A trace of mental power is separated.

The next moment.

Qin Mo had a second perception.

Wrap up hearing, vision, and more!

"Rustle. "

The straw man moved.

Stood up.

By the way, twist the waist.

Not bad.

"Not bad, not bad. "

"It's the same as a second body. "

"It was flexible. "

The straw man jumped a few times flexibly.


It was Qin Mo's voice.

Looked at.

All the women looked at each other with strange eyes.

"Childe, have you become a straw man?"

Kirin Megumi covered her small mouth.

Her eyes were full of surprise.

"The methods of Lord Tenjin are truly amazing!"

Karen's tone was full of pride.

Yan Ling'er's beautiful eyes turned.

I had already guessed what Qin Mo was going to do.


"I guess I controlled the straw man. "

"The king is ready to manipulate the straw men. "

"Go to the academy and explore first?"

"Not bad!"

27 The straw man nodded.

"The academy has become a copy. "

"If you don't explore, you just leave. "

"It's too wasteful. "

Yan Ling'er groaned.

Softly suggested.

"Your Majesty. "

"Let the minister go first!"

"If there is any danger, the king can also resurrect his ministers. "

The straw man shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Out of the way. "

"It's just a wisp of mental power. "

"Even if it's destroyed, it's okay. "

Even if it was destroyed.

There may be a bit of a headache.

But not to the point of injury.

It's just a wisp of mental power.

Qin Mo was very unimpressed.

But the women didn't think so.

As a hero, but let your own lord go on an adventure?

How can there be such a reason!

Facing unknown dangers.

Let the resurrected ones come out!

Several people rushed to go.


Kirin Megumi said softly.

"I'd better go. "

"I'm the luckiest. "

"Maybe it will come in handy. "

The women glanced at each other.

In the end, I gladly agreed.

"I'll be with you, too. "

"I can also protect Hui'er. "

Yan Ling'er raised her hand cutely and proposed.

"It's fine. "

Qin Mo nodded in agreement.


There are still nine straw men in his hands.

In use two.

It's fine.

Kirin Hui and Yan Ling'er.

One person shed a trace of spiritual power and landed on the straw man's body.


The two straw men staggered to their feet.

Jump off the walls.

Head to the mysterious and unknown copy of the Academy.

A bleak world.

The wind was rustling.

Two little straw men landed smoothly.

I came to the gate of the academy.

A large iron gate that can supply two cars to enter and exit together.

It's wide open.

There is no impact.

The straw man first circled around the walls of the academy.

No anomalies were found.

The academy was empty.

Still can't see anything.

Yan Ling'er's beautiful eyes turned.

Controlling the straw man to leap up.

Standing on top of the fence.

The straw man successfully stood up. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But when she wanted to climb over the wall and enter the academy.

But it was blocked by an invisible wall.

"A wall of air?"

Qin Mo touched his chin.


Only through the gate.

to enter the academy.

You can't get in by going over the wall.

"Try it at high altitude. "

Yan Ling'er's heart moved.

The straw man she controlled leapt to its feet.

Jumped into the air.

Then he descended towards the academy.

"Smack. "

An invisible layer of existence. []

Keep it out of the way.

The Straw Man fell back outside the Academy.

on the city walls.

Yan Ling'er and Kirin Hui.

Informed Qin Mo of the information of the exploration.

Qin Mo nodded.

The two women then manipulated the straw men.

Walk straight to the door.

The temptation is over.

The next step is to smash the Yellow Dragon!

The straw man stepped into the door.

In a flash.

The two women were shocked and were silent for a while.

It seems to be receiving some information.

Good for a while.

The two girls came back to their senses.

Yan Ling'er turned her head and looked at Qin Mo.

"Your Majesty. "

"This is a copy called Obsession. "

"The college is divided into seven zones. "

"Every area has a boss and monsters. "

"You need to kill it step by step in order to get rid of it!"

Qin Mo nodded.

For it is a copy of the thing.

I already know it.

"Is there anything more detailed?"

Qin Mo asked.

Kirin Megumi spoke.

"In each area, there will be a precious treasure chest after the raid. "

"Being able to prescribe good stuff. "

Yan Ling'er glanced at Qilin Hui in surprise.


She received 270 messages.

There is no such thing.

"The rest is not clear. "

Kirin Megumi shook her head.

The message she received.

Not much more than Yan Ling'er.

"It seems that we still need to go in and explore to find out. "

"To enter, or not to enter?"

Qin Mo hesitated.

Endless scorched earth.

Within a radius of 1,000 miles.

Nothing can be said about it.

There is not the slightest trace of civilization found.

Even the number of monsters.

It's also very rare!

No doubt.

Rose's luck was a bit bad this time.

[Descend] to a boundless and endless land of nothingness.

Mountains and rivers, flowers and trees, birds and animals........

None of this exists!

Not even a trace of it!

Only weak, small and scattered monsters remain.

If it weren't for the fact that this academy had fallen here.

Probably this time it will come.

It's really about to "return" empty-handed!

ps: Thank you for Brother Sugar or your Sugar Brother's monthly pass

Thanks 15340.. Tips and monthly passes

Thanks to 15179.. of commuter passes

This holiday season has kept me out of shape

Insomnia every day.

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