that earlier today, an extremely huge sea of blood appeared above Binhai City, directly covering the entire sky!

When the blood sea surged, they also felt that, like at this moment, the soul was trembling, the limbs were shaking, and the cells seemed to be collapsing!

Everyone trembled, subconsciously opened their exploration eyes, and aimed at Qin Feng in the center.

Then, they were stunned!

They clearly saw that Qin Feng's panel had undergone unprecedented changes!

Originally??? In the skill column, seven skills suddenly appeared. The boss's skill [Mad Ape Throwing】、【Spear Throwing】、【[Strong Flesh] is among them.

The profession has changed from the original C-level Berserker to the universe forbidden profession [Scarlet Hunter] that has never been heard of!

The changes in the talent column are even more terrifying!

From the original one talent, it has become a full 13 talents!

A universe forbidden level [Endless Plunder], followed by a heart-breaking description: Universe forbidden level talent, can plunder all organic bodies, analyze and reconstruct extraordinary genes, give back to oneself, and gain talents, professions, and skills.

The second is the SSS-level talent [God-killing Power], and the description marked at the back is equally terrifying: Ignore defense! True damage!

Below these two talents, there are a full 11 talents!

These talents are all plundered, and their original owners are all wild monsters in the Wandering Forest!

"You are not a rich kid! The power you just burst out did not come from rare items, but from your plundered talents!"

"Your attributes are not the result of extraordinary supplements! They are the talents you plundered and blessed to you!"

"You are a forbidden-level professional in the universe, and the news of your job change has been covered up!"

"You are a devil! You... I was wrong, we were wrong, sir, please let us go, we deserve to die, we really deserve to die!"

Swish, swish, swish...

The five people in front of Qin Feng knelt down on the ground.

At this moment, they saw Qin Feng's panel and finally understood Qin Feng's true strength!

They also knew that the words Qin Feng said before were not crazy words, but the soul-calling order of hell, the soul-chasing post of the King of Hell!

The boundless fear instantly shattered the greed in everyone's eyes!

Facing Qin Feng's extremely powerful SSS-level talent [Power of Killing God] with almost endless killing power!

They knelt down on the ground trembling, hoping to use this method to exchange for Qin Feng's mercy!

"My lord, we are compatriots, we are all Daxia people. Please let us go for the sake of our compatriots!"

"Sir! We were all confused for a moment! We shouldn't have offended you. Please give us a way out!"

"I am not a human being, I slap myself in the face, I slap myself to death!"

Pa pa pa pa...

Loud slaps rang out in the field, and Qin Feng remained indifferent!

From the moment of his job change awakening, Qin Feng had decided that he would never expose his true profession and talent to others!

At this moment, he plundered the flesh and blood of the Forest Demon Ape King in front of everyone.

That means that in Qin Feng's eyes, the people in front of him are all corpses who can't say a word!

Qin Feng took out a wooden spear from his backpack.

The scarlet blood instantly attached to the wooden spear, giving this ordinary and crudely made wooden spear a majestic power that is enough to slaughter gods!


Qin Feng shouted in a low voice!

The wooden spear broke through the air and directly nailed the assassin professional who was kneeling at the farthest distance, with the highest agility and ready to run away at any time to the ground!

-362! (True damage!)

"Ding Dong! You killed the LV10 Shadow Assassin Li Wei."

The reminder sounded, and Qin Feng drew out the second wooden spear with an expressionless face.

"Sir, spare my life!"

"Sir! You have already killed one of our compatriots! You must not commit the sin of killing again!"

"Sir! Please give us a way to live!"

"Sir! It was all Wang Yu, the man kneeling in front of you, who came up with this idea. We were all coerced by him. Kill him and let us go!"

Qin Feng was indifferent and continued to throw his spear!

-724! (Headshot! Critical hit!)

"Ding Dong! You killed LV10 Fire Mage Jiang Tian!"


"Ding Dong! You killed LV10 Pure Water Priest Bai Ruolan!"


"Ding Dong! You killed the LV10 Berserker Zhang Chen!"

Four wooden spears, four people were killed!

Qin Feng looked at Wang Yu who was kneeling not far in front of him, and pulled out the last wooden spear.

"Sir! Sir! I can be your dog!"

"I will be loyal to you! I am a tank, I can go through fire and water for you, I can hold your horse and stirrup for you!"

"Sir! I am still useful! I have a little sister at home, she is very beautiful, I will give her to you, as long as you can let me live, you can let me do anything!"

"Sir! Give me a way out!"

All the teammates died, leaving only himself.

Wang Yu felt that Qin Feng was giving himself a chance by killing him at the end.

After all, he was the captain, and his value was much higher than others. The lord on the opposite side must have thought so too.

Hearing Wang Yu's words, Qin Feng put down his spear!

Wang Yu's face lit up with joy. He thought he had persuaded Qin Feng, and hurriedly crawled over to hug Qin Feng's legs!

However, before he crawled to Qin Feng's feet, he saw Qin Feng pulling out a knife with disgust.

Moreover, Qin Feng had not yet attached the scarlet blood that could ignore any defense to the knife!

"You are such a scumbag! You can even sell out your own sister just to save your life!"

Qin Feng gritted his teeth and walked towards Wang Yu step by step.

As he got closer, Qin Feng swung his knife again and again, without stopping until Wang Yu was chopped into pieces!

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