012: Mutated BOSS, Forest Demon Ape King

When Qin Feng was heading towards the lair of the Forest Demon Ape King, a team of five professionals followed the path Qin Feng had taken and also headed towards the lair of the Forest Demon Ape King.

Looking at the bloodstains on the ground that formed a straight line, all the members of the professional team frowned.

"Boss! Another team of professionals has also set their sights on this mutated Forest Demon Ape King! Judging from the blood on the ground, their killing efficiency is no less than ours! They are probably also a level 10 team!"

"Boss! Are we still going to move forward? This is the wilderness, and a conflict could lead to death!"

【After the arrival of the God's Domain, the wilderness that humans could no longer completely control became a lawless place.

Professionals themselves were typical of those who did not obey the rules. Not to mention things like snatching the BOSS, even looking at others in the lawless wilderness could lead to a bloody battle.

Hearing the team members' concerns, Wang Yu's mouth twitched, and then he said fiercely:

"Go ahead! Go ahead!"

"The mutated forest demon ape king is full of treasures. His brain is the raw material for mental enhancement potions, and his heart is a natural strength enhancer.……"

"It would have been fine if we hadn’t discovered any mutated Forest Demon Ape King here!"

"But God has let us find its traces, that is a gift from God to us!"

"If you don’t take what God has given you, you will suffer the consequences!"

After mobilizing the troops for the battle, Wang Yu continued:

"Follow the opponent's killing track, let the wild monsters wear them down, let the BOSS wear them down!"

"And we are the fisherman who benefits in the end after the fight between the snipe and the clam!"


The further he rushed into the forest, the fewer forest apes Qin Feng encountered.

However, Qin Feng did not feel disappointed, but instead felt happy and expectant.

"There are fewer and fewer magic apes, which proves that the servant monsters of the Forest Magic Ape King have been almost killed by me!"

"Now is the best time to kill the Forest Demon Ape King, plunder it, get his talent, and steal his skills!"

Thinking in his heart, the desire to kill rose.

Between Qin Feng's mouth and nose, there was a faint, extremely tempting bloody smell.

Speeding up, the tall trees on the road fell rapidly.

The forest in front of Qin Feng also changed from dense to sparse after felling.

It was also at this time that a huge figure three meters tall appeared in Qin Feng's field of vision.

It was a forest demon ape covered with red hair. High-temperature air was constantly gushing out of its thick nostrils, and its red eyes revealed a bloodthirsty and fierce light!

Roar, roar...

The red-haired demon ape roared to the sky and beat his chest with both fists!

It was venting its rage, and it seemed to be beating a war drum!

""Human! You disturbed my evolution! You will not have a good death!"

He can speak human language and has red hair. This is the mutated Forest Demon Ape King!

Qin Feng was delighted and instantly called up the Exploration Eye to check the attribute data of the Forest Demon Ape King!

【Forest Demon Ape King LV10 (BOSS) [Continuously mutating]

Level: First level

Race: Orc

Racial talents: Intermediate mental enhancement (mental attribute +12), intermediate physical frenzy (explode double physical strength, lasts 30 seconds, cooldown 6 hours)

Health: 3200/3200 Mana

: 300/300

Attack power: 60

Defense power: 40

Basic attributes: Strength 60, Agility 25, Constitution 40, Spirit 30

Skills: Mad Ape Throwing (LV10), Spear Throwing (LV10), Strong Body (LV5) Magic resistance +25

Combat power: 31 stars


After reading the attribute data of the Forest Demon Ape King, Qin Feng became even more excited!

This mutated Forest Demon Ape King has two talents and three skills!

Both talents are not what Qin Feng has, and two of the three skills are also what Qin Feng does not have!

This is not a wild BOSS, but a benefactor, a good person who gave Qin Feng a great gift!

"You have great talents and skills!"

"But soon, they will be mine!"

Thinking in his heart, Qin Feng rushed forward quickly, and was about to fight with the Forest Demon Ape King in close combat! The Forest

Demon Ape King only had 60 points of attack power, and all his skills were focused on throwing spears!

As long as Qin Feng got close to the Demon Ape King and didn't let the other party have a chance to throw spears.

He could rely on his 65 points of defense to kill the BOSS without injury!

When Qin Feng rushed towards the Demon Ape King, the Demon Ape King also reacted.

He pulled out a wooden spear from the pile of wooden spears beside him, held it tightly in his hand, and then made a standard javelin action, throwing the wooden spear in his hand towards Qin Feng! The wooden spear broke through the wind, tore the air, and made a humming sound of chasing souls and taking lives!

But just before the wooden spear was about to pierce Qin Feng's heart and nail Qin Feng to the ground,

Qin Feng moved flexibly and directly twisted off the attack of the Forest Demon Ape King.

Not only that, Qin Feng also showed the spirit of environmental protection, and directly waved his hand and put the trembling wooden spear stuck in the ground into his backpack!

"Ding Dong! You obtain the non-grade equipment [Crudely Made Wooden Spear] (Attack Power +1)"

Seeing that Qin Feng not only dodged his attack, but also took away his wooden spear! The

Forest Demon Ape King was extremely angry. He kept pulling out new wooden spears, posing, and throwing them out!

But no matter how many wooden spears the Forest Demon Ape King threw, he could not hit Qin Feng. All the wooden spears would be taken away by Qin Feng! The

Forest Demon Ape King panicked!

He felt tremendous pressure from the extremely agile movements of the human opposite!

At this moment, the idea of escaping came into the mind of the Forest Demon Ape King.

His footsteps involuntarily retreated backwards, and he was just about to turn around and run!

However, he had missed the best opportunity.

The distance between Qin Feng and him was less than 7 meters!


Qin Feng shouted, and the long sword in his hand slashed out a cross of blade light!


The blade light broke through the air!

It slashed towards the crotch of the Forest Demon Ape King at an incredibly fast speed!

Whoosh... bang!

-353! (Critical Hit! Triple Damage!)


…… ps: Are there any readers reading this book? Can you give me some data? I updated 12 chapters a day, and I have used all my strength, but the data is still not good! If no one reads this book, I will have to stop reading it!

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