Above the city walls.

All the women returned.

Their expressions moved slightly.

looked at Qin Mo.

"I opened the Seven Desires Academy dungeon, get ready!"

Qin Mo explained simply.

I looked outside.

Page 1.

It's greed.

And outside the territory.

Monsters have appeared!

Hordes of flesh and blood monsters converge from all directions.

They are greedy.

Even devour everything along the way!

It's a dig into the ground!

"Kill them!"

Qin Mo waved his hand indifferently.

The order was given to attack.

The Red Flame Army is armed with spears.

Swing a series of blades.

Ranged Attack Mode is enabled!

The water fairies began to chant.

Gentle water element.

He began to stir violently.

It is formed by the condensation of water droplets.

The Pegasi bend their bows and arrows.

Shooting quickly began.

"Woohoo. "

Arrows fly.

Countless arrows flew out.

Fly towards the monster.

Arrow towers in the province.

are also activated.

Stout arrows flew out.

With a violent sound of breaking the air. 013


Qin Mo looked out of the territory in surprise.

The blade of the gun is thrown out.

Slay one flesh monster after another.


The flesh that was blown up was devoured by the nearby companions in an instant!

Arrows fired from the towers.

Shoot one flesh monster after another.

Without exception.

The nearby flesh monsters didn't have the slightest fear.

There is only the flesh and blood of his companion exploding in his eyes.

In an instant.

The flesh that burst open was devoured.


Even the thick arrows.

I was also devoured by this group of flesh and blood monsters!

"Is this greed?"

"Greed that wants to devour everything in the world. "

Qin Mo's brows furrowed slightly.


These flesh monsters aren't that powerful.


Every devour.

Qin Mo can see it.

Their levels are changing!

【Ruler of Greed】

[Level 1V: 30]


[Introduction: The flesh and blood monster controlled by greed is only greed that takes everything in the world for himself!]

This group of monsters is of a very low level.

There are only thirty levels.

But the number is terrifying!

Look around.

A dark red piece.

There are such low-level monsters on all sides.

The numbers are staggering.

Even with Qin Mo's current eyesight.

I can't even see the end of this group of monsters!

"So this wave of monsters, are you going to win by numbers?"

"There aren't so many corpses in the academy. "

"It's unreasonable. "

Qin Mo complained helplessly.

The scope of the territory is not small.

The number of soldiers looks like a lot.

But split into squads.

When guarding in all directions.

It's a little less.


The ferocious firepower they unleashed.

But it doesn't match the number of people at all!

One after another, the blades of the guns of more than ten meters were thrown out.

The flesh monsters along the way were all sliced open.

Revealing the dark earth beneath.

Obviously. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The earth was swallowed up by them!

Twenty or thirty arrow towers.

Constantly firing arrows.

Thick arrows.

You can shoot several monsters with ease.

their number.

It's just too much!


Qin Mo's (chec) dense phobia is about to be committed.

Thunder is shining.

Thor's Sniper keeps firing.

Fireballs the size of a face disc condensed.

Then throw it out.

Create a deafening explosion.

Empty one monster after another. []

But in the blink of an eye, it was filled by flesh monsters.

Even the flames that burned.

They were all devoured by them!


A manic voice rang out.

It's [Eighteen Turns Blue Gatling] firing.

Flashing blue light.

Render the neighborhood blue!

The barrel turned violently.

Depleted uranium shells are being fired one after another.

Blasting large swaths of the area apart.

Leaving behind a thick smoke of gunpowder.


The Floor-Covering Tower emitted an earthy yellow glow.

Large swaths of flesh monsters were buried deep underground.


Qin Mo gave an order.

The Storm Tower is outside the territory.

Ten tornadoes swept the earth were condensed!

They wreak havoc among the hordes of monsters.

Hundreds of flesh monsters.

was torn to shreds.

It's all in the end.

From time to time.

Qin Mo could still hear a crisp sound.

It was a treasure of the void that had been excavated.

Tornado summoned by Storm Tower.

There is a certain probability that the treasure of the Void can be excavated.


There's a lot of garbage.

There are also quite a few dark crystals.


The source crystal will also be excavated.

"Multiple Casting Tower Bindings. "

Qin Mo's heart moved.

[Storm Tower] is bound by [Multicaster].

Ten tornadoes outside the territory.

In an instant, it skyrocketed to twenty!

They wander around irregularly.

Tear the flesh monsters along the way to shreds!

"Arrow of the Wind!"

Bai Rong snorted.

The next moment.

Pegasi shooting with arrows.

Instantly condense the wind element at your fingertips.

Condensed arrows into the longbow.

Shoot at flesh monsters outside of your territory.


The arrows they fired.

After shooting flesh monsters one by one.

It is impossible to escape the fate of being devoured by them.

PS: I'm ready to open a new book

I think it's the end of this month

The author is going to eat too.

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