At least tens of thousands of monsters have been destroyed.


It's just a small kill chest.

This is too low.

The consumption of wanting to exterminate these tens of thousands of monsters.

It's probably more than the previous treasure chest.

That's a lot of money.

It's easy to buy and sell at a loss.


The storm swept in the irregularity.

Some of the treasures of the Void were unearthed.

At least this wave will not be lost.

When the heroes and soldiers take action.

The situation is reversed.

Flesh monsters all over the mountains.

They pushed it back.

Not a single fragment was left of them.

Everywhere you go.

The monsters are destroyed!

"What a bunch of "five-five-three" disgusting guys. "

Yan Ling'er complained.

Facing this group is not much bigger than a mouse.

A monster covered in dark red flesh.

She didn't even want to take a second look.


A strange voice rang out.

A flesh monster that launches a suicidal assault on the territory.

Footsteps paused.

Then the brushes began to retreat en masse.

Yan Ling'er and the others stood in place in confusion.

Look at the monsters that are running away quickly.

Xiu's eyebrows furrowed.

"Next, it should be the boss who brought his little brother along, right?"

Qin Mo chuckled.

This routine is very common.

Sent out first.

It's the vanguard army.

Conduct temptations.

With the end of the temptation.

Then came the real invasion.

"I see. "

"It's still Childe who sees it thoroughly. "

The unicorn Hui on the side cooperated with the "sudden realization".

The little hands clapped softly.


Qin Mo chuckled and shook his head.


"Come back. "

"Be prepared. "

"Even more terrifying monsters will emerge next. "

Yan Ling'er who was hesitating whether to pursue.

received Qin Mo's instructions.

Quickly return to the territory.

Shui Yue takes the water fairies with him.

Humming and chirping began to clean up the battlefield.

Look for the dropped Kill Chest.

And enjoy it.

Treasure chests collected.

It is all turned on by Kirin Megumi.

"Not bad. "

Qin Mo nodded.

Thousands of chests killed.

A total of more than 5,000 source crystals were opened.

This wave of Kirin Hui played extraordinarily.

More than 4,000 Dark Crystals were unveiled.

A little less.

But it's not bad.

Other scattered things.

Qin Mo didn't interfere too much.

Just took away the dark crystals and source crystals.

The rest.

It's all left to Kirin Megumi to arrange.

She'll take advantage of everything.

It didn't make everyone wait.

Far away in the dark depths.

A large black shadow slowly emerged.

Its figure is getting taller and taller.

Until thirty meters or so.

That's when it stopped.


There are also more than a dozen monsters of more than ten meters.

"It's finally coming!"

Yan Ling'er grinned.

Her beautiful eyes were full of the desire to fight.

She is not afraid of the enemy being strong.

Powerful enemies.

Let her get excited!

As a general in the army.

The last thing to fear is fighting.

Whether it's an individual battle.

Or command a large army to fight. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She was able to take them all.

"Ling'er. "

"You can command everyone in your territory at will. "

"You can mobilize everything. "

"I'll leave it up to you to deal with this one. "

Qin Mo smiled and made arrangements.

Yan Ling'er's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Really, the king!"

Qin Mo smiled lightly and nodded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"The minister will not fail in his mission! Live up to your trust!"

Yan Ling'er was a rare serious one.


She happily ran to Qin Mo.

sent his own fragrant kiss......... []

This is a way to express your joy.

"Sister Ling'er steals food!"

"Yue'er too!"

Shui Yue exclaimed.

Then he looked at Qin Mo expectantly.

Qin Mo naturally did not refuse.

A kiss was given to each hero.

Archangel Ruth.

Nature is no exception!

Tables and chairs were moved to the city walls.

Kirin Hui stood aside delicately.

Fruits and drinks were prepared for Qin Mo.

"Your Majesty, you are optimistic!"

"Go to the minister!"

Yan Ling'er said with a smile.

Then he jumped off the city wall.

The heroes of the main station followed.

Yan Ling'er began to survey the distribution of monsters around the territory.

The distribution of forces began.

Professional things are left to professional people.

Qin Mo completely let go.

It was given to Yan Ling'er.

If needed.

He'll make a move.

But command the operation.

Yan Ling'er is no worse than him.

【Greedy Master】

[Level: 1v60]


[Introduction: Initially master its own greedy monster and have strong strength.] 】

【Lord of Greed】

[Level: 1v88]

[Race: Human/Obsession 1.2 Incarnation]

[Talent: Only in but not out]

【Bloodline: Greed】


[Introduction: The emotional embodiment of the son of luck, who regards everything in the world as his own and integrates it into his own body]

Hill the same.

It's the little brother of the boss?.

Levels up to 60.

The attributes and strength are not bad.

And that Roshan is tens of meters high.

It is the Lord of Covetousness Himself.

"I see. "

Qin Mo passed the introduction.

The inner guess is clearer.

The son of luck in this unfortunate little world.

It should have been smooth sailing and reached the pinnacle of life.

But he fell into this dark world by mistake.

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