Since ancient times, money has moved people's hearts!

Under Wang Yu's instigation, the fear and shock in everyone's eyes were gradually replaced by greed!

They hid in the shadows, like poisonous snakes swallowing and spitting out their tongues... staring at Qin Feng viciously and viciously!


At this moment, Qin Feng was fighting with the Forest Demon Ape King!

Under his continuous attacks, the Forest Demon Ape King's health continued to decrease, and he was already approaching the final killing line!

But at this moment, Qin Feng suddenly felt a chill on his back!

That feeling was exactly the same as when the neighbor's goose stared at his calf while he was laughing!

Someone is coming?

They are also staring at me?

In an instant, Qin Feng had a guess.

While fighting with the BOSS, he adjusted his body and secretly checked the surroundings.

35 points of agility gave Qin Feng a dynamic vision far beyond that of ordinary people.

He saw that there were four or five shadows shaking slightly more than 50 meters away in the northeast!

There really are people!

Come to the wandering forest to kill monsters!

This shows that their strength is not high!

They hide... to make the best of it!

At this moment, Qin Feng's mind was full of infinite thoughts.

He wanted to drag the BOSS away at first, but once he exposed his back to the Forest Demon Ape King, the other party would have the opportunity to use the crazy ape throw to pierce him into a hedgehog!

Later, he wanted to negotiate with those people, but then he rejected his extremely naive idea!

This is the wilderness, a lawless place without supervision, a man-made dark forest, and a real killing field!

The other party did not hide, but walked out openly. He might have negotiated with the other party and decided the final ownership of the BOSS in a reasonable way!

But since the other party hid, he did not say a word, did not move, and did not leave...

The meaning was very obvious!

They wanted to rob Qin Feng's BOSS, and even had the idea of killing people to get gold coins and destroying their whereabouts!

Thinking of this, Qin Feng felt a chill!

Malice from compatriots is the most hurtful, especially in this era when all people are in the shadow of the magic tide!

When Qin Feng changed his job to become a scarlet hunter, awakened the scarlet throne, and obtained endless plunder, he was destined to suppress the heavens and devour the universe!

But even so, Qin Feng, who came to the Wandering Forest, did not deliberately look for the bodies of his compatriots who died in the forest, plundering their talents, professions, skills...

Instead, he chose to work hard in the wild and use the flesh and blood of aliens to enhance his strength.

Qin Feng has always believed that he is a person, not some evil god. Even if he is a taboo, it is a taboo for creatures outside the Great Xia Kingdom, and a catastrophe for the universe and those evil races!

Lin Chuxue is Qin Feng's favorite woman. Qin Feng will not eat his woman for his immortality and his eternal immortality!

This means that Qin Feng will always lack an extraordinary gene!

In front of the ninth branch talent [Time and Space Domination] that needs to plunder 100% of the extraordinary genes in the universe to unlock.

There is no difference between lacking an extraordinary gene and lacking 34% of extraordinary genes!

Qin Feng has already reserved a place for all the people of the Great Xia to survive in his heart. He doesn't believe that 34% of the extraordinary genes in the universe are not enough for the people of the Great Xia to reproduce!

But at this moment, Qin Feng, who had good intentions in his heart, was hit on the head with a stick held by someone, and was hit hard and viciously!

This blow! Completely shattered the unprincipled good intentions in Qin Feng's mind!

He was freed from the struggle between humanity and divinity, and became the real one, destined to embark on an endless bloody road and ascend to the top of the scarlet throne, the only king in the world!

"You're hiding in the shadows, planning to plot against me?"

"OK! I'll be waiting for you!"

"I will not give up on the boss! I will eat him! I will take away his talents and skills! I will unlock the [Power of God Killing]!"

"Before that! I will show you all my killing power!"

"This is my warning to you!"

"This is also my last tolerance to you!"

"If you leave! I will pretend that nothing happened! I will let you go!"

"But if you are stubborn and refuse to change your ways! If you cannot seize the chance to survive! Don’t blame me for turning my face against you and being ruthless, not considering the friendship of my own race, and turning you into ashes!"

Qin Feng said to himself in his heart.

After saying this, his face was as cold as eternal ice.

"Ding Dong! You used your talent [Intermediate Strength Frenzy]! You gained 4 times the strength increase! Lasts for 1 minute!"

"Ding Dong! You used your talent [Intermediate Mental Frenzy]! You get 4 times the mental amplification! Lasts for 1 minute!"

Two prompt sounds fell, and Qin Feng's attributes soared.

The combat power soared from the original 37 stars to the limit of 57 stars!

The BOSS who was fighting fiercely with Qin Feng felt the threat of death, and did not care about leaving a way out for himself. He directly activated the [Intermediate Physical Frenzy] with a time limit of only 30 seconds and took out his last trump card!

However, Wang Yu and others who were hiding in the shadows at this moment did not feel any reminder or warning at all!

They were ecstatic and excited, and endless greed flowed out of their pupils, distorting their faces!

"Hahaha! This person used a rare item!"

"The strength and spirit attributes are doubled! This rare item can be sold for at least 300,000!"

"The boss's judgment is damn accurate! This guy is really a walking wallet!"

"Hahaha! We're rich! We're rich! As long as we take away the BOSS and take down this guy, we will definitely be able to take off!"

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